Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 508: Fighting Sand Ninja (Part 2)

 “Secret Technique!”

 “King Kong Blockade!”



Understanding Chiyo and Ebizo's true intention, Yue Yue raised a slight smile at the corner of his mouth. Facing the flanking attack between Chiyo and Ebizo, two shadow-level powerhouses, he instantly became much more relaxed.

So, what is the real purpose of Chiyo and Ebizo?

 The answer is testing!

 Wanting to cooperate with Sand Ninja Village, not everyone can do it.

Shadow Mage is indeed famous in the ninja world, but if you want to be recognized by the Suna Ninja Village, you still need to "fight" to know it.

 So, even though Chiyo and Ebizo knew exactly why Fenfu left Sand Ninja Village. However, when Fenfu actually brought Cross Country back to Sand Ninja Village, Chiyo, Ebizo and others thought of "sneak attack" on Cross Country to see if Cross Country was as proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape as the rumors said. The secret technique of the Uzumaki clan.

At this moment, regardless of Chiyo, Ebizo is attacking with great force, but they are not fighting with their true strength!

  There are the Fourth Kazekage, Chiyo, and Ebizo, a total of three true Kage-level experts coming to attack him. It is not too difficult for them to capture Yuchi. After all, even if Cross Country is the fourth stage of Yin Escape Brand, and has mastered the true power of the fourth stage of Yin Escape Brand, it is still very difficult to win against three shadow level experts.

However, since it is just a test, it becomes much easier for Cross Country to win the battle with Sand Ninja.

Condensed the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and the golden chain floated behind Cross Country.

The secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, used by King Kong to block it!

Sure enough, when using Kagura's inner eye to observe Chiyo and Ebizo, Cross Country keenly caught a hint of joy in their eyes. However, just being able to use the King Kong blockade skillfully does not mean that one can pass the test of Chiyo and Ebizo in cross-country. Therefore, just when Cross Country used King Kong to block it, the two puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo suddenly ran towards the front of Cross Country from the left and right directions respectively.

Those two puppets are not famous puppets in the ninja world.

 Discovering that there is a special mark of the Red Sand Scorpion on the puppet, Cross Country can fully understand that the puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo are at most the playthings of the Red Sand Scorpion.

 Then, two humanoid puppets attacked, using King Kong to block the condensed golden chains. Off-road easily restrained the two puppets there. Moreover, if the control of the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, Kongo Blockade, in Cross-country can only make Chiyo and Ebizo feel that Cross-country has qualified standards, then the subsequent use of Kongo Blockade in Cross-country is to make Chiyo and Ebizo reveal it. Here comes the shocked look!

 “King Kong Blockade!”




 One second ago, the golden chains formed by using King Kong to block the cross-country had just wrapped around the puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo respectively. Then, the next second, following the golden chains condensed by the King Kong blockade, strange black runes were shrouded in the two puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo, and immediately followed by "Boom" and "Boom" "With two sounds, the puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo fell heavily to the ground as if they had turned into "dead objects".


 Why can the puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo fall to the ground completely out of control?

 The answer is cross-country sealing!

 Use King Kong to block and further cast the sealing technique!

Obtaining the inheritance of Uzumaki Kushina, cross-country, even Uzumaki Naruto, is a useless person with almost no talent in "jutsu". He has no attainments in "jutsu" such as sealing technique, confinement technique, and barrier technique. A level that ordinary people cannot imagine. At this time, cross-country happened to be combined with Uzumaki Kushina's experience in using the King Kong Blockade. First, she used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to successfully use the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, King Kong Blockade.

  followed by.

 When King Kong seals the condensed golden chain and successfully restricts the target's movement, the super powerful sealing technique is used!

  Completely seals the inside of the puppet, making it impossible for other people's chakra to control the puppet.

Off-road used such a simple and crude method to crack the puppets controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo, two puppet masters!

And when the puppet controlled by Chiyo and Ebizo fell to the ground, no matter how controlled Chiyo and Ebizo were, they could not float smoothly. When they looked at each other, Chiyo and Ebizo understood the look in each other's eyes. the meaning of.

 The next second.

All the hostility in his eyes disappeared, and Ebizo slowly walked towards the cross country. He said with a smile: "I have heard about Master Shadow's reputation for a long time. When I see him today, he is really well-deserved!"

  "If I can become famous in the ninja world, I naturally have some abilities."

“It’s a pity that the hospitality of your Sand Ninja Village is a little different from the rumors.”

 Listening to Ebizo's words, the off-road clarity test has been passed, and now it's time to discuss the conditions.

 Fenfu can promise cross-country benefits, how can Sand Ninja Village be stingy?

Since the cross-country has shown its value in the test, Sand Ninja Village must provide enough benefits to eliminate the "grievance" in the heart of the cross-country.

 However, characters like Chiyo and Ebizo naturally understand the idea of ​​cross-country, and if they follow the cross-country immediately, they are ready to discuss the conditions. Who would have thought that Chiyo, Ebizo, and Fenfu were all more optimistic about Cross Country, but the fourth generation Kazekage, who symbolized the "puppet", heard the cynicism of Cross Country, and a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth!

“Shadow Mage, if you say something unpleasant, who do you think you are?”

"Now that I, Chiyo-sama, Ebizou-sama, and Fenfu-sama are there, even if you, the Kage Master, are capable of fighting against the Sannin, you may not be able to leave the confines of my Sand Ninja Village safely!"

“Don’t think about negotiating terms with us, think about how you can satisfy us, and let you leave peacefully!”

“If you really don’t appreciate it, you still want to get some benefits from our Sand Ninja Village.”


“As the Kazekage, I will tell you on behalf of Suna Ninja Village what the majesty of Suna Ninja Village is!”

 Having said that, the Fourth Kazekage was full of fighting spirit and obviously had no intention of "surrendering" at all.

On the contrary, it was Chiyo and Ebizo, two old guys who did not take the Fourth Kazekage seriously at all. Almost as soon as the Fourth Kazekage finished speaking, his expressions became ugly.

 Do you think you can become a Kazekage because you are strong enough?


 You are just a puppet. It is because you are easy to control that you can become the Kazekage!

With their minds filled with negative emotions, Chiyo and Ebizo looked at the Fourth Kazekage with unkind eyes, but unfortunately the Fourth Kazekage didn't notice.

Here, it is definitely not that the fourth generation Kazekage's observation ability is insufficient, but that he is fed up with his status as a puppet and wants to take the opportunity to regain the rights belonging to the Kazekage.


Off-road is not willing to pay attention to the affairs of Konoha Village, let alone the internal fighting in Suna Ninja Village?

 So, after discovering that the Fourth Kazekage, Chiyo, and Ebizo were a bit interested in fighting among themselves, Cross Country returned to Fenfu in time, and prepared to have a good talk with Fenfu. However, what the cross-country, and even Chiyo and other strong people from Suna Ninja Village did not expect was that in such a special situation, the first person to attack turned out to be Fenfu!


  The first person to raise the issue was the Shukaku One in Fenfu’s body!

 “Jie Jie Jie!”

“Since you can’t reach an agreement, let me have a good talk with you!”

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