Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 54: Lead the team to break through (Part 1)

“Ying, you seem to be very leisurely every day, are you in a daze again?”

"Don't be in a daze! Come with me to take care of the wounded!"


  I experience the same thing almost every day. In the past ten days, I have gradually become familiar with my identity as a "medical ninja".

 Those wounded who have just retreated from the front line are often a little shocked at first. When did ANBU actually want to work part-time as a medical ninja?

However, all the wounded who have become familiar with each other in the medical camp basically know the deeds of those small ANBU. Therefore, in the more than ten days of his career in the medical force, Cross Country has gained a good reputation among the wounded in Konoha Village. Unfortunately, no one knows that the little ANBU is Nara Cross Country. They only know that the little ANBU is Nara Cross Country. It's just codenamed "Shadow".

As for being in a daze every day while off-roading, please, that is not a daze!

Must use the technique of multiple shadow clones to practice every day, and being in a medical camp, Cross Country must carefully control the shadow clones to prevent the ninjas from the same village from discovering the secret of his practice.

 Hence, cross-country people who focus on controlling their shadow clones often appear to be in a daze to others. The members of the medical team and the wounded in the Leaf Village gradually came to know that Cross Country liked to be in a daze, so they always used this incident to tease Cross Country, making them laugh and cry, as if he was a slacker in the ANBU.

However, few people know how horrifying his improvement in strength was during the period of "daze" off-road.

 The main reason for progress in cross-country must be the cultivation of the secret skills of the Fourth Hokage!

Not long ago, when Cross Country was training with Akai, he had mastered some basics of the Fourth Hokage's secret technique, and even more skillfully mastered the technique of increasing the speed of wind attribute chakra.

A small "acceleration" ability, which seems very ordinary, makes Akai feel embarrassed when using physical skills in cross-country. It can be seen that a small "acceleration" ability can make cross-country people feel embarrassed. There is a "qualitative" leap in strength.

 In the past ten days, having gained a certain foundation in cross-country training, he has devoted himself to practicing and mastered the other two secret techniques of the Fourth Hokage at a speed as fast as "flying".

 The first one is the instantaneous body technique of the Fourth Hokage.

 The second one is the special perception method of the Fourth Hokage.

 Let’s talk about the first one first, the instantaneous body technique of the Fourth Hokage.

A long time ago, Off-road used the APP to complete the practice of teleportation and was able to use the teleportation technique. However, every ninja has some tricks in how to use the teleportation technique. For example, the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique can make people frightened. Some ordinary ninja's teleportation technique is just a show-off at best. Same as ninjutsu.

The teleportation technique practiced by cross-country using shadow clones must be the signature teleportation technique of the Fourth Hokage.

Furthermore, this little skill in using the teleportation technique can only be accomplished by completing the first stage of the change in the nature of wind chakra while traveling cross-country, and it needs to be completed by one's own practice. After all, the APP cannot help cross-country to complete skill-based training like this, so the cross-country took so long to complete using the shadow clone training method.

As for the effect of the Fourth Hokage's teleportation technique, when he truly mastered it, he couldn't help but secretly marvel!

Not only does it omit the step of forming a seal, but it also relies on the special effects of wind chakra to enhance the effect of the instant body technique.

If cross-country can be used on the battlefield, then he really wants to try using the wind teleportation technique to see if he can imitate some traces of the Fourth Hokage in conjunction with the Rasengan.

 The special perception method of the Fourth Hokage also needs to be used in conjunction with the wind attribute chakra.

 Simply speaking, it is to control the wind attribute chakra after its properties have changed, and wrap it around the whole body. When fighting an enemy, using the changes in the surrounding chakra to sense the techniques the enemy is about to use is the basis and essence of the Fourth Hokage's Secret Technique.

 Because he failed to change the nature of the wind attribute chakra to the extreme, the fourth generation Hokage has only mastered some of the teleportation techniques and special perception methods for cross-country.

 But even these superficial skills are enough to gain the upper hand in cross-country battles with most ninjas. It can be seen that in addition to the Rasengan and Flying Thunder God Jutsu, the Fourth Hokage's other secret techniques are also very powerful. It's a pity that the fourth generation Hokage in the original work died too early, so he didn't have the opportunity to show it to many Naruto fans.


“You have mastered so many secret techniques, but you don’t even have a chance to go on the battlefield. Uncle Lujiu, you are really doing a lot of harm to people!”

“I thought I would have some conveniences if you became my commander!”

“It turns out that these conveniences allow me to hide in the medical team. Uncle Lujiu, I almost hate you!”

Following a few medical ninjas to pick up new wounded people, I have been improving my cross-country training. I feel that there is no room for performance, so I can't help but secretly complain about Nara Shikaku, his cute and stubborn uncle.

However, just when he was secretly complaining about Shikaku's arrangement, which left him no chance to show off his strength, he glanced at the wounded man behind him with his peripheral vision, and his pupils suddenly shrank slightly!

 “Wait! Is that the shadow of a kunai?”

 “No, there’s actually a detonating charm wrapped around it!”

 Suddenly realizing the danger, he subconsciously exclaimed:

 “Be careful, there is an enemy attack!”

 “Hand of Shadow!”


 Using chakra proficiently, it condenses directly into the shape of the hand of shadow.

 Obviously, during the days when the medical troops wasted time, Cross Country never forgot his identity as an Anbu, nor did he forget his duty to protect the medical troops!

Especially since I practice using my shadow clone every day, my cross-country condition has been maintained very well.

Therefore, just when the kunai wrapped with the detonating talisman came straight towards him, the cross-country shadow hand was used. Not only did it catch the kunai flying in front, but it also took advantage of the failure of the detonating talisman. During the moment of the explosion, he threw the kunai back in an instant, igniting a fire in the dense forest ahead.

It's a pity that the enemies who came to attack the medical troops were well prepared. Even if he went off-road to save a few medical ninjas and a few wounded people in front of him, he still couldn't save the entire camp's medical ninjas and those who were training in the camp. Ye wounded!

 In just a few seconds, the camp was filled with flames.

I don’t know how many enemies raided the camp, and I don’t know how many companions died tragically in the raid. Cross-country can be said to have a profound understanding of the cruelty of war at the moment the enemy raided. Because those who were chatting with you happily in the first few minutes may die tragically on the battlefield in the next few minutes.

Of course, the tactical literacy of Konoha's medical force is still very good.

What's more, the medical troops honed in the three wars are far beyond what people in peacetime can imagine.

 It only took more than ten minutes, and thanks to the efforts of many ninjas, Konoha's medical force successfully defeated the ninjas who attacked from the front. The only pity is that the quality of those raiding ninjas far exceeded the expectations of Konoha ninjas. In a round of raids, no one died in battle, and not a single prisoner fell into the hands of Konoha ninjas.

The shadow of the war immediately enveloped the medical camp. Even the cross-country trip was spent under guard, and there was no rest for a whole night.

The even more terrifying news obviously did not reach the ears of this little ANBU in the cross country at night.

It wasn’t until the next morning when the captain of the medical unit summoned Xue Xue to tell them their miserable plight that Xue Xue realized how desperate the situation they were facing was!

“Shadow, the enemy ninja may want to cut us off from the main force.”

"Now we are probably fighting alone in the enemy's encirclement!"

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