Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 525: Three days of peace

 Twisted kindness.

At this time, Xue Yue quietly looked at Temari and Kankuro who were running ten times around Suna Ninja Village in front of them. To the two of them, those calm eyes were like the eyes of a devil looking at its prey!

 Although, in normal times, the Fourth Generation Kazekage rarely takes care of his family for the sake of power. For example, Gaara is better. In order to monitor Gaara, the Fourth Kazekage personally sent Yashamaru to guard Gaara. At least he can take care of Gaara. People like Temari, Kankuro and others have to face a much miserable childhood. In addition to sending ninjas to train them, the Fourth Kazekage's children can only take care of each other. Because of this, Temari His relationship with Kankuro is so good.

Because of this, when Gaara faced a desperate situation, it was Temari and Kankuro who walked out, not the other ninjas of Sand Ninja Village.

However, just like Konohamaru in Konoha Village, although Temari and Kankuro failed to gain the care of the Fourth Kazekage, their status in Suna Ninja Village is still very high. Which ninja from Sand Ninja Village didn't respectfully address Temari and Kankuro as "Miss" and "Master" when they saw them?

 So, now, suddenly, in the Suna Ninja Village, I encountered a more severe and ruthless off-road, and the shadow of Temari and Kankuro's childhood has begun!

Looking at Temari and Kankuro indifferently, Cross Country looked at their thin backs and found that their backs were already covered with a layer of cold sweat. It was not the result of running around the Suna Ninja Village for ten full laps, but the fear that flowed out from those devil-like eyes looking at Cross Country.

Then, just when Temari, Kankuro thought that Off-Road was going to use the Shadow Suture Technique to control them again, he started running around the Suna Ninja Village and started to behave like a fool, when suddenly Off-Road slowly squatted on the ground, faintly asked:

 “Do you know what’s wrong?”

“Wrong? You devil, you want to harm our brother, we are just seeking justice for our brother, what’s wrong with that!”

Kankuro is still the tough Kankuro.

Even in the original plot, Kankuro still has the courage to fight when faced with the red sand scorpion chasing him, let alone when he is facing off-road at a young age?

Hold on with trembling steps, barely standing in front of the cross-country.

Almost as soon as the cross-country words finished, Kankuro said forcefully: "Don't think that you are stronger than us and have some magical secret skills, so you can make us surrender! I tell you, one day I will If I defeat you, I will make you whimper.”

 “I’m going to make you run around Suna Ninja Village!”

All right.

 The Kankuro who was just now was quite tough, but the Kankuro who was crying later seemed to be more delicate.

 It was a little funny in my heart, and I realized that even though Kankuro has the character in the original plot, he is still a child. Immediately, Cross Country's eyes shifted to Temari and asked in the same tone: "Do you know you were wrong?"

 “Wrong? Got it!”

Nodding in confusion, Temari said: "If you want to assassinate a person, you must collect information about that person in advance. If the gap between the two is too big, you need to find other ways to assassinate, or be as weak as possible The strength of the assassination target. It would have been a mistake for Kankuro and I not to collect information about you before, if we had known."

 “If we knew you were so strong, maybe we would carry out an assassination at night, or...”

 “Maybe it was poisoned first!”

 “Well, your understanding is pretty good.”

 After saying this, Xue Xue smiled silently.

I thought you were going to assassinate me, but I actually taught you how to assassinate me. It’s really interesting.

  followed by.

Nodding slightly satisfied to Temari, Yukio looked at Kankuro again.

But Kankuro was still sobbing. Who wanted to go off-road?

"Temari just answered my question. I can give it sixty points, which is barely a passing grade. As for Kankuro, I can only give you zero points, because a ninja needs more than just strength, but also this "

As he spoke, Cross Country pointed to his head and continued:

“So, as punishment, you continue to run around the Suna Ninja Village a few times!”

 “No, don’t!”

 The mouth says no, but the body is very honest.

When Cross Country used the Shadow Suture Technique and controlled Kankuro to start running in circles, no matter how much Kankuro refused, he could only do what Cross Country wanted. Temari, on the other hand, saw Kankuro starting to run around the Suna Ninja Village again, and she really didn't know whether to cry or laugh. However, without giving Temari a chance to cry or laugh, there was another "whoosh".

 The Fourth Kazekage appeared in person and immediately became Temari's backbone.

But it was a pity that the Fourth Kazekage didn't care at all when he saw Temari being imprisoned by the Shadow Sewing Technique.

Walking in front of Cross Country, the Fourth Fengying said to him very politely: "Shadow Mage, I'm really sorry for causing you so much trouble. These two incompetent children of mine need you to teach them. It's me." What a failure as a father!"

 “It’s okay, Kazekage, I like these two children very much.”

With temporary amnesia, he forgot that he was also a child. He smiled softly and said, "Kazekage, if you don't mind, these two children, plus Gaara, will be left to me to teach you from now on! Gaara Needless to say, he is the future Shukaku Jinchuuriki. If no one can teach him well, the deal between me and the monk will not be completed. As for Temari and Kankuro, I am very optimistic about them. How about teaching me for a while and then sending it back to you?"

"no problem!"

 The Fourth Kazekage smiled, then faced Temari seriously and said, "Temari, you have to listen to the Shadow Master from now on, do you understand?"

 “Yes, yes! Father!”

  After learning that the Fourth Kazekage had handed her over to Cross Country, Temari was about to cry but could only reluctantly accept it.

 And what about Kankuro?

After running around the Suna Ninja Village ten times, Kankuro's consciousness became a little blurry.

 However, when he heard the news that the Fourth Kazekage had handed him over to Cross Country, Kankuro still widened his eyes in shock. Unfortunately, Kankuro was not given any more time to sigh, so Cross Country forcibly took Kankuro, Temari, Gaara, and Yashamaru, the spy sent by the Fourth Kazekage, back to Fuzai Sand. A secluded place in the Ninja Village.

Next, in the three days of preparation, there was not much training for Temari and Kankuro in the cross-country, and they did not train Gaara. They were just "playing" with them to recharge their batteries. , just preparing the plan for three days later.

However, in the last three days spent in Sand Ninja Village, the off-roading was undoubtedly very happy, and the days seemed very peaceful.

Time just flew by, and soon the three peaceful days passed in the company of three children and a spy.

 Wait until three days later, when night has just fallen.

 When he discovered that Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara were already asleep, and Yashamaru was still on alert, Yukichi, who had slept enough, slowly got up and murmured:

“Monk, we are leaving Sand Ninja Village today.”

“Do you have anything to say to Kazekage, Chiyo, and Ebizo?”

 “If not, then we have to leave!”

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