Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 514: A year in a hurry (Part 2)

Fenfu once said that his life span is at least three years.

As a result, Cross Country's refuge life in Sand Ninja Village will also last at least three years.

So, why did the secluded life in the Sand Ninja Village after the cross-country trip only last for a year?

 This starts with the conversation about off-roading and sharing blessings!

When he entered the Suna Ninja Village, the young Cross Country was the envy of all Suna Ninjas. He was blessed at such a young age. Chiyo, Ebizo, the Fourth Kazekage, and four Kage-level experts went there in person. Greeting him, those sand ninjas who were guarding the front line of the sky were all staring at the cross country with envy, wishing they could replace the cross country's identity.

 There is no doubt that this is the ninja's worship of the strong.

 Being able to gain the admiration of Sand Ninja, off-roading is earned through the APP and one’s own efforts.

However, when I stepped into Suna Ninja Village, off-roading did have a feeling of excitement. After all, when I was in Konoha Village, off-roading was not treated like it is now. So with a feeling of elation in his heart, Cross Country suddenly realized that entering Suna Ninja Village to live in seclusion was a very correct choice, because if he returns to Konoha Village, the treatment he will face is likely to be the same as that of a prisoner, right? ?

Then, when he entered the Suna Ninja Village, Cross Country's heart was filled with a sense of ecstasy, and there was no movement left in the dark either.

 If they really break up with the Suna Ninja Village, the situation that Cross Country will face is the siege of the entire Suna Ninja Village. Under such circumstances, when entering Suna Ninja Village for the first time off-road, it would be an idiot to not carefully observe the situation in Suna Ninja Village and find a way out for yourself. Therefore, I secretly used Kagura's inner eye to gain insight into the loopholes of the Suna Ninja Village. I quickly discovered that the loopholes in the Suna Ninja Village were exactly as described in the original plot. It was in the sky. Cross Country sighed secretly. Thought:

"No wonder, in the original plot, the Red Sand Scorpion led Deidara to attack the Sand Ninja Village, and he could so easily and even capture Gaara who became the Kazekage without any difficulty. It turns out, Relying on the terrifying defense of the first line of defense and the confidence given by the strong people in the Sand Ninja Village, the air defense capabilities of the Sand Ninja Village had flaws early on. "

"Presumably, even without the Red Sand Scorpion, if Deidara wanted to attack the Sand Ninja Village from the air, he would be more than 60% sure of abducting Gaara, who was the Kazekage in the original plot!"

"I should be glad now that I didn't show off my ability to fly in front of Fenfuku, Chiyo, Ebizo, or even the Fourth Kazekage. Otherwise, Suna Ninja Village would have strengthened its preparations for air defense. Suna and I would If the Ninja Village is the enemy, it will be difficult to escape from the Suna Ninja Village smoothly. Now that we have found a way to escape from the Suna Ninja Village, let’s have a good talk with Fenfu.”

 “Let’s do that!”

He secretly thought to himself, followed Chiyo, Ebizo, and the Fourth Kazekage, and directly used the ability of the Yin Escape Brand to communicate the blessings: "Monk, when do you expect to seal Shukaku again? ?”

 “In about two years’ time!”

Having long guessed that Cross Country would ask such a question, Fenfu said without any hesitation: "On the surface, Chiyo and Ebizo are the pillars of Suna Ninja Village. In fact, I am the spiritual support of Chiyo and Ebizo. In the ninja war that just ended, you, the ninjas of Konoha Village, gave Chiyo and Ebizo a big blow. Coupled with the incident with Scorpion, Chiyo and Ebizo had already thought of retiring. It’s not that I’m not in good health, maybe Luo Sha doesn’t need to be so anxious!”

After saying that, he sighed deeply, and Fenfu continued: "So, I am going to wait for about two years to create some opportunities for Rasa. By the time Chiyo, Ebizo really has the intention to delegate power. , there can be no civil strife in Sand Ninja Village, then I can leave this world without any worries."

"Shadow Mage, you asked me this question just now, you must not be trying to see the internal jokes in our Sand Ninja Village, right? You are calculating how long the hard training time will be, right?"

 “That’s right.”

Smiling, Cross Country said: "I'm different from you. I'm very young and can't waste my time. So, since you need my help after two years, then in the first year of seclusion in the Suna Ninja Village Time, I will practice hard by your side. Whether it is the secret technique of Yin Escape, the secret technique of Yang Escape, or the secret technique of controlling natural elements as Shukaku said, I need to practice it. After one year, I need to surprise many people, so I’ll bother you, monk!”

"One year later, another monster will appear in the ninja world. It's interesting, isn't it?"

 Inwardly agreeing with the idea of ​​cross-country, Fenfu sighed and stopped communicating mentally with the cross-country.

  followed by.

 Under the leadership of Chiyo, Ebizo, and the Fourth Kazekage, Cross Country quickly entered a place that looked like a ward. There, Cross Country suddenly saw the famous plot character in the original plot, that is, the Kazekage Gaara of the future Sand Ninja Village. Unfortunately, the current Gaara is like Shikamaru and Naruto, so even Cross Country Even though I saw it, I didn’t feel much surprise.

 But there was only one thing, after meeting Gaara in the cross country, I felt a little worried.

 That’s a feeling!

  A feeling derived from the imprint of off-road Yin Escape!

Off-Road used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and when he began to sense Gaara's situation, the feedback from the Yin Escape Brand made him feel worried. That feeling was like telling Cross Country that Gaara was probably also a "jealous" person, and that he was a very suitable talent to become Shukaku Jinchūriki. Cross Country couldn't help but silently sigh, could it be that some things are really true? Is it the so-called destiny?

 However, Cross Country cannot talk much about this matter with Fenfu, or Chiyo and others.

Maintaining an attitude of neither praising nor belittling, after seeing Gaara in the cross country, he followed Fenfu as if nothing had happened and returned to the cell where he was imprisoned.

Judging from the plot of the original novel, Fenfu's cell is undoubtedly a shabby place. He might go crazy if he stayed there for just a few days, let alone a year or so of seclusion.

But when he actually went to the place where Fenfu lived in seclusion, he suddenly discovered that the place where Fenfu lived in seclusion was a paradise!

 No wonder Fenfu was able to live in seclusion there for so many years!

  It’s not that you have a good mentality of sharing blessings, but that this paradise is so suitable for seclusion!

He was very satisfied with the place where Fenfu lived. Cross Country silently admired that Fenfu was also a person who knew how to enjoy. Then he began to hate Fenfu, how he could release the power of "Heavenly Jealousy" when all the meridians were broken. , and how he can make rapid progress in his cultivation of Yang Escape Secret Technique. In Fenfu's answer, it didn't take long for Cross Country to understand that there is no shortcut to practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape, just like there is no shortcut to accumulating chakra or spiritual energy under normal circumstances.

 If you want to complete the two aspects of training mentioned above in cross-country, all you need is the process of getting through water and stone.

Because of this, Xiujiang, who lived in seclusion at Fenfu, devoted all his energy to his own cultivation. If you don't understand something, go and ask Fenfu. Most of the rest of the time is spent in cultivation. Without even realizing it when you are off-roading, time flies and one year has passed in the blink of an eye.

 The 51st year of Konoha has arrived in a hurry.

 This year, the shadow mage who disappeared from the ninja world was only eight years old!

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