Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 492: masked man

 “It’s not like…”

 “He was really captured!”

When Itachi God's murmured words came, Tsunade-hime's eyes were full of shame and anger, and she almost went to question Ding Zao, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya on how they guarded the camp.

The three ninjas gathered together, together with Ding Zao among the Inorakacho trio, and the shadow mage who had just become famous in the ninja world. After being attacked by a mysterious man, the shadow mage was eventually captured. In the eyes of everyone, it was a great shame and humiliation. It was a shame for the Sannin and even more so for the Leaf Village.

So, when she was captured by the black shadow just a second before going off-road, Tsunade-hime's whole person was "burned". If he wanted to redeem his shame, he had to wash it away with the body of that black shadow. He immediately cast a deep glance at God Itachi, and found out from God Itachi's eyes that this sneak attack had nothing to do with the Uchiha clan. Tsunade-hime took a deep breath, quickly calmed down, and yelled at the ANBU next to her: "What are you still waiting for here?"

“Hurry up and notify Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Ding Zao to send a ninja team to search for Nara Cross Country’s whereabouts!”

   "Live to see people, die..."

 “I want to see the corpse!”

 “Yes, Tsunade-sama!”

  Listening to Tsunade-hime's order, the surrounding Anbu quickly went to inform Orochimaru, Jiraiya, and Ding Zao that they were captured in cross-country. When they heard that Cross Country was captured, Ding Zao and Orochimaru both had shocked expressions. Only Jiraiya remained calm, which showed that on the one hand, Jiraiya was not too concerned about the life and death of the cross-country. On the other hand, it showed that this sneak attack was probably related to Jiraiya, or that Jiraiya was also responsible for the sneak attack. The participants, or Jiraiya, were the insiders of this sneak attack.

But as a Sannin and a former companion, that friendship restricted the possibility of Tsunade-hime and Orochimaru asking for the truth.

 Tsunade Hime and Orochimaru can't go to question Jiraiya together for a cross-country trip, right?

Therefore, even though Jiraiya has already shown that I know the truth, I don't mean what I said. Tsunade Hime and Orochimaru can still only grit their teeth and endure it. However, when they sent ANBU to search for Cross Country's whereabouts, Tsunade Hime and Orochimaru did not let Jiraiya intervene in the matter, for fear that even if Jiraiya found the traces of Cross Country, he would not report it.

  followed by.

The search in Konoha Village is in full swing, but what about the cross-country side?

After being captured by that mysterious black shadow, what kind of dangers are you facing off-road?

To be honest, after being captured by the mysterious black shadow, I did not encounter any danger while traveling cross-country. Under the capture of that mysterious black shadow, the first thing I felt when I was off-road was that the mysterious black shadow wanted to take me somewhere. Because on the way, the mysterious black shadow did not mean to limit the cross-country strength, nor did it mean to directly kill the cross-country. It just led the cross-country to fly all the way to the destination.

 When using Shadow World Descend, cross-country may be due to problems with the internal meridians of the body, and an accident occurred during the use of Shadow World Descend. Now, when he was captured by the mysterious black shadow, Cross Country knew that his strength had been restored. Maybe the problem of his internal meridians had become more difficult because of the appearance of the mysterious black shadow. However, if one now uses the secret technique of Shadow Escape and uses the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to fight, Cross Country will still be the Shadow Mage in the ninja world.

  It was not a "waste" who was completely unable to fight back, as the mysterious black shadow imagined.

 However, since it was already embarrassing to go cross-country under the capture of that mysterious black shadow, he felt that there was no need to reveal his strength immediately.

 To understand what the mysterious black shadow wants to do, cross-country needs more intelligence.

Judging from the current situation, the mysterious black shadow only captures himself and does not kill him. It is speculated that there is more than a 60% chance of off-roading. It is believed that the owner behind the mysterious black shadow is likely to come from Yun. Ninja Village. After all, there are many people in the ninja world who want to kill off-roaders, but there are very few people who want to live off-road. The Kumo Ninja Village that needs the second tail of Mata Brigade is the kind of people who need alive off-roaders, not dead ones. people.

Then, feeling that the mysterious black shadow might be someone from the Kingdom of Thunder, Cross Country took a deep breath and directly used the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, Kagura's Heart Eye.

So what if you are shrouded in black robes?

 Do you think I can't see through your identity?


 Under the insight of Kagura's mind, no one can avoid the insight of the Shadow Mage.

With this thought in mind, Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye without any hesitation, and was ready to gain insight into the identity of the mysterious black shadow in front of him, or the identity of the man in black robe.

  But what’s the result?

Even going cross-country, he never expected that when he used Kagura's inner eye to see through the man in black robe, he encountered a huge obstacle.

 What does this mean?

This shows that the companions of the man in black robe are either people who are proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape, who can isolate Kagura's inner eye from observation, or the man in black robe himself is a being who is proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape, so Cross Country is using the perception of the Uzumaki clan Kagura's magical skills and her inner eye are unable to discern the true identity of the man in black robes.

Immediately, just when Cross Country was silently shocked, and his Kagura eyes were unable to discern the identity of the man in black robes, there was another "whoosh" sound.

A man also covered in black robes, but with his face covered, suddenly appeared next to the man in black robes off-road.

When the masked man appeared, the man in black robe who had captured the cross country stopped.

 Obviously, the masked man and the black-robed man are accomplices, and they want to capture the cross-country enemy.

But what shocked Cross Country again was that the moment the masked man appeared, his indifferent eyes fell on Cross Country, and he said lightly: "Nara Cross Country, you don't need to resist. Just rely on your strength It is impossible for someone who has just started to learn the secrets of the Uzumaki clan to gain insight into the identity of the two of us. But you can rest assured that we have no intention of harming you. As long as you follow us obediently, your lives will be saved. ”


“It depends on whether you cooperate or not!”


Hearing the words of the masked man, Jiujiang frowned slightly and asked: "Who are you? What is the purpose of capturing me?"

"Purpose? Do you think we are here for the Erwei Brigade that you imprisoned?"

Off-road asked in return, and the masked man smiled coldly. His pair of black eyes seemed to be able to see through the soul of off-road, which made even off-road people feel shuddering.

Immediately afterwards, he made a gesture to the man in black robe, and the masked man was about to turn around and lead the way. Apparently, as he said, he was going to lead the cross-country to their real destination.


 How could the newly famous shadow mage in the ninja world be someone who would be able to defeat a powerful enemy without any help?

So, almost as soon as the masked man turned around and wanted to lead Cross Country with the man in black to their final destination, a faint light flashed in Cross Country's eyes.

 Next second!

 The secret technique of Shadow Escape was suddenly used!

 “Shadow Suture!”



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