Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 515: Gaara

Sha Ninja Village, a place where you share your blessings and live in prison.

Sitting quietly on the sand dunes, feeling the breath of the "wind", I couldn't help but sigh slightly as I went off-road. Time flies so fast, and three years have passed in the blink of an eye!

I still remember three years ago, when the Three-Tails War and the Nine-Tails War broke out in Konoha Village.

  After that fierce battle, Uzumaki Kushina faked her death. The Fourth Hokage was disheartened and left the village with which he had a deep bond and wanted to protect it for his whole life. It was also after that fierce battle that the original protagonist Uzumaki Naruto was born. Due to many incidents, he left the Leaf Village cross-country and embarked on a journey to end the three wars.

 Establish the name of Shadow Mage, go to the Bear Country, and destroy the Star Ninja Village.

 Switched to fight in the country of Tian, ​​and cooperated with Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and soon a war broke out that shocked the ninja world.

However, in the end, due to a sneak attack by a masked man and a man in black robes, what even Cross Country did not expect was that he ended up spending nearly a year in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind, and again He lived in seclusion in Sand Ninja Village for a whole year.

On this day, if Fenfu hadn't told Cross Country that the envoy from Yunren Village had entered the Kingdom of Fire, perhaps Cross Country would still be indulging in his own practice.

 In the past three years, there is only one thing that makes cross-country feel regretful.

That is the secret technique of Shadow Escape developed by APP, and the development progress is still at 99%!

 Many times I wonder if the R&D function of the APP has failed, or perhaps the R&D function of the APP failed to create a new secret technique of Shadow Escape in the end.

However, when the envoys who knew that Yun Ninja Village was preparing to enter the Kingdom of Fire with the intention of peace, they found that there were new changes in the research and development progress in the APP research and development function list. Off-road knew what he had created. The new shadow escape technique must be a very powerful shadow escape technique.

  After all, the APP has proven many times that the longer the secret technique of Shadow Escape is developed, the easier it is to use and the more amazing its power is!

What's more, apart from the fact that the R&D function of the APP still failed to develop a new secret technique of shadow escape, cross-country has made amazing progress in the past year of hard training?

It can be said that apart from the only regret, the one year of hard training in the seclusion of Suna Ninja Village was a real progress!

 “It’s been a year, another year.”

"Gaara in the Sand Ninja Village, although he still looks childish, has some shadows in the original plot. I wonder how little Naruto and Koshikamaru are doing now."

"Ha, I was immersed in penance before, so I didn't feel homesick at all. Now I'm fine. I accidentally learned the information about Konoha Village from Fenfu, and I can't wait to return to Konoha Village!"

“I just don’t know if I am qualified to compete with the Third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen right now?”

"A year ago, if I had a fight with the Third Hokage, I would probably lose 80% of the time. As for now."

"If we really fight against the Third Hokage, then the winner may not be the old guy from the Third Hokage!"

"After all, I am growing up, and the Third Hokage is regressing a little bit!"

He secretly thought to himself, silently summarizing the results of the past year of hard training in his heart, feeling the increasingly surging physical energy in his body, and the increasingly pure spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, and smiled confidently, looking forward to the impact. After the Master has been in seclusion for nearly two years, he reappears in the ninja world. What kind of changes can he bring to the ninja world?

There is no doubt that after a year of hard training, cross-country has the power to rival a true shadow-level powerhouse.

 That’s right!

 While the injuries to his meridians have still not healed, Cross Country is already a true shadow-level powerhouse!

  Throughout the year, cross-country did not swallow up the original energy of Erweiyou Brigade, which is what Fenfu repeatedly warned. It was discovered that although the progress of Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand was rapid, there were also many hidden dangers left behind. Fenfu encouraged Cross Country not to devour the original energy of Erweiyou Brig. This was for the sake of Cross Country's future training. After conducting cross-country experiments and confirming this point, they temporarily gave up the idea of ​​​​devouring the original power of the Erwei Brigade. However, even though he didn't have the original energy to swallow up the Erwei Brigade, Cross Country concentrated on practicing the Yin Escape Secret Technique, and the effect was still very good.

 In the four condensed Yin Escape Brands, the spiritual energy becomes more and more pure, which is a sign of progress in cross-country practice of Yin Escape Secret Technique.

Coupled with a year of hard training, under the guidance of Fenfu, Cross Country gradually integrated the Peacock Magic of Star Ninja Village into the secret technique of Shadow Release. With the four condensed Yin Escape Brands and the Shadow Escape Secret Technique that perfectly integrates the Peacock Magic of Star Ninja Village, Cross Country can actually rival a true Shadow Level powerhouse.

 Even when facing off against the Third Hokage, he seems confident in cross-country.

Besides, cross-country training is not limited to the secret art of escape?

The advancement of Yang Dun's Secret Technique has increased cross-country's physical fitness. Now he only needs to break through one more bottleneck. His physical fitness under normal circumstances can be vaguely comparable to Akai's ability to open the second gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia.

Coupled with Fenfu's other pointers, Cross Country has a deeper understanding of "wind". Combining the two together, saying that Cross Country is a true shadow-level powerhouse is a bit derogatory to Cross Country.

Even if it is said that cross-country can now rival the Third Hokage, a strong man like Raikage is a peak-level Kage-level strongman, it is not an exaggeration.

  followed by.

 Indulged in his own thoughts, he didn't pay attention to the changes in the outside world at all.

However, due to the deepening of the understanding of "wind" and relying on the information transmitted by the "wind", cross-country can already use the "wind eye" to observe the surroundings at will without using chakra or mental energy, so Not long after he was immersed in his own thoughts, he soon discovered two figures, one large and one small, sneaking into his "territory".

It’s just that the "eye of the wind" stared at the two figures, one large and one small. The off-road face did not have any intention of becoming cold, but instead raised a faint smile.

 Because the people who sneaked into the off-road "territory" at this time were his acquaintances, whose names were Yashamaru and...


 Yes, it's Gaara.

The Shura who loves him in the early part of the original plot, and the great Kazekage in the later part of the original plot!

 About half a year ago, under the leadership of Fenfu, Cross Country went to observe Gaara's condition and further check whether he had the possibility of becoming a Jinchuuriki. Cross Country got acquainted with the young Gaara. However, Gaara, who was only two and a half years old at the time, did not show too closeness to Yue, and was even vaguely afraid of off-roading.

 After all, the forehead protector worn for off-roading is still the ninja forehead protector from Konoha Village!

  Instead, it’s Yashamaru!

The guy who personally shaped Gaara's twisted character in the early stages of the original plot, after only meeting him once, he hoped that he could take good care of Gaara.

 How to put it, Gaara is the child of Yashamaru's sister.

Based on this, Yashamaru treats Gaara as if he is doting on his own child, which is far less hypocritical than shown in the early stages of the original plot. In other words, he is deeply resentful of Gaara and feels that Gaara is the one who killed him. His own sister is the culprit.

And Yashamaru failed to take the blame for the Fourth Kazekage under the arrangement of the Fourth Kazekage. How could Gaara be the cruel guy in the original plot?

Staggered to the front of the cross country, and called out "Brother Mage" in a baby voice.

 Hearing Gaara's call, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but become a little stronger.

But thinking that Gaara was about to become a Jinchuuriki and enter the first turning point in his life, Yugosuki slowly put away the smile on his face, turned to look at Yashamaru in front of him, and asked road:

 “The Kazekage hasn’t sent anyone to track you recently, Yashamaru, you”

“Have you accepted some more secretive tasks?”

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