Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 494: unrivaled

 In the vast ninja world, how many talented people are there?

 Originally in the legend, there were very few people who were "Jealous in Heaven". At the same time, there were only a few people who were "Jealous in Heaven" at most. But when traveling cross-country in the ninja world, I always meet people who are "Jealous". Is it a coincidence, or is the ninja world seen by strong men different from the ninja world seen by ordinary ninjas?

The first "jealous" person I saw during the cross-country trip was Yuri Lin from Mist Ninja Village.

 It was also Lin Jiaoyu Youli who made Cross Country know some of the characteristics of "Tianjealous" people and the secret of "Tianjealous".

As for the second "Jealous" person that Cross Country knows, there is no need to say more, because it is him. It was still because of Lin Eoyu Yuri that Cross Country knew the identity of the person he was "jealous of". Later, in his conversation with Uzumaki Kushina, Cross Country learned that the third "jealous person" in the ninja world was the fourth generation. Naruto.

So far.

The fourth Hokage, the person with the thunder escape "Tian Envy", Lin Yuu Yuri, the wind escape "Ten Jealousy" person, cross-country, has become a unique existence in the ninja world. In the ninja world, there is the ability to extend a certain escape technique. Existence to the extreme.

 But who could have imagined that there would be one more "jealous" person in the ninja world at this time?

that person.

This is the man in black robe you will face when going off-road!

Using the strangeness of the latent shadow technique and the powerful force of the arrival of the shadow world, Cross Country showed his "domain" in front of the black-robed man and suddenly appeared in front of the black-robed man. At this time, it was just a matter of dispelling the techniques of coming from the shadow world and latent shadow, and then using the shadow control technique to turn the black shadow under his feet into a sharp spear, which pierced straight into the chest of the man in black robes. Off-road could feel the blackness in front of him. The man in the robe had no chance of survival. Moreover, being able to see one's "field" before death makes people in black robes feel honored enough.

Who would have thought that just one second before going off-road, he thought that the man in black robe was going to die.



The flesh and blood on the chest turned into dust, completing the "elementary transformation" that can only be used by "Jealous" people!

The "Jealous" person in the earth escape appeared, and the secret safety of the black-robed man was revealed in front of the cross-country. At first, the cross-country was slightly stunned, and then even if the black-robed man's face was still shrouded in the black robe, the cross-country could Relying on his senses, he felt a faint smile rising from the corner of the black-robed man's mouth.

 “Surprising, isn’t it?”

"I never thought that besides you, there are other "jealous" people, right?"

 “Accidents are accidents, but I never thought I was the only one.”

He found that the man in black robe wanted to talk to him, and the masked man next to him did not stop him at all. Relying on the "field" created by the advent of the shadow world and the technique of latent shadow, the cross-country felt a bit bold as an expert. , said calmly in front of the black-robed man: "I once knew the secret of "Tianjiao", it was from "Tianjiao"'s mouth. She is the ninja of Mist Ninja Village, and also the real genius of Mist Ninja Village, So I never thought that "Tian Envy" was the only one. I knew a long time ago that sooner or later I would have a formal confrontation with "Tian Envy"."

"I'm just surprised that you who came to attack the Konoha camp are also "Jealous"."

“I’m afraid you’re not from Yun Ninja Village, you’re a “Jealous” person who is proficient in the secret art of Earth Escape, right?”

"Who are you? What is the purpose of capturing me and leaving the Konoha camp?"

All right.

When asking questions, Off-Road felt that his question was idiotic, because how could the man in black robe tell Off-Road what his real purpose was?

 Sure enough, there is no answer to an idiot's question.

 But just when the man in black robe was about to speak, he suddenly heard two "cough" and "cough" sounds.

  The man in black robe who was previously extremely powerful in the cross-country field actually suffered the backlash of the power of "Tian Jealousy" after liberating it, causing him to cough up blood.

However, with the masked man beside him, Cross Country was not stupid enough to attack the man in black robe directly.


With an opportunity to have a good conversation with the man in black robe, Cross Country needed more information. Immediately, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth and he said: "Look, this is the consequence of liberating the power of "Tianjealousy". My meridians It was completely shattered and turned into a "waste". I felt that it was a pity that I could not use the power of "Tian Envy". But on the other hand, I felt very lucky. At least I never had to worry about "Tian Envy". It’s backfired, isn’t it?”

 “Well, you are very lucky, you don’t need to be tortured by “Jealousy”.”

Silently sighing, the man in black robe said lightly: "But in Nara Cross Country, you don't have to bear the backlash of "Jealousy", but you also missed an opportunity. Do you know? With the backlash of "Jealousy", Every time a "Jealous" person releases his power, the pain he needs to endure will deepen. But there is a limit to that pain. If you really bear the limit of that pain, do you know that the "Jealous" will become more painful. No longer "jealousy", but a real talent?"

“Furthermore, this kind of real talent can not only enhance the strength of the “Jealous” person, but can also be passed down through the bloodline to enhance the talent and strength of future generations!”

“So, don’t look at me now. It’s painful to bear the backlash of “Jealousy”, but as long as I can overcome this final hurdle.”

 "My "Heavenly Jealousy" is about to become the limit of blood inheritance!"

 After saying that, the masked man coughed a few times, as if to signal that the man in black robe had wasted enough time.

And listening to the masked man's soft cough, the man in black robe really had no intention of wasting time. Immediately, he formed a seal with his hands, and he was about to release the power of "Tian Envy" again and use a stronger earth escape secret technique to come. attack.

 Look at off-roading!

 Listening to what the man in black robe said, I was really shocked.

 Because even Kushina Uzumaki didn't tell Cross Country that "Tenjealous" could eventually evolve into the Blood Succession Limit!

  The most mysterious blood succession limit in the ninja world!

However, without giving Cross Country too much time to think, the man in black robe's secret earth escape technique invaded again. Having completely liberated the power of "Heavenly Jealousy", Cross Country felt like he would be suppressed by the men in black robes as soon as he stepped on the ground. Therefore, when the men in black robes invaded again, Cross Country once again used the combination of the Shadow Realm's Descending and the Hidden Shadow Technique to quickly sneak into the black shadow covered by the Shadow Realm's Descending, trying to avoid the black-robed men. The secret technique of earth escape that completely liberates the power of "Heavenly Jealousy".

  Unfortunately, at that time, Cross Country overestimated its own "domain" and even underestimated the strength of the man in black robe to completely liberate the power of "Tianjealousy".

I just used the "field" to sneak into the dark shadow of the Shadow Realm's advent structure, and then I just heard a "bang"!

The original use of the subtes, the off -road sneaky into the shadow, was very embarrassed with the sound of the sound, and the hardship was forced out of its own "field". Looking at the man in black robe again, he had completely liberated "Heavenly Jealousy" and already gave Cross Country an unrivaled feeling. The thought of escaping appeared in Cross Country's mind for the first time.

“If the injuries on my meridians are healed, and with the power of liberating “Heavenly Jealousy”, I may still be able to fight against the man in black robe.”

 “But now.”

“Since even the man in black robe has the strength to kill me, and there is a masked man who doesn’t know the depth, I’d better run away!”

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