Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 486: Peach stiff Li Dai

 The end is coming!

Driven by Tsunade-hime's anger, the power of the Nara mark in the cross-country body completely exploded. In an instant, the Nether Fire of Erbi Mataru could no longer suppress the dark power of the Nara mark, and the crisis of death was directly enveloped. On top of Erwei Mata's head, it became the first tailed beast to face death.

 There is no doubt that Erwei Mata Brigade is very unlucky.

 In the original confrontation with Cross Country, Erwei You Brigade already had a comprehensive advantage, and even the consciousness of Cross Country was severely imprisoned in his Yin Escape brand. If he hadn't angered Tsunade-hime during the confrontation with him, even if he wanted to regain his fighting spirit and regain control of his body during cross-country, it would take some effort. It's even possible that if Cross Country wants to regain control of his body, he has to use up all the power in the Yin Escape Brand.

 However, just because of an accident, it became easier to take back control of the body when going off-road.

That accident was...

Tsunade Hime fully unleashes the power in the Nara Seal!

In just a short moment, the power contained in the Nara mark in Cross-country's body completely exploded, and a terrifying dark energy enveloped Erbi Mata's whole body. There is no doubt that at that time, Futa Mata Brigade wanted to use the Nether Fire to resist the power of the Nara Mark, because Futao Mata Brigade knew that the Nara Mark in the Cross Country was a tailed beast with a curse. , thinking that the fire of the netherworld can resist, or even restrain, all the secret techniques of escape and curses.

 Futami Matamoto thought that even if the power of the Nara Seal fully exploded, he would be able to resist it.

 But it never expected that in the end, it still underestimated the power of the Nara mark "planted" by off-roading!


 Since the power in the Nara Seal will increase as a ninja's spiritual energy increases, its power will become more and more terrifying. Then, the power of the Nara Seal "planted" by the four condensed cross-country sections of the Yin Escape Seal can be said to be the most terrifying Nara Seal in the ninja world. After all, if the power of the Nara Mark is not strong enough, then people like the Third Hokage, Tsunade Hime and others who can explode the power of the Nara Mark will not be able to kill off-road in an instant, right?

 Then the Nara mark that could instantly kill off-roaders, or in other words, the soul of off-roaders, burst out. Erwei Mataburi was horrified to find that its netherworld fire could not withstand that power. Immediately afterwards, without giving the Erwei Brigade any time to wail or shout, Cross Country, who was imprisoned in the Yin Escape Brand, suddenly felt his body loosen up.

 When he once again used his mental energy to observe the surrounding situation, he found that Erwei Mata's consciousness had disappeared!

 It's just that Erwei Youli's consciousness disappeared, and its original power still stayed in the off-road Yin Escape brand!

"what's the situation?"

 “Why is Erwei Youli’s original power still there, but its consciousness has disappeared?”

“Wait a minute, since Erwei Youlu’s original power is still in my Yin escape brand, but its consciousness has disappeared, does that mean Erwei Youlu’s original power is an ownerless thing?”

"If I want to speed up my cultivation in the future, can I..."

 “Swallowing the original power of Erwei Youli and speeding up your cultivation?”

Suddenly he realized what was going on inside his body, and recalling what had just happened during the cross-country trip, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Immediately, when he regained control of his body, what made him even more delighted was that he suddenly found that the Nara mark on his palm had disappeared.

  In other words, Tsunade Hime had completely unleashed the power of the Nara Seal without any reservation.

 The reason why he was able to survive cross-country was because Erwei was traveling again!

  It was the "living thunder front" of the Futao Mata Brigade, who replaced the off-road consciousness with his own consciousness, and received the backlash from the complete explosion of the power of Nara's mark.

  It was also the Futao Mata Brigade who used his own life to save Cross Country's life and helped him "break away" from the control of the Nara Seal.

  followed by.

After figuring out the key to the matter, the smile that raised at the corner of Xue Yu's mouth couldn't help but become a little stronger. Afterwards, what Cross Country has to do is to gather the original power of Erweiyou Brigade and retract it into his own Yin escape brand so that it can be easily absorbed during future training. Then, Cross Country controlled the spiritual energy in his own Yin Escape Brand, slowly "expelled" Erwei Youlu's original power, and returned to his own Yin Escape Brand.

Looking at the surging energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country nodded silently. The source power of the second tail of his heart was enough to complete the six stages of condensation of his Yin Escape Brand.

However, it cannot be that simple to absorb the original power of the Erwei Brigade.

Even though Erwei Mata's consciousness has completely disappeared, it has become much easier for the cross-country to swallow Erwei Mata's original power. But even if the only power without a master is still the power of the tailed beast, Cross Country thought on the one hand, his Yin Escape Brand training has made rapid progress, and now he still doesn’t understand how terrifying the four condensed Yin Escape Brands are. If you don't have the power, don't practice the original power of Devouring Erwei Youqi first, lest the foundation is unstable.

On the other hand, Cross Country is thinking that absorbing the original power of the Erwei Brigade still requires a devouring process. Therefore, without paying attention to the cultivation of the Yin Escape Brand, or the cultivation of swallowing the original power of the Two-Tailed Brigade, Xue Yue used his mental energy to check his own situation and found that the injuries on his body had not worsened, and then his eyes fell on Tsunade. Ji's body.

He looked at the only ninja in the ninja world who could possibly help him heal his meridian injuries.

 Let’s talk about Tsunade-hime.

 What was Tsunade-hime's situation like when Cross Country's eyes came to her?

 The answer is very bad!

Off-road, I never expected that Erwei would be able to defeat Li Dai, and in line with the principle of "living thunder front", he helped himself "escape" from the control of the Nara mark. And how could Tsunade-hime imagine that by detonating the cross-country Nara mark with all her strength, in the process of guiding that terrifying power to explode, she could actually cause waves in her own spiritual energy?

 That’s right.

 Hime Tsunade is a master of physical arts, and medical ninjutsu is at the master level.

 However, in terms of the cultivation of spiritual energy, or the cultivation of the secret technique of escape, Tsunade Hime's cultivation attainments are still incomparable with cross-country. Nowadays, her own spiritual energy has produced waves. Tsunade-hime is so painful that she is sweating profusely, and she cannot even heal herself. In particular, Tsunade-hime's mental energy has problems to begin with, and hemophobia is a representative of Tsunade-hime's mental energy deficiencies.

 So, at this time, Tsunade-hime had completely lost her ability to resist in the face of cross-country.

 But looking at off-roading.

 He actually didn't take advantage of Tsunade-hime's trouble to further add insult to injury.

Haunted to Tsunade-hime's side, Cross Country actually pointed his finger at the center of Tsunade-hime's eyebrows, and began to help stabilize her turbulent mental energy!

"If you want to survive, you'd better..."

 “Everyone listen to me!”

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