Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 53: Rookie enters battle


As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, Cross Country and Akai couldn't help but froze for a moment and took a breath of air at the same time.

During the previous month of practice, despite the ominous premonition that had always hung over Cross Country's head, he knew that the clouds of war were about to invade. However, when Cross Country confirmed the start of the war from Kakashi's mouth, Cross Country, who felt that he had been prepared for a long time, was still a little nervous.

 The nervousness before going into battle!

As a rookie on the battlefield, Cross Country's nervousness was due to his nervousness before the battle, then Akai's nervousness was due to his concern for the battle situation in Konoha Village.

It's not like going off-road, he's just a "foreigner" and doesn't care at all about the war situation in Konoha Village.

As a "native", the honor of Konoha Village is simply equivalent to Akai's life, so when Kakashi said that the war was about to begin, Akai clenched his fists tightly and his eyes were very solemn. asked: "Kakashi, is it that the Iwa Ninja Village still refuses to give up? Damn it, we are obviously going to sign a peace agreement, but those villains in the Iwa Ninja Village actually want to go back on it, right?"

 “Iwa Ninja Village?”

  Listening to Akai's words, Xiqiu slowly came back to his senses, and then frowned.

Because according to the course of the three battles in the original plot, after the battle of Kannakun, the battle between Konoha Village and Iwa Ninja Village was indeed over. It cannot be like what Akai said, it was another preparation for Iwa Ninja Village. It was the war with the Leaf Village that led to the current war.

And when Akai mentioned the Iwa Ninja Village, as expected, a trace of sadness appeared in Kakashi's pupils, as if he was mourning the "dead in battle" Uchiha Obito.

Then, without answering Cross Country, Akai's words, and completely immersed in his own sadness, Kakashi sighed deeply, and then replied: "Xiao Cross, Akai, the war is not something we little people can decide. So just follow me to the gathering.”

“The vanguard led by the Fourth Hokage is ready to set off.”

“Akai, as a member of the Fourth Hokage’s **** team, you must hurry up and gather at the Fourth Hokage’s place.”

 “As for off-roading.”

With that said, Kakashi looked at Yuki apologetically, and continued: "Jiyu, before the war begins, I have an important task to perform. Because you do not have the ability to lead the team alone, the Fourth Hokage will temporarily transfer you. Guards, hurry up and follow Akai to assemble!”

“When traveling off-road, remember to clearly define your position on the battlefield.”

 “The battlefield is not a child’s play, people can really die!”


Although it is not clear what the secret mission Kakashi is going to perform, Kakashi's ability to say those words to Cross Country inevitably makes Cross Country have a good impression of Kakashi.

 That’s right.

  From the moment he met Kakashi, Cross Country didn’t have a good impression of Kakashi.

 Selfish, proud, careless.

Every personality Kakashi shows is not the kind of person who is easy to get in touch with. In addition, the setting of the plot is different from that of the original work. It is inevitable that he will have some strange thoughts in his heart.

However, Kakashi's indifferent but enthusiastic instructions to Cross Country at this time finally gave him some understanding of Cross Country, and Kakashi was far from being as difficult to contact as it seemed. However, at this stage, Kakashi is still covering his heart with coldness and using exclusive methods to cover up the pain in his heart.

 Then, follow Kakashi’s instructions and go to a secret meeting place.

In that gathering place, the one wearing the ANBU mask can be said to be the most eye-catching one.

Because there, except for Akai, who is more familiar with cross-country, and the same, Iwashi, and Shiranui Genma, who are relatively young ninjas, the rest of the ninjas are at least twenty years old, which shows that they have been for a long time. People who have been on the battlefield. As a ninja who is smaller than Akai and others, Cross Country must be the target of everyone's attention.

 However, when wearing a mask, off-road, even if he is young, still has the identity of anbu. Those experienced ninjas will definitely not be able to go and talk to off-road. As for Cross Country, who was about to board the battlefield, under the curious eyes of everyone, he was also silently sensing the strength differentiation of the people around him.

But who could have imagined that without giving Cross Country any time to get familiar with his companions, a familiar voice echoed at the front of the team.

That familiar voice is clearly coming from my uncle who traveled off-road!

Nara Shikaku!

 “It turns out that Uncle Shikaku is our commander!”

“I think after entering the battlefield, I can still get some benefits!”

I was silently glad that I entered the battlefield under the command of an acquaintance, but unfortunately I stopped laughing soon after crossing the road.

 As for the reason!

 It’s very simple, it’s because Nara Shikaku is the commander of the cross-country!

With a protective mentality, Lu Jiu is the kind of person who would rather die than let off-road go to the battlefield himself.

 Although Lu Jiu also knows that entering the battlefield to practice is likely to make cross-country growth faster. But as Kakashi said, the battlefield is not a place for children to play, but a place where people may die. Therefore, even if it is to avoid the one-in-a-thousand chance, Shikaku would rather go off-road and hide in the majority forever.

Just like that, the next few days of cross-country driving were spent in boredom.

Obviously you are a member of the Fourth Hokage's **** team, and you have the identity of an ANBU. At least you have to watch the battle from the commander's position and feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, right?

 But under Shikaku’s arrangement, Cross Country actually became a logistics worker!

In addition to following the daily **** of supplies by Iwahi, most of the time cross-country is mixed with some medical ninjas. On the surface, it is to protect the medical ninjas and the safety of the injured in Konoha Village. In fact, even those medical ninjas knew that Cross Country simply came here to "take refuge", which led to Cross Country quickly becoming a part of the medical force.

“Shadow, send this medicine to Medical Camp No. 3!”

“Shadow, help me quickly and carry the wounded in!”

"Ying, don't be in a daze, help me prepare the medicine!"

 Every day in the medical unit, as an Anbu, Cross Country well interprets the identity of a "temporary worker". Even in the medical unit, he is a handyman.

If anyone is in trouble, the first thing that comes to mind is cross-country riding at a young age but rarely making mistakes.

Over time, cross-country travel has become more and more popular among medical troops, and the busy presence of cross-country travel is indispensable in all medical units. If Cross Country is absent for a day, even the medical ninjas will feel strange, and the injured Konoha soldiers will have one less object to ridicule. In short, their happiness is based on Cross Country.

To put it simply, cross-country's life in the medical army is all about practicing and doing odd jobs.

Needless to say, in terms of training, with the shadow clone training method, Cross Country has become more proficient in mastering the secret skills of the Fourth Hokage. Even when Cross Country was "doing odd jobs" in the medical unit, Cross Country, who obviously only knew some pharmacology, turned into a half-medical ninja, able to provide emergency treatment to some wounded soldiers.

But just as I was following the medical team cross-country, and as a rookie, I had been on the battlefield for more than ten days, an accident suddenly happened!

 And precisely because of that accident, Shikaku's plan completely failed, causing the cross-country who followed the medical team to fall into a life and death dilemma!

That surprise came from the enemy ninja's surprise attack plan!

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