Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 489: unexpected visitor

 Since the formal "cooperation" relationship with Tsunade Hime was established, the off-road life has become monotonous and boring.

  The ninja troops led by Ding Zao are still on the road back to Konoha Village under the supervision of Orochimaru and Jiraiya. However, because there were many wounded people in the Ding Zuo camp, and the cross-country team was already a "waste", it was naturally impossible to travel quickly. And when the speed of travel is slowed down, the daytime is the time to travel, and the night is the time to rest. Not to mention cross-country, even all the ninjas in Dingzuo Camp feel that this journey is really boring. .

 What about off-roading?

 In addition to being bored, I also have to endure great pain every day.

Because Tsunade Hime reshaped his meridians, he couldn't do any training. Apart from being in a daze every day, he was thinking about his future training. Unfortunately, planning the future training journey only allowed Cross Country to kill a few days. On the third day when Tsunade Hime reshaped the meridians for Cross Country, Cross Country's completely shattered meridians had already begun with the help of Tsunade Hime. "Sprouting" and starting to reshape, the feeling of severe pain and extreme itching is tormenting off-roading all the time.

It is probably not that Cross Country practiced the secret art of Yin Escape. If his mental energy was originally different from ordinary people, perhaps he passed out early due to the torture that ordinary people could not bear.

 This day.

Di Zao led the ninja troops on the sixth day of their journey back to Konoha Village.

Still boring to follow most of the people on the road. While rushing, he still had to endure severe pain and extreme itching. He gritted his teeth and didn't pay attention to the Anbu who were watching him around him, but kept looking ahead. It wasn't until Dingzuo's order came that he needed to stop advancing and take a rest that he half-knelt down on the ground with a "pop" sound, his body already soaked with sweat.


“Our shadow mage, can’t he bear even this little bit of pain?”

Almost the moment he was half-kneeling on the ground off-road, a mocking voice came from the distance.

Needless to say.

The person who can communicate with Cross Country in this tone in Dingza camp must be Tsunade Hime who "cooperates" with him.

However, even though Tsunade-hime is laughing at cross-country, in her heart, Tsunade-hime also cooperates with the perseverance of cross-country. Cross Country never mentioned the matter of reshaping the meridians to anyone, not even Orochimaru. Therefore, in Ding Zao's camp, Tsunade Hime was the only one who knew that Cross Country's meridians were in the process of being reshaped.

If Ding Zuo knew that Cross Country's body could not travel for a long time because he was in the period of reshaping his meridians, perhaps Cross Country would not have to travel on his own, and he would definitely have to send ninjas to carry Cross Country on his back. But just in order not to reveal the secret of reshaping his meridians, Cross Country has been gritting his teeth and persisting, which made Tsunade Ji faintly admired.

However, Cross Country knows that his "cooperation" with Tsunade-hime is very secretive.

Tsunade-hime came here this time, definitely not to ridicule herself.

Sure enough, not long after Tsunade-hime arrived, the surrounding ANBU slowly disappeared around the cross country under Tsunade-hime's captivating gaze. After the group of Anbu disappeared, Tsunade-hime also lost the majesty of the Sannin. She sat down next to Yukio casually and asked: "Why do you have to hold on? You just need to tell Dingzao Say, there is no need to suffer.”

 “No need, I can bear it.”

With a forced smile, Cross Country replied: "Furthermore, if my secret of reshaping meridians is exposed, interested people will definitely know that we are cooperating. In this special period, we are walking on thin ice without taking a step. Therefore, in order to achieve our goal For the purpose, it’s better that I keep the secret of reshaping my meridians forever. Besides, the pain I endured is a kind of practice, right?”

“You really are a person who practices the secret art of escape, and your willpower is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!”

With a silent sigh, Tsunade Hime began to talk about business: "I have successfully solved the hidden dangers of those Anbu who died in your hands before. Of course, with so many Anbu who died in your hands, there is always a need for someone. Reason. I declined and said that the Erbi Mata Brigade in your body was very unstable, because you failed to suppress the power of Erbi Mata Brigade, so you went berserk and killed those ANBU people. Is that right? no problem?"

"no problem."

 No one else knows that Erwei Youlu is dead and only his original power remains.

 Listening to Tsunade-hime's words, Cross Country nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "Tsunade-sama, when you come to me, it shouldn't be as simple as talking about those ANBU things, right?"

“If you need my help with anything, just tell me.”

"Well, there is no need to be secretive with you. I also like to talk more directly."

Nodding, Tsunade Hime said: "Kage Master, I am willing to cooperate with you. In fact, it is mainly for one person, and that is Shizune. That old guy Sarutobi, if he hadn't threatened me with Shizune, do you think I would be willing to come forward again? , to deal with Raikage for the village? However, now that I have received information, it seems that old man Sarutobi does not intend to let Shizune go, but is planning to use her to force me to stay in Konoha Village. I don’t need to say more about what happened next. Bar?"

“Shadow Mage, do you know what you should do?”

“Don’t worry, Tsunade-sama, I know what to do.”

Knowing what Tsunade-hime needs to do by herself, Cross Country nodded silently and replied: "As long as I can recover 80%, no, 50% of my strength is enough, I will be sure to secretly transfer Shizune out of the village. By then, Tsunade Sir, it depends on whether you have the ability to leave the village. After all, if you want to secretly transfer you out of the village, you need to cooperate with the Uchiha clan."

 “Hmph, Uchiha clan!”

 Smiling disdainfully, Tsunade Hime said: "I haven't taken the Uchiha clan seriously yet. Since you can secretly transfer Shizune, that's enough."

As he said that, Tsunade Ji suddenly remembered something and asked: "By the way, Shadow Mage, you said that my hemophobia can be cured, right? Since we are cooperating, it's like we just discussed That's it, let's be more direct. What do you need me to do to cure my hemophobia?"

"As long as the weakness of hemophobia can be eliminated, I am willing..."

 “Pay whatever it takes!”

What I’m waiting for is your words!

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Needless to say, there are things that Tsunade-hime needs to do for cross-country?

Of course it is necessary to create a practice method for the secret technique of regeneration!

 But just when Cross Country was about to speak and ask for Tsunade Ji's secret technique to create regeneration, Who would have thought that Cross Country suddenly frowned slightly. Because, just when Cross Country and Tsunade Hime were about to conduct the next round of transactions, an ANBU suddenly walked into Cross Country and Tsunade Hime was in sight. Immediately, the ANBU informed Cross Country that Tsunade Hime had a An unexpected guest wanted to visit the two of them.


 “He’s here? But he chose the time…”

 “Something seems wrong?”

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