Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 509: Shukaku attacks

 “Share the blessings?”

 “No, it’s Shukaku!”

If the Fourth Kazekage launched an attack on cross-country, it would be a joke to Chiyo, Ebizo, and even Fenfu. The Kazekage of Sand Ninja Village has always been a tragedy, just like the Third Kazekage. The Shadow Guards that can take charge of themselves are the result of Chiyo and Ebizo's "compromise". Today's Fourth Kazekage is a person that even the Shadow Guards cannot control smoothly. Most of the people inside are "nails" sent by Chiyo and Ebizo. How can the Fourth Kazekage get rid of the puppet? Possibility of identity?

The real power in Sand Ninja Village can only be Chiyo, Ebizo and a few others.

Unless, like in the original plot, Chiyo and Ebizo decide to retire and are ready to release their rights, the Kazekage can gain real rights. Otherwise, the Kazekage of Suna Ninja Village will always be a puppet with no possibility of turning over.


The one who suddenly made the move turned out to be a blessing, and Chiyo and Ebizo, the two powerful factions in the Sand Ninja Village, couldn't sit still.

Especially when they discovered that Fenfu's eyes suddenly turned into a pair of beast eyes when he was in trouble. They knew very clearly that those beast eyes were the eyes of Ichibi Shukaku. Chiyo and Ebizou secretly thought that they were most worried. Something was finally going to happen, and he immediately prepared to release the remaining scrolls in the ninja tool bag, and use more advanced puppets to restrain Fenfu, or in other words, the attack of the one-tailed Shukaku hidden in Fenfu's body.


Even if Chiyo and Ebizo are masters of the puppet technique, it is still difficult for them to limit the power of the tailed beasts.

  In the original storyline of Naruto, the most tragic Jinchūriki is actually Gaara of Suna Ninja Village. Because there are not many ninjas who are proficient in sealing techniques in the Sand Ninja Village. Even Chiyo and Ebizo are masters of the puppet technique. They can only master some more advanced sealing techniques. The seals that can truly suppress tailed beasts Neither of them can use the technique. Therefore, relying on just a more advanced sealing technique, Ichibi Shukaku's seal originally had many flaws, making Gaara an unqualified Jinchūriki in the eyes of the Fourth Kazekage.

  The reason why the Fourth Kazekage assassinated Gaara many times was actually to destroy the unqualified Jinchūriki in his eyes.

 It’s just that no one can imagine that Gaara is an existence with the aura of the protagonist.

If it had been anyone else, and there were many flaws in the sealing technique of sealing the tailed beasts, that person would have committed suicide under the torture of Ichibi Shukaku!

It was also because Chiyo and Ebizo were not suitable to fight with the same-tailed beasts, so the two of them were just about to liberate the puppets in the scroll, and were controlled by Ichibi Shukaku, so they looked at Chiyo and Ebizo mockingly.

 There is no need to use too drastic measures at all, just to control the invasion of the surrounding yellow sand.


 The yellow sand is coming!

The desert is the realm of blessings, and it is also the realm of the one-tailed crane.

And among the tailed beasts, Ichibi Shukaku's sealing skills are the best among the tailed beasts. Looking at it clearly, Ichibi Shukaku's attack came with yellow sand, as if to interrupt Chiyo and Ebizo's action of liberating the puppets. In fact, Ichibi Shukaku controlled the invasion of yellow sand, and in just a split second, he sealed the scrolls used by Chiyo and Ebizo to seal the puppets directly in the yellow sand, cutting off the summons of the two. Puppet possibility.

If the puppet master had no puppets, how much strength would he have left?

Just look at the Red Sand Scorpion in the original plot!

 The Red Sand Scorpion without a puppet is not a shadow-level powerhouse at all.

Therefore, Chiyo and Ebizo, who lost the right to use puppets, temporarily have no usable puppets in their hands, which makes the two of them become scum in the eyes of Ichibi Shukaku, and they have no intention of solving them.

 As for the Fourth Kazekage?


From Ichibi Shukaku's point of view, he is not as much of a threat as Chiyo and Ebizo.

  followed by.

With an evil smile slightly raised at the corner of his mouth, Ichibi Shukaku's eyes fell on the cross country who was watching the excitement next to him. Although Ichibi Shukaku didn't know much about off-roading, even the information he knew about off-roading was obtained from Fenfu. But relying on his own experience, Ichibi Shukaku discovered as soon as he escaped from Fenfu's control that the most threatening person in the scene was the youngest and seemingly weak off-road person.

 Next second!


Another deafening sound sounded. The moment Ichibi Shukaku's eyes fell on the cross-country, Ichibi Shukaku officially started to attack in the direction of the cross-country.

 Look at the strong men of Sand Ninja Village.

 Chiyo, Ebizo has lost his puppet and cannot suppress Shukaku Ichibi for the time being.

The Fourth Kazekage was happy to see the cross-country rival Shukaku confront each other, and stood beside him with his arms crossed, ready to watch the show.

Without the help of the strong men in Sand Ninja Village, fighting Shukaku in the desert would be no less difficult than fighting Fenfu in the desert.

But when his eyes met the beast eyes of Ichibi Shukaku, there was a hint of restlessness in the off-road Yin Escape brand. Undoubtedly, it was the power of Ichibi Shukaku, derived from the tailed beast, that caused waves in the original energy of Erbi Mataru inside the cross-country Yin escape brand. Even when the original power of the Erwei Mata Brigade caused ripples in the Yin Escape Brand, there was a strange change in the eyes of Cross Country when he looked at Ichibi Shukaku.

 There is a voice that seems to be constantly echoing in Cross Country’s mind.

That voice is comforting Cross Country, swallowing up a Shukaku!

"When I completely swallow up the power of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, my Yin Escape skills will definitely surpass countless seniors of the Uzumaki clan. However, when I swallow the original power of the Two-tailed Mata Brigade, and then I swallow the One-tailed Shukaku's Where is the original power?”

"When the time comes, won't the ninja world be at my mercy?"

“Even if Madara is resurrected, will it be possible for me to fight?”

“And, if I can really accomplish the feat of swallowing nine tailed beasts”

“Even the Immortal of Six Paths must be unable to do anything to me!”

 The greed in his heart caused the cross-country eyes to change.

That greed is the greed that comes from power that surpasses Madara, surpasses the Immortal of Six Paths!

 It was precisely driven by that greed that Cross Country forgot about his physical injuries, and even more so, he forgot that it would take a long time for him to devour the power of the Erwei Brigade. At this moment, there is only one thought in Cross Country's heart, and that is to make as much profit as possible when Fenfu is controlled by Ichibi Shukaku, or to find a way to devour Ichibi Shukaku's power as much as possible.

As for the one-tailed Shukaku, how could it imagine that when it was in trouble, Cross Country also had the same mentality of taking action?

 So, when the One-tailed Shukaku once again controlled the yellow sand and attacked cross-country.


 The secret technique of Shadow Escape explodes!

 The off-roading with fierce fighting spirit is a challenge to Shukaku, the emperor of the desert!


 “Let’s fight!”

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