Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 488: Reshape meridians

“Shadow Mage, I suddenly feel that I underestimated you before.”

"No wonder Orochimaru has been saying that if there is a chance to cure you, he must cure you. It turns out that there is a reason why he takes a liking to you."


“Since you believe in me so much, our cooperation will begin by reshaping your meridians!”

Seeing that Cross Country was completely on guard, Tsunade Ji's expression changed. She no longer regarded Cross Country as an ordinary kid, but as a strong person of the same level for cooperation.

Who knows, cross-country can remain mysterious in front of Tsunade-hime, partly because cross-country requires Tsunade-hime's power to treat her meridians problems. On the other hand, Cross Country knew that Tsunade Hime mastered the secret technique called Creation and Regeneration, and thinking about practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape in the future and liberating the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", he would need the secret technique of Creation and Regeneration for self-defense, even if Tsunade Tou Ji made some excessive demands in front of Cross Country, and Cross Country was able to agree to them.

 What surprised Cross Country was that it turned out that there was no need to use creative regeneration to recover from his injuries.

Tsunade Hime's medical ninjutsu can actually reshape people's meridians!

 While I was shocked by the off-roading, I couldn’t help but...

 A little disappointed!

 “It seems like I was a little too confident just now!”

Looking at Tsunade-hime's palm, a bright green chakra light soon lit up. The corner of Yue Yue's mouth twitched fiercely, and he thought to himself: "I originally thought that Tsunade-hime would treat my injuries on the meridians. He must have taught me the secret technique of creating regeneration, which can be used to reshape the meridians. I never expected that Tsunade-hime's medical ninjutsu can already be used to reshape people's meridians. I want to teach me the secret technique of regeneration. There is no way to get it from Tsunade-hime smoothly."

"Well, if I can use the secret technique of creation and regeneration in conjunction with the power to liberate "Tianjealousy", even if I am facing Nagato who controls the Six Paths of Payne, I will be sure to kill the Six Paths of Payne and capture Nagato alive. It's a pity that plans often fail to keep up with changes, but since Tsunade-hime is ready to treat my injuries on my meridians, then the secret technique of creating regeneration..."

"Just wait until my cooperation with Tsunade-hime deepens before we "trade" her over!"

Huttered to himself, Cross Country slowly closed his eyes, and immediately began to observe his own situation with Kagura's inner eyes.

 There is no doubt that the main reason why Off-Road can be so confident about Tsunade-hime is that Off-Road possesses the whirlpool clan's magical perception skills. Kagura's inner eye can observe Tsunade-hime's every move, and Tsunade-hime's mental energy has the flaw of fear of blood. In fact, Tsunade-hime, who is a true shadow-level powerhouse, has basically no chance in the face of cross-country. any threat. What's more, when Cross Country fought against the two-tailed jinchūriki Yukijin, he had already swallowed up part of the Nether Fire?

With the fire of the netherworld for self-defense, strong men with mental defects like Tsunade and Orochimaru are relatively easy to defeat opponents in cross-country.

 A person with good skills is bold.

 Having the ability to defend against Tsunade-hime, Off-road naturally trusts Tsunade-hime completely when cooperating with her.

 While using Kagura's Heart Eye to carefully observe Tsunade-hime's medical ninjutsu, Tsunade-hime soon had a faint smile on her face and said:

“Shadow Mage, it may hurt a little, please bear with it!”

"It hurts? It's okay, Tsunade-sama, just..."


I just wanted to be cool in front of Tsunade-hime, and it was just trivial to say it hurt.

Who would have thought that just when Cross Country was about to show off his cool, a heartbreaking pain invaded him, directly covering his forehead with a layer of cold sweat.

Why did Tsunade-hime experience unbearable pain during her treatment?

Because when treating the injuries in the meridians of the cross country, Tsunade Hime used the chakra of her own medical ninjutsu to invade the meridians of the cross country, and healed the meridians a little bit, but they were still broken. Completely torn into powder.

Therefore, the cross-country at this time is equivalent to suffering the pain of completely shattering the meridians again. It is equivalent to the complete collapse of the meridians in the body during Tsunade-hime's treatment. But Cross Country knows that Tsunade Ji shattered the meridians in her body purely for treatment, not to destroy herself.

 It's just like after a broken bone is not treated in time, the bone will still be crooked after it heals.

 When the cross-country meridians heal themselves, they become "crooked".

Now that Tsunade-hime has completely shattered the meridians of the cross-country, she is laying the foundation for the cross-country to reshape the meridians. Even if the meridians of the cross-country are healed and restored to their original appearance, the cross-country will not be able to practice or store chakra. events occurred.

  followed by.

After completely shattering the meridians of Cross Country, Tsunade-hime injected part of the chakra into Cross Country's body.

The trajectory of the chakra is completely following the original meridian trajectory of the cross-country.

In cross-country thinking, Tsunade-hime's chakra is a seed. As long as the seeds slowly germinate and grow with Tsunade-hime's continuous treatment, his meridians will be restored to their original state and the remodeling will be completed.

 Unfortunately, this process requires accumulation of time and cannot be accomplished overnight.

It is also because of this that after "planting" the seeds for reshaping the meridians in Cross Country's body, Tsunade Ji wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and said: "Shadow Mage, please don't practice for a while, even if it's Yin Escape Secret." Don't do any martial arts training. The chakra I implanted in your body is very important. As long as there is a slight change in your body, it may cause an accident. So, even if someone wants to assassinate you, I will try again for you. You have to be patient when it comes to shaping your meridians, you know?"


He nodded heavily, agreeing with Tsunade-hime's words.

Immediately, Tsunade-hime's eyes shifted to the surrounding ANBU, the smile on her face slowly disappeared, and she once again ordered: "I'm afraid you will have some troubles by killing these ANBUs, but I will solve this problem for you. . In the next few days, I will come to your place for treatment, so I must say hello to Orochimaru and ask him to help cover up my treatment for you."

“That is to say, apart from the two of us, Shadow Mage, our collaborator is also Orochimaru.”

“I don’t know what kind of trouble Orochimaru has encountered. Anyway, we are comrades on the same front. Don’t use it as a last resort..."

 “Don’t abandon your teammates, understand?”


Once again, he nodded heavily in agreement, and then when he watched Tsunade Ji leave, a faint smile appeared on his face again.

 “All the collaborators on the first front are in place.”

“The next step is to see if you are willing to invest in me!”

 “My second front...”


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