Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 499: Monk (middle)

 “It’s really him!”

 “He is the guy who imprisoned himself in Sand Ninja Village!”

When the monk in front of Yue Yue said that he felt the aura of Erwei Mataita from his body, there was a hint of hostility in his eyes. Yue Yue was already sure that the monk in front of him was the strong man hiding in the Sand Ninja Village. or.

However, Cross Country is very curious. Didn't the original plot of Naruto say that the monks were imprisoned in the Sand Ninja Village, and many of them had never set foot in the ninja world?

 Why did the monk suddenly appear in the desert and cross-country now?

Perplexed, the hostility in Cross Country's eyes gradually disappeared, and then he turned around and disappeared in front of the monk, disappearing into the oasis in the desert.

 Obviously, off-roading is not prepared to enmity with the monks until it is clear whether they are hostile or not. Let's not talk about the strength of the monk. Is it the strength of a peak Kage level powerhouse, like the third generation Hokage of Konoha Village? Let's just talk about off-roading. He has no grudges against the Sand Ninja Village. Unlike Kakashi, his father Konoha White Fang killed countless ninjas in the Sand Ninja Village, and even killed the parents of the Red Sand Scorpion. It is a goal that many ninjas in Sand Ninja Village want to solve.

 So when taking refuge, as long as the monks don't take action against Cross Country, Cross Country has no intention of enmity with Sand Ninja Village. Moreover, it is obvious that when the Nara mark on the palm of the cross-country disappears, the sense of belonging to the Konoha Village is basically zero. After all, if the rest of the Konoha ninja encounter the people of the Suna Ninja Village, regardless of whether the other party is hostile or not, what the Konoha ninja has to do is either to leave this oasis in the desert, or to fight with Let’s fight that strange monk!

And when Cross Country didn't have any extraneous problems, he still maintained a boring life in the oasis in the desert, or when he was taking refuge, what made Cross Country a little distracted in his practice was that the monks of Sand Ninja Village also lived in the oasis. in. But unlike off-roading, the life of a monk is very ordinary. Every time he sits in front of a lake in an oasis, only when he goes off-roading to collect water, the monks may open their eyes and see the off-roading place where they collect water. .

 The rest of the time, the monks were very quiet.

He seemed to have no need to eat or drink water. He sat there quietly every day. The more he traveled cross-country, the more curious he was about what the purpose of the monks from Sand Ninja Village was in coming to this oasis.

  followed by.

  One month later.

I lived with the monks in an oasis in the desert for a whole month.

 At the beginning, I might not be used to the existence of monks in my life, but as time goes by, I gradually get used to having monks accompanying me and spending every difficult day in the oasis.

 That’s right, the monk has unknowingly become the spiritual pillar of off-roading.

 In the lonely desert, with the companionship of monks, I gradually forgot about loneliness while traveling cross-country.

However, due to his special status as a monk, Cross Country has not started practicing Yin Escape Brand in the last month of practice. Because, Yue Yuesheng was afraid that when he started practicing the Yin Escape Brand, the monks from Sand Ninja Village suddenly took action and caught him off guard. Besides, the matter of absorbing the original power of the two-tailed Mata Brigade is the secret of Cross Country. Even if the monks in Suna Ninja Village know that the Two-tailed Mata Brigade is in the body of Cross Country, they can't reveal it. They have the ability to "swallow" the tailed beasts. Ability, isn't it?

 So, in the past month, the main training for cross-country has been the cultivation of Yang Escape, plus the understanding of practicing "wind".

I don’t know why, but just like the cross-country liberating the power of “Tianjealousy”, my understanding of “wind” has reached a bottleneck period. In the past month, no matter how hard cross-country calms down and comprehends the "wind", the progress of cross-country itself can be said to be minimal. It is only based on understanding the perception of wind and being able to initially use "wind". "Just do something.

 What does cross-country use of "wind" do?

 The answer is

Off-roaders can wave their hands casually and stir up a slight breeze.

 There is no doubt that it is not the wind created by off-roaders concentrating their own power, but the wind created by off-roaders gently waving their hands and mastering the power of "wind".

 It's a pity that such a warm breeze is not like the secret technique of wind escape at all.

 At most, it can help him relieve some heat when the cross-country is a little hot.

In the past month of practice, the most significant progress in cross-country is still the practice of the Yang Escape Secret Technique, or the alternative secret technique of hiding the human body.

Because, in just one month, relying on the secret techniques used by the God of Wind and Thunder to train the body, and carrying out cross-country physical training every day, I was finally able to use my own spiritual energy to sense a wave of energy in my body. Special energy!

What is that special energy?

 It is the energy of the body!

 The spiritual energy used to practice Yang Escape Secret Technique.

Although, the basic step in cultivating Chakra is to condense the physical energy and spiritual energy in the human body and fuse them together to produce Chakra that travels in the meridians. But just like people who have not really practiced the secret art of Yin Escape, they cannot easily control their mental energy for practice. When ninjas practice chakra, even if they can feel the existence of physical energy, they want to control it. It is also impossible to do anything with the body's energy.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 With the secret of the human body open to 100%, with the attainment of Yang Escape Secret Technique, cross-country can actually control the body's energy to do something.

 However, cross-country training had not yet reached home at that time, so it became extremely difficult to control body energy.

It's different now. With practice day after day, Cross Country controls the body's energy to flow throughout the body, and a faint smile appears at the corner of his mouth. However, today, a month later, I once again control the body's energy to travel throughout the body. I feel that my body is no longer like before. I only need the body's energy to travel throughout the body to enhance my physical fitness.

Hands of eyebrows were slightly wrinkled together, and the faint smile on Xue Yu's face turned into a bitter smile.

 He knew that his cultivation of Yang Escape Secret Technique had once again encountered a bottleneck.

 I don’t know how long it will take to break this bottleneck!

Just like that, the bitter smile on his face became much thicker. He immediately took a deep breath and prepared to practice hard with water and stone, trying to break the bottleneck in the cultivation of Yang Escape Secret Technique. However, when Cross Country was accustomed to the existence of the monks in Sand Ninja Village, and in the previous month, Cross Country and the lives of the monks did not interfere with each other, so Cross Country, who was determined to break the bottleneck of practicing Yang Escape Secret Technique, did not originally care about the monks. existence, it is time to start practicing

Who would have thought that just when the cross-country was about to practice, there was a sudden "swish" sound!

The yellow sand located in front of the cross-country suddenly solidified and turned into a sand soldier, standing in front of the cross-country!

 “You finally couldn’t help it.”

 “Are you going to take action?”

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