Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 493: The fourth person?

 “Shadow Suture!”



Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, taking advantage of the opportunity when the masked man and the black-robed man were also unguarded, he suddenly used the cross-country shadow stitching technique to control the masked man and the black shadow under the black-robed man's feet. Suddenly ejected. Although the masked man and the black-robed man should both be shadow-level experts in the ninja world, they are not easily hit by the Shadow Sewing Technique cast off-road. However, the Shadow Sewing Technique cast off-road is still Weiwei pushed back the steps of the masked man and the man in black robe.

 At this point, Cross Country was completely out of the clutches of the black-robed man and regained his freedom.

However, when he gained freedom, something that seemed vaguely bad even when going off-road suddenly came into his eyes.

  Suppose that ordinary ninjas captured Cross Country, and Cross Country suddenly started to fight back, those ordinary ninjas must be on guard against Cross Country's counterattack. After all, Cross Country is not an ordinary ninja, but a shadow mage who has just become famous in the ninja world!

 Look at the masked man in front of the off-road, the man in black robe!

 Seeing that the cross-country was out of control, the two of them were silently waiting for the cross-country's counterattack.

Even when Off-road was preparing to counterattack, the masked man slowly stepped aside, waiting for the man in black robe to capture Off-road again. How confident is this?

 Seeing this happen, it is impossible to say that there is no enthusiasm for off-roading!

 “No matter who you are, you are all dead today!”

"Do you think the person in front of you is an ordinary genin? Just kidding, I am a shadow mage in the ninja world. I am the shadow mage who killed the two-tailed jinchūriki Yukito!"

“You actually have no intention of cooperating at all, and instead send the men in black robes to fight me alone?”

 “Okay, let me see you...”

 “What on earth are you capable of!”

With eyes full of anger, he secretly thought to himself, took a deep breath, and continued to cast the secret technique of shadow escape.

 Follow up!



The shadow at the foot of Off-Road suddenly condensed into a solid form when the masked man retreated and the man in black robe prepared to challenge him to a duel. That is the secret technique of shadow escape of cross-country, called the hand of shadow. Suddenly, the black shadow under the feet of cross-country condenses into a solid body. In the eyes of the masked man and the man in black robe, the shadow under the cross-country feet condenses into a solid body at the moment. , turned into countless arms, and directly attacked the man in black robe, leaving him no room to escape.

There is no doubt that the secret technique of shadow escape in cross-country today is already used perfectly. If we really want to talk about his accomplishments in using the secret technique of shadow escape in cross-country, perhaps the most appropriate description of him is half-step master. After all, in the entire Nara clan, there is no clan member who can compete with Cross Country in the secret art of shadow, right?

However, when countless shadow hands extended from the black shadow at the foot of the cross country and attacked in the direction of the man in black robe, there were suddenly three sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang"!

 The soil on the ground suddenly rose into the sky at the moment when the hand of shadow invaded!

 Next second!

What changes happened to the upturned soil?

The answer is that the upturned soil actually condensed into the shape of a hand in mid-air, and then severely suppressed the shadow hand of the cross-country, and forcibly broke the secret technique of the shadow escape of the cross-country!

 “Nara off-road, huh?”

“I have long heard that you are a genius of the Nara clan. The Nara clan’s secret techniques are as pure as fire.”

“Unfortunately, the secret arts of the Nara clan are incomplete.”


While speaking, the man in black robe raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, then made seals with his hands and shouted coldly:

“Next, please give me some advice on my secret earth escape technique!”


 “Infinite maze!”

 “Boom! Boom! Boom!”

As soon as the man in black robe finished speaking and formed the seal, the secret earth escape technique he used was fully displayed in front of the cross country.

Along with the roaring sound, when Xue Yue used Kagura's inner eye to perceive, he only felt that his surroundings were densely covered with chakra with extremely changing earth attributes. And when the chakra with extremely changed earth properties slowly invaded the ground, the environment around the cross-country changed. Walls made of condensed rocks appeared out of thin air, directly trapping the cross-country. Not to mention the maze formed by the condensation of Earth Escape, the trajectory of the maze is still changing with the control of the man in black robe.

But what really makes the off-road people feel amazing is not the secret earth escape technique used by the men in black robes.

What really surprised Off-road was the idea of ​​the man in black robe when he used the secret earth escape technique this time!

The Earth Release called Infinite Labyrinth is more like the first Hokage's Tree World Arrival, and it's more like the Shadow World Arrival used for off-roading!

If the cross-country Shadow World Advent inherits the wood escape secret technique of the first Hokage, that is, the terrifying confinement ability of the Tree World Arrival, then the Earth Escape Secret Technique used by the man in black completely inherits the Tree World Advent. Advent's maze ability. No matter how many ninjas step into the infinite maze, the moment they step into the infinite maze, they are equivalent to stepping into the domain of the man in black robe.

 Stepping into the realm is equal to death!

 This is the real mystery of the secret earth escape technique used by the men in black robes!

However, when Cross Country discovered that the secret earth escape technique used by the man in black robes had some shadow of the secret wood escape technique of the first Hokage, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth!

"It's interesting. Killing an enemy like you is interesting."

“Do you want to compete with me in the field?”

“Then let me show you how terrifying I am with the four condensed parts of the Yin Escape Brand!”

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”


When the smile raised at the corner of Xue Yu's mouth became more and more intense, he slapped his hand on the ground. Xue Xue once again used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, and suddenly used Shadow Realm Arrival!

 After using the Shadow Realm Arrival, what secret technique of Shadow Escape did you use in Cross Country?

 That is the art of latent shadow!

As the shadows descend from the shadow world, they gradually permeate the black-robed man's secret earth-escape technique. Once again, he uses the latent shadow technique to cross-country, and he can freely shuttle through the black-robed man's earth-escape secret technique. Because the cooperation between the Shadow Realm and the Latent Shadow Technique is like this. Any place where the cross-country Shadow Realm is diffused is where the cross-country field is.

Looking at the man in black robe, he probably never expected that the cross-country "field" was far stronger than his own.

 So, the man in black robe just used the secret earth escape technique a second ago, trying to limit the power of cross-country.

 One second later!


Using the latent shadow technique, he suddenly appeared behind the man in black robe.

The cross-country that appeared had released the use of Shadow Realm Advent, and suddenly turned the shadow under his feet into a sharp spear, which hit the black-robed man's chest directly.

Unfortunately, when the sharp spear transformed from the black shadow penetrated deeply into the chest of the man in black robe, Cross Country found that his attack was not effective.

Because just when the sharp spear transformed from the black shadow pierced the chest of the man in black robe, the flesh and blood on the chest of the man in black robe turned into dust and slowly scattered on the ground!

 “Another “jealous” person?”

 "The fourth "Heavenly Jealous" person I know in the ninja world!"

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