Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 491: captive?

 “There are so many caring people!”

As soon as Tsunade Hime finished speaking, Itachi God, who came to deliver a message to Uchiha Fugaku, also turned livid.

Admittedly, God Itachi didn't know why Uchiha Fugaku wanted to invite Tsunade-hime to visit him. But God Itachi understood that everything Uchiha Fugaku did must be for the Uchiha clan. Well now, the Uchiha clan had just prepared to invite Cross Country. Tsunade-hime went to visit, and someone came to sneak attack Cross-country. What does the camp where Tsunade-hime is located indicate?

 Doesn’t it mean that some people don’t want to go cross-country, and Tsunade-hime and the Uchiha clan are too close?

 It also means that the suppression of the Uchiha clan is something that many people want to see?

 So, the moment Tsunade Hime finished speaking, Itachi God's eyes fell on Cross Country, hoping to see how Cross Country dealt with the problem at hand. Under the watchful eyes of Itachi God and Tsunade Hime, Cross Country faced the sneak attack from someone who was interested. He just smiled, then sighed, and his expression returned to normal. With Tsunade Hime beside him, Itachi God said with a smile:

"There's no need to worry. What impact can a few sneak attackers have on us?"

“Just like Tsunade-sama said, with Orochimaru-sama and Jiraiya-sama sitting in charge, and Tsunade-sama beside us, those sneak attackers are just clowns.”

“So, if those guys want to make a sneak attack, let them make a sneak attack.”

“As long as they don’t come to trouble us, wouldn’t it be nice for us to just sit here and watch the show?”

 Listening to what Cross Country said, Tsunade-hime smiled coldly, while Itachi nodded silently.

 But just when Cross Country, Tsunade Hime, and Itachi God were all ready to watch the show, a stupid sneak attack unexpectedly caused another change!


That was when Cross Country, Tsunade Hime, and Itachi God were preparing to watch a show. It was also the moment when the elite Uchiha clan brought by Itachi God, together with several Anbu, guarded Cross Country and others.

Just when the protection around Cross Country was perfectly constructed, Tsunade Ji secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought that watching a movie was a very good choice. With the sound of "bang", the sound of "Boom" was heard. In the distance, there was a violent explosion, which immediately attracted the attention of the ANBU who were guarding Cross Country and the others. Even the elite Uchiha clan brought by Itachi God were preparing to go to the place where the explosion occurred. , to see what happened.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

Hearing the deafening explosion, there was a vague feeling of something bad.

While Cross Country was a little hesitant about whether to use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and use Kagura's Heart Eyes to observe the surrounding situation, he frowned and hesitated for a few seconds. Cross Country finally put aside some concerns about reshaping the meridians. Prepare to use Kagura's inner eye to observe the surrounding situation. But just when Kagura's inner eye was about to be opened one second before going off-road, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound the next second!

A black shadow suddenly appeared in front of the cross country, and first punched Tsunade Ji who was beside the cross country, and then the palm of the black shadow grabbed the direction of the cross country!

 “I am actually the target of these guys?”

 “Could he be from Yunren Village?”

 “Their real purpose is the two tails in my body?”

 Originally I thought that this stupid sneak attack was just the work of some thoughtful people. Cross Country never imagined that the real purpose of these sneak attackers was for himself, so Cross Country's immediate reaction was that these sneak attackers came from Yun Ninja Village. Needless to say, the purpose is definitely for Erwei Mataita.

 Tailed beasts are the fighting power that must be fought for in ninja wars.

Yunren Village has lost its Erwei Brigade, how can it not send people to snipe cross-country?

It can even be said that if the news spreads that Cross Country has acquired the Second Tails Brigade, all the ninjas will send ninjas to ambush Cross Country, trying to take away the Second Tails Brigade in his body.

 There is no doubt that the Erwei Mata Brigade is an existence that attracts more hatred than "Star".

Carrying a second-tailed brigade with you when traveling cross-country is equivalent to carrying a time bomb.

What shocked Cross Country the most was undoubtedly the fact that the black shadow that came to capture him was able to forcefully force Tsunade Hime back in a single confrontation.

 Who is Tsunade Hime?

 The dignified Sannin, a true shadow-level powerhouse!

How powerful is it to be able to use physical skills to repel Tsunade-hime in a round of confrontation?

So, looking at the black shadow reaching out to capture him, he put everything aside about reshaping his meridians and what he couldn't worry about. Then, just when the palm of the black shadow was about to fall on him, Cross Country took a deep breath, and the palm of his right hand fell to the ground with a "bang" .

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”



 With strong enemies ahead, how can there be any hesitation in off-roading?

 Mobilizing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, enduring the bursts of pain from inside his body, Cross Country used the S-level Shadow Escape Secret Technique without any hesitation, just to use the Shadow Realm to directly restrain the powerful enemy in front of him. Even though Shadow Realm Descend is a range-based or group-attack secret technique, Shadow Realm Descendant's single-target binding ability is also one of the best among the Shadow Escape Secret Techniques.

And when the shadow world descended and extended the shadow, following the shadow under the cross-country's feet, it directly shrouded the surrounding area within a hundred meters, another thing that shocked the cross-country happened!

In an instant, the black shadow descending from the Shadow Realm extended out, and the black shadow that wanted to capture the Cross Country rushed towards him, and it had already entered the bounds of the Shadow Realm. I originally thought that with just a little force, the arrival of the shadow world would be able to successfully restrain the black shadow and imprison the strong man who forced Tsunade Hime back there.

Unexpectedly, the cross-country shadow world had just restrained the black shadow, and there was a sudden "click"!

 The fragile meridians that had just been reshaped, the meridians that had just "sprouted", suddenly shattered at the moment when the shadow world came to cross-country use!

After the meridians were shattered this time, not even Tsunade-hime could make a comeback.

Unless Cross Country masters creation and regeneration and can use creation and regeneration to reshape the meridians, Tsunade Hime's method of reshaping the meridians will no longer be effective for Cross Country.

So, is the meridian broken again, really the most unlucky thing to face when going off-road?

 Of course not!

The most unfortunate thing that Cross Country faced was the pain of his meridians being shattered again, which prevented him from properly controlling the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. Unable to control the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the Shadow Realm Advent used for off-roading instantly collapsed there, giving the black shadow in front of him a chance to counterattack.

 Next second!


Grabbing the cross-country body, the black shadow carried the cross-country and disappeared in front of Tsunade-hime, Itachi God and others in the blink of an eye.

By the time the battle was over and Cross Country had been captured, God Itachi, who had competed with Cross Country many times and knew how strong Cross Country was, was stunned in place.

After being stunned for a long time, Itachi looked at Tsunade-hime and murmured:

“Tsuna…Tsunade-sama, off-roading seems like…”

 “It seems that you have been captured?”

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