Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 487: No need to explain



To calm the waves of spiritual energy within Tsunade-hime's body, Cross Country needs to extend his own spiritual energy into Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy.

And when Cross Country controlled the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and invaded Tsunade Hime's spiritual energy step by step, something interesting happened. I don't know if it's because the original power of Erbi Mata is imprisoned in the Yin Release Brand, or because the Yin Release Brand of Cross Country has already condensed into four levels, and his own spiritual energy extends to Tsunade Hime's spiritual energy. Cross Country actually It was discovered that he could read Tsunade-hime's memory!

 What amazing progress is this?

Being able to read a person's memory is not just as simple as being able to understand the other person's information, but also being able to gain instant insight into a person's life experience!

Just like Tsunade-hime, she is a Sannin. How rich is her life experience?

 Furthermore, as the granddaughter of the first and second Hokage, Tsunade Hime also knows a lot of secrets. If we can get some secrets about the Nara Mark in Tsunade-hime's memory, now we are off-road out of the control of the Nara Mark. It can increase our confidence by at least 30%, and gain benefits for Shikaku and even more Nara clan members. free.

 But Erwei Youlu reads other people's memories, or wants to peek into other people's conversations in spiritual communication, which may be silent. At this moment, Cross-country extended his spiritual energy to Tsunade-hime's spiritual energy. He had just begun to read Tsunade-hime's memory, and when he saw the first and second generation Hokage, whom all the ninjas in Konoha Village worshiped, the thoughts of Cross-country echoed. Tsunade-hime's angry voice came up.

“Nara off-road, it’s rude to read other people’s memories, don’t you know?”

 “Sorry, it was just an accident.”

Smiled awkwardly, Cross Country never imagined that Tsunade Ji would be able to notice when he read Tsunade Ji's memory. However, what Tsunade Hime can detect does not mean that others can also detect it. He is thinking about finding some genin, chuunin, or jounin in the future to experiment with the limitations of his ability to read and remember. After stopping reading Tsunade-hime's memory, Cross Country began to control his own spiritual energy, calming the waves in Tsunade-hime's mental energy.

"It seems that the spiritual energy contained in my Nara Mark is indeed the same amount as the spiritual energy stored in the four condensed stages of my Yin Escape Brand. According to Futai Mataru, if you want to explode the energy contained in the Nara Mark, Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for all the power to backfire on others. Only those who have "planted" the Nara Mark can withstand the burst of power. Unfortunately, because the spiritual energy contained in my Nara Mark is too huge, compared with Tsunade Hime's. As far as Yin escape is concerned, there is no way to completely control the rampant spiritual energy, and the backlash begins. "

"However, Tsunade-hime's condition looks very bad now. In fact, she only needs to cultivate for a period of time, and she should be able to fully recover. Alas, I originally thought that if the Third Hokage unleashed the full power of my Nara Seal, I still have There is room for both sides to suffer defeat. Now that I think about it, my thoughts..."

 “You are indeed a little naive!”

With a silent sigh, Cross Country took a deep breath, and used his huge mental energy to stabilize Tsunade Ji's turbulent mental energy.

Soon, the pale-faced Tsunade-hime turned rosy again.

Finding that Tsunade-ji's face had returned to normal, and she was looking at him with hostile eyes, Cross Country smiled slightly, withdrew his spiritual energy, and said with a smile: "Tsunade-sama, can we talk now?"


Tsunade Ji raised her eyebrows and asked: "Shadow Mage, do you still want to talk to me? Didn't you see that I was planning to kill you just now? Even if you survive successfully, don't you have the idea of ​​killing me?"

"of course not."

Not paying attention to the hostility in Tsunade Ji's eyes, Cross Country still smiled and said: "Tsunade-sama, I just used the Yin Escape Secret Technique to understand the condition of your body and discovered something very interesting. If I guessed correctly , I am afraid that the source of your hemophobia is not only the death of your relatives, but also the fear in your heart. If I guessed correctly, someone should have used the secret technique of escape on you to deliberately amplify you. The fear in my heart.”

“So your hemophobia is most likely man-made. What do you think after learning about this?”

 “Huh, I have no idea.”

Even though he said so, the hostility in Tsunade-hime's eyes disappeared after listening to Cross Country's story.

Then, after a long silence, she opened her mouth several times. In the silence, Tsunade-hime wanted to say something to Cross Country several times, but in the end she didn't say anything. Only when she noticed that the faint smile on Cross Country's face slowly disappeared along with her silence, Tsunade Ji took a deep breath and said: "Shadow Mage, the "skill" I used to deal with you just now didn't actually work. I don’t mean to hurt you. I just want you to know that if you cooperate with me, if there are still flaws in that aspect, our cooperation will be a joke.”

 Speaking, Tsunade-hime was about to explain what happened just now.

Who would have thought that just when Tsunade-hime was about to explain, Cross Country shook her head, interrupted Tsunade-hime's words, and said:

"No need to explain, Tsunade-sama, I understand everything."

 “You know everything?”

Tsunade Ji sneered and asked, "What do you know?"

“I understand our situation very well, and I also understand why you did what you just did.”

Sighing again, Cross Country recalled the ruthlessness and indifference of the Third Hokage, and said lightly: "Tsunade-sama, there are very few people in the village who can help you. Orochimaru-sama can't, and Jiraiya-sama can't betray the village. To be honest, I am really disappointed in Konoha Village because of some of Jiraiya-sama’s actions. If Hokage-sama doesn’t intend to execute me this time, I will be willing to live in seclusion in the village after recovering from my injuries. After all, my uncle is Nara Shikaku, the leader of the Nara clan. I cannot harm Uncle Shikaku’s family or the entire Nara clan because of my decision.”

“Unfortunately, the situation in the village is not optimistic. Our enemy Raikage has failed. What will happen next will be a fight within our village.”

“So Tsunade-sama, I need your power and your influence.”

"Now that the misunderstanding has been explained, can we talk about cooperation? Let's cooperate without betraying the Leaf Village!"


Off-road said he was unwilling to betray the Leaf Village, finally breaking through the remaining line of defense in Tsunade-hime's heart.

 Obviously, Tsunade Hime had multiple considerations when using the Nara Seal to deal with off-road. On the one hand, Tsunade-hime is unwilling to cooperate with a strong man with huge flaws. What if Tsunade-hime is having a dispute with the Third Hokage and is suddenly threatened by the Nara Mark and switches sides?

 Because of this consideration, Tsunade Hime used the Nara Seal to deal with off-road.

Now it seems that Tsunade-hime obviously has no worries in this regard, right?

On the other hand, Konoha Village was founded by the first Hokage. Even in the original plot, Tsunade-hime was so disappointed with Konoha Village, but she did not betray Konoha Village in the end. This is the remaining concern in Tsunade-hime's heart. . At this time, knowing that Cross Country also has no intention of betrayal, the cooperation between Cross Country and Tsunade Hime will definitely proceed smoothly.

  followed by.

Frowning, Tsunade-hime, who was willing to cooperate, had to explain to Cross Country how to treat the injuries to his meridians.

What surprised Tsunade-hime again was that when Tsukuba saw Tsunade-hime about to explain, she smiled mysteriously, completely let go of her guard, and said with a smile again:

"Tsunade-sama, you are a master-level figure in medical treatment, so there is no need to explain."

"bring it on!"

 “Start treating my hidden dangers in my body now!”

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