Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 500: Monk (Part 2)

The endless yellow sand in front of me suddenly condensed into the shape of sand soldiers.

Off-road pupils narrowed slightly, and the Xindao monk finally couldn't help but take action, with a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth.

 Obviously, if the monks were to attack directly, there would still be a slight sense of danger while driving off-road. Because, according to cross-country speculation, the monk is most likely the one who imprisoned himself in Suna Ninja Village. His qualifications in the ninja world are estimated to be only those of the third Hokage of Konoha Village and the third Tsuchikage of Iwa Ninja Village. match.

With such qualifications, how can a monk be an ordinary ninja?

 At least they are all peak shadow-level powerhouses like Raikage. How could he have the slightest bit of contempt if Cross Country had a personal confrontation with a monk?

  Instead it is now.

The monks did not attack directly in front of the cross-country, but used sand control skills to condense the yellow sand in the desert for the sand soldiers to attack, so the cross-country had no dignity at all.

Even if you are the pinnacle shadow-level expert in the ninja world, so what?

So what if you are the one from Sand Ninja Village?

Your sand control skills are very good. You can control the yellow sand in the desert and condense it into sand soldiers that are comparable to jounin-level ninjas.

 But it is a pity that ordinary jounin-level ninjas are completely indestructible in front of the shadow mage!

So, just when the sand soldiers in front of Cross Country had just condensed into shape, and before the sneer raised at the corner of Cross Country's mouth could fully relax, Cross Country suddenly burst out the physical energy in his body. That is the technique that Cross Country learned when he was practicing Yang Escape Secret Technique. The effect of using it is like Cross Country's Bengquan, which can suddenly burst out the terrifying power contained in the body.

This is also an innovative movement technique developed after the off-road lost the use of chakra, and it is comparable to the wind teleportation technique.

Then, after controlling the explosion of physical energy in the body, using no more or less physical energy, the cross-country figure suddenly appeared in front of the sand soldiers. Immediately, he took a deep breath, and also controlled the explosion of physical energy in his body. At this time, he officially entered the cross-country practice of Yang Dun Secret Technique. He suddenly understood the technique of Bengquan, which is also a technique of explosion of physical energy. .

 Next second!


Use the Beng Fist to attack the sand soldiers with a cross-country punch, smashing the sand soldiers in front of you into pieces.

 But what’s next?

Having just dealt with the sand soldiers in front of him, Cross Country didn't need the mental energy perception in the Yin Escape Brand to notice that the surrounding yellow sand began to surge, and then dozens of sand soldiers appeared next to Cross Country.

However, just as I thought before going off-road, ordinary sand soldiers can be comparable to jounin-level ninjas. Unfortunately, ordinary jounin-level ninjas are really not good enough in front of the shadow mage. Therefore, when dozens of soldiers gathered next to Cross Country again, they still had no intention of using the secret technique of Shadow Escape. They slowly put away the sneer on their faces, and suddenly Cross Country put on a The starting position of the Hyuga clan's soft fist!

 “Bengquan Jin!”

 “Empty Palm!”




The steps are just moving in place, without even stepping out of the circle under their feet.

Off-road turned around continuously, controlling the physical energy in his body and concentrating it on his fists. With the sound of "bang" and "bang", every time he punched, he could use his fists to release body energy. The body energy released from the cross-country fists forms invisible energy when it compresses the surrounding air.

 Soon, there were "bang", "bang" and "bang" sounds again!

Combined with the strength of the Beng Fist, the Beng Fist struck cross-country was like the Hyuga clan’s Eight Trigrams Air Palm, which landed on the surrounding sand soldiers one after another, crushing them one by one.

 After all the sand soldiers have been dealt with, what are you going to do cross-country?

 No need to say more!

Off-roaders are naturally unwilling to play with the sand soldiers made by monks. They explode their body energy under their feet and are in front of the monks in an instant!

 “What exactly are you going to do?”

Staring at the monk in front of him, his eyes were full of coldness, and he asked: "Although I don't want to admit it, the forehead protector I wear on my forehead is the Konoha Village's forehead protector, but I am indeed from the Konoha Village. There is no doubt about this. Your Suna Ninja Village has signed an alliance with our Konoha Village a long time ago. In the past month, we were in peace here. Now you suddenly attack me. Can’t it be considered that you are declaring war?”

"Speak, if you really declare war, then I will accept it. Please show some real skills to fight me and don't use these childish tricks!"

 “My patience”

 “But it’s very limited!”


As soon as he finished speaking, his right hand hit the ground.

 The secret technique of Shadow Escape!

 Use it when the shadow world comes!

 The dark shadows beneath our feet stretched away under the scorching sun.

Suddenly using the Shadow Realm to descend, Cross Country was just preparing to give the monk in front of him some color and let him know how powerful the famous Shadow Mage in the ninja world really was.

However, just as the dark shadow under the off-roader's feet was about to extend to the monk's feet, there were another "swish" and "swish" sounds!

 A row of sand soldiers suddenly blocked the way of the monks, not only blocking the cross-country progress, but also blocking the cross-country Shadow Realm coming there!

"How can it be?"

Seeing that only sand soldiers were used to block the extension of the black shadow coming from the shadow world, Cross Country looked slightly surprised, and immediately his eyebrows were tightly knitted together.

 Because, relying on the perception of Kagura's inner eye, Cross Country knows the reason why the sand soldiers can prevent the arrival of the shadow world.

 The answer is spiritual energy!

 When the monks condensed the sand soldiers, they transferred spiritual energy into each sand soldier.

Using the blockage of his own spiritual energy, the monk used the sand soldiers in front to block the cross-country extension of the shadow realm. However, if the monk thought that his hand could intimidate the cross-country, he must be completely wrong. Immediately afterwards, he found that the arrival of the shadow world could not smoothly extend to the monk's feet. With his eyes focused, he was about to continue to use the secret technique of shadow escape.

Who would have thought that the cross-country shadow escape technique would continue to be used, the monk suddenly sighed deeply.

 Next second!


Like endless yellow sand, suddenly floating behind the monk.

Looking fixedly at the direction of the cross-country, the monk smiled slightly and said, "Shadow Mage, right? No one in the desert is willing to fight me. Do you know why? Because every corner in the desert is my domain. Under my control. Even if you, the Third Hokage of Konoha Village, go to the desert to fight me, you may not be able to come back alive. Therefore, Shadow Mage, there is no need for you to continue fighting with me. The outcome between us is. It was already determined when you entered the desert.”

As the monk spoke, Xue Yue snorted coldly, obviously dissatisfied with what the monk said.

 What do you mean by what you said?

 Can I, the shadow mage, be afraid of you?

There was anger in his eyes, and when he heard the monk's words that didn't sound like words of comfort, he was about to get angry in cross country.

 But just when Cross Country was thinking about taking action again, the monk changed the topic and said, "Okay, what I just said was indeed a bit excessive, Shadow Mage, I will apologize to you now."

“As for what I just did to you, go back and think about it now.”

 “You will know then whether I am hostile or kind!”

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