Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 485: Traveling to the Doomsday Again (Part 2)


 “What’s wrong?”

 Many times, unknown things can make us fearful.

Who knows, sometimes, knowing something can make people even more frightened.

 Just like off-roading, when I don’t know how terrifying the power of the Nara Mark is, I still hold on to hope, thinking that my ability to practice the secret art of escape will gradually become stronger, and one day I will be able to escape the control of the Nara Mark. However, after Tsunade-hime liberated the power of the Nara Mark, and from the time Niao Mata explained to Off-Road that the Nara Mark was originally a curse, the Nara Mark became a haze above Off-Road, making him feel his position all the time. .

 But who can imagine?

In the eyes of Futou Mata, the real horror of the Nara mark in the cross-country is not yet clear to the cross-country itself?

Then, as if he really likes to watch cross-country people lose their souls, feeling that the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand contains emotions called "disappointment" and "despair", Erwei Youlu is in front of him. Just after he finished speaking, he continued: "Shadow Mage, as I said just now, there are two truly terrifying aspects of the curse you've been subjected to, right?"

"Just after hearing the first troublesome aspect of the curse you have been subjected to, do you feel disappointed and hopeless? Don't worry, I will tell you about the curse you have been subjected to below. An even more despairing place!”

“That is not only a terrifying force that can weaken your strength, but also a terrifying force that can make you face death!”

"When someone "plants" a curse on you, he uses the method of "pollution" your spiritual energy to directly divide your spiritual energy into two parts. The positive part is still the spiritual energy you can use. , it is still the spiritual energy that you can cultivate. And the part of the Yin side is the spiritual energy that has been "contaminated" by intentional people. So, as your Yang side's spiritual energy increases, do you think that your Yin side's spiritual energy cannot be enhanced? ?”

 “It’s a complete joke!”

"Shadow Mage, I really don't know whether I should be happy for you or mourn for you. If I remember correctly, the Nara clan you belong to originally practiced the secret art of escape, right? Unfortunately, the Nara clan you belong to The clan has not received the true inheritance of the Yin Escape Secret Technique, so you will never understand the true secret of the Yin Escape Secret Technique throughout your life. This is the first thing to be sad about. "

"But you are obviously lucky. By chance, you were able to obtain the true cultivation method of Yin Escape Secret Technique. This is the only thing to be happy about. It is a pity that after obtaining the real cultivation method of Yin Escape Secret Technique, you You become the person who truly deserves the sympathy of others. As your attainments in the Yin Escape Technique improve, the spiritual energy of the Yang side in your body becomes stronger rapidly."


“The spiritual energy of the negative side in your body is also increasing rapidly!”

“Think about how terrifying your current Yin Escape skills are, and you should be able to imagine how terrifying the spiritual energy of the Yin side in your body is, right?”

“Think about it again, if the spiritual energy of the negative side fully explodes, would you be able to resist it?”

 “So Shadow Mage, just give up!”

"Without me, you will be controlled by others for the rest of your life..."

  "You will all become chess pieces in the hands of others! Hahahahahaha!"

 In the wild laughter of Erwei Mata Brigade, just as Erwei Mata Brigade hoped, Xue Xue's heart had already sunk to the bottom of the valley.

 Despite Erwei Youlu’s words, there are many things that I don’t understand about cross-country.

But one thing, off-roading can be summarized in the simplest way, that is, the power of the Nara mark will become stronger as the spiritual energy of the Nara clan becomes stronger!

The cross-country Yin Escape practice has already resulted in the four condensed attainments of the Yin Escape Brand. How terrifying is the spiritual energy he possesses?

 You can see it if you look at how Erweiyou Brigade can be restrained by the cross-country and obediently imprisoned in the four condensed Yin Escape Brands, right?

 However, as the spiritual energy of off-roading is so terrifying, the power of the Nara Seal is equally terrifying!

Even off-road, I can be sure that the dark power just emanating from the Nara Seal is the negative spiritual energy mentioned in Erwei Mata Rikou. Those spiritual energies should originally belong to the off-road itself, but because of the Nara imprint sent by the Third Hokage to "seed" the off-road, those forces that should have belonged to the off-road have become the power that threatens the life of the off-road now!

But at this moment, when Cross Country truly realized how vicious and terrifying the Nara Mark was, and what a terrifying curse, he completely lost his thoughts on bickering with Erwei Mata, and focused all of his attention on " In the ocean of "disappointment", I couldn't extricate myself for a long time.

 It happens to be the moment when cross-country completely loses its "fighting spirit"...


 Er Weiyou Brigade suddenly launched a counterattack, using his huge original power to instantly seal off the cross country's will in his four condensed Yin Escape Brands!

 So, the Erwei Brigade counterattacked perfectly, what was the result?

 The result is that, unless Cross Country can break through the confinement of the Erwei Mata Brigade, the consequences that Cross Country will face are just like the previous imprisoned Erwei Mata Brigade. There is no possibility of regaining the body!

However, since Shijie has already lost his "fighting spirit" due to what Erwei Mata said before, how can he pay attention to the fact that his will is imprisoned by Erwei Mata?

Trapped in his own Yin Escape brand, his eyes were lifeless and full of decadence.

 The two-tailed brigade, Tsunade-hime, and all the cross-country ones were put aside.

 There is no doubt that the desperate and vicious curse of the Nara Seal has completely sunk the off-road.


Even when going off-road, he never expected that his chance to "escape" from the control of the Nara Mark would actually come to him in the next moment!

So, where does the opportunity to “escape” from the control of the Nara Mark come from?

 The answer is Tsunade-hime!

The Tsunade-hime who can cast the power of the Nara mark and is currently fighting against the Two-tailed Brigade!

After completely controlling the cross-country body, the power that Erwei Mata Brigade can exert becomes stronger, which invisibly makes the situation Tsunade-hime faces more difficult. And when her eyes were filled with angry expressions, seeing the two-tailed Mata Brigade controlling the cross-country body, preparing to self-mutilate, and launching an attack targeting her own weakness of hemophobia, the anger in Tsunade-hime's eyes became even stronger. point.

  followed by.

 Hands began to form seals again!

Almost as soon as Tsunade-hime started to form seals again, the beast eyes of the two tails tightened slightly!


 Because Futamata, who understands the art of curses, clearly understood Tsunade Hime's seal, which was to fully unleash the power of the Nara Seal.

At this moment, if Cross Country's will was not imprisoned in the Yin Escape Brand, then the person who would bear the power bursting out from the Nara Mark must be Cross Country himself. But Erwei Mataru imprisoned Cross Country in his Yin Escape brand, which invisibly helped Cross Country overcome the difficulties. Especially the person who controlled Yuchichi's body was controlled by Tsunade Hime when Erwei Mataru was in control. The power of the Nara Seal, which was about to explode completely, was clearly going to act on Futatsuma Ryu.

  Let the two-tailed Mata Brigade face the full power of the Nara Seal and face...

 It’s the end!

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