Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 526: The puppets are coming

 Spiritual communication!

 Spiritual communication thousands of meters apart!

At this moment, using the ability of his Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country is able to imitate the secret technique of the mountain clan, which is called the secret technique of connecting the heart. I still remember that in the original plot, Yamanaka Haiichi is a ninja who is proficient in this technique, but if he wants to communicate with ninjas at a certain distance, Yamanaka Haiichi still needs some equipment to complete the mental communication method used today in off-road.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

  The four stages of Yin Escape Brand's condensation made his spiritual energy extremely huge and extremely pure.

So, knowing the location of the ninja medical center where Fenfu lives, and being familiar with the tailed beast aura in Fenfu, cross-country is an easy way to use mental communication to connect with Fenfu and start talking. When Fenfu heard the sound of off-road, he was also slightly shocked. The secret of off-road's escape was actually used so well.

However, there was not much time to hesitate. Fenfu pondered for a moment and then replied: "Shadow Mage, is there any problem with the plan?"

“As long as no one knows you’re awake, it’s okay.”

Cross Country smiled and said: "Last time someone came to attack Suna Ninja Village and wanted to plot against you and me, but no one was held accountable. Now, after we use the same plan and successfully escape from Suna Ninja Village, even Kazekage If we want to find out who kidnapped us, we can only do it silently. After all, he did the same thing once, and now he can only swallow it in his stomach even if his teeth are knocked out. "

"Furthermore, this time we are just trying to escape Suna Ninja Village smoothly. I have no intention of weakening the power of Suna Ninja Village. Next, I just need you to use Shukaku's power to condense some puppets for me to use. Oh. , it’s best if you don’t use ordinary sand to condense into a puppet, but mix some sand iron into the sand, I want it to be yours.”

 “Can you do it?”

"no problem."

Even though Fenfu didn’t understand why he had to imitate the secret technique of sand and iron to solidify the puppets.

But since the cross-country tours have been ordered, the blessings can only be obeyed.

  followed by.

 Under Fenfu's control, ordinary yellow sand began to gather in the off-road room. Gradually, as the amount of yellow sand increased, part of the sand and iron was mixed into the ordinary yellow sand, and then one after another sand and iron puppets appeared in front of the cross-country. As he watched these sand and iron puppets condense into shape, Xue Chuang secretly sneered in his heart:

“Red Sand Scorpion, didn’t you plot against the monk last time? Then you should take the blame for me and the monk!”

"Even if ordinary ninjas from Sand Ninja Village don't understand the truth about the disappearance of the Third Kazekage, do you think that Chiyo and Ebizo really don't know that the disappearance of the Third Kazekage is inextricably linked to you? Is it related? Now, I am attacking the Sand Ninja Village with the Sand Iron Puppet to find a reason for me and the monks to escape. The first person Chiyo and Ebizo will suspect is you, the Scorpion of Red Sand!"

“If Chiyo and Ebizo’s tracking can be qualified enough to track down your joining the Akatsuki organization”

 “Nagato, Konan, I’m sorry!”

"Your organization will be exposed to the ninja world in advance, because the person you kidnapped is the jinchūriki of Suna Ninja Village!"

 “The most important war weapon in Sand Ninja Village!”

Hand inwardly, Cross Country is very satisfied with the "Akatsuki" organization and the plan of the Red Sand Scorpion to take the blame for him. Moreover, just when the number of sand iron puppets in front of Cross Country suddenly turned from dozens to hundreds, Cross Country looked solemnly at the sand iron puppets in front of him, concentrated his mind, and suddenly used the spirit in the Yin Escape Brand. Energy uses a secret technique of shadow escape!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Suture!”




 That’s right!

 The secret technique of shadow escape used for off-roading is exactly the shadow suture technique!

As early as a few days ago, during cross-country training, Temari and Kankuro used the shadow suture technique to imprison their bodies and control them to run in circles in the Suna Ninja Village. On the one hand, it was to train Temari and Kankuro's will, and it was out of goodwill. of. On the other hand, Cross Country is experimenting with his secret technique of shadow escape to see if it has the effect he wants.

 The final answer obtained from off-roading is undoubtedly yes.

When using Shadow Stitch to imprison others, even if they are imprisoning puppets containing spiritual energy, Cross-Country himself will not move, but the people he imprisons, or puppets containing spiritual energy, can still use Shadow Control along with Cross-Country. , began to move according to the will of cross-country.

This secret technique of shadow escape is temporarily called shadow suture technique, because it is originally an upgraded version of shadow suture technique!

However, now that he is controlling hundreds of sand-iron puppets, Cross Country suddenly realizes that it is a bit inappropriate to simply call this secret skill the Shadow Sewing Technique. Therefore, looking at the shadow under his feet, he had already controlled hundreds of sand iron puppets around him, and he was preparing to appear in the sand ninja village in a fierce manner and attack the sand ninja village at night.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Xue Yue's mouth, and he murmured to himself:

“It is indeed unfair to describe the new secret technique as Shadow Sewing Technique.”

 “Then let me give you your name...”

 “Shadow manipulation!”

 “Down below, let’s start the war!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a flash of light suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Then, with the sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang", under the control of shadow manipulation, the sand and iron puppets rose into the sky one by one, hiding in the night. When the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village discovered that a puppet army was attacking, Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to see the surrounding situation, and on the other side, he used shadow manipulation to control the sand iron puppets, and began to fight with the ninjas of Sand Ninja Village. got up.

 There is no doubt that it is impossible for Cross Country to use the puppet technique to face a jounin-level ninja.

After all, Cross Country is a secretive ninja. If you want him to become a qualified Puppet Technique after a few days of practice, unless he is enlightened by the Red Sand Scorpion, Cross Country's Puppet Technique can control the condensed blessings. The sand and iron golem defeated a ninja at the Jonin level.

However, what needs to be done in off-roading is actually not to use sand iron puppets to attack the Sand Ninja Village, but just to create chaos in the Sand Ninja Village. For many years, no ninja village has ever been able to attack the Sand Ninja Village. Even the Konoha Village, known as the number one ninja village in the ninja world, has stopped in the desert of the Kingdom of Wind. After all, the desert of the Kingdom of Wind is a natural barrier. If you want to attack the front of the Sand Ninja Village, unless the attacking ninja troops are all jounin-level ninjas with excellent physical fitness.

It is also because no ninja troops have ever attacked the outskirts of Suna Ninja Village, so the security around Suna Ninja Village is not very tight.

It didn’t take long for the sand iron puppet troops under cross-country control to follow the skyline of the sand ninja village and slowly invade the territory of the sand ninja village.

 The civilians were in disarray when they fled, and the ninjas in Sand Ninja Village did not know how to maintain order.

In an instant, Cross Country achieved its goal, plunging Suna Ninja Village into chaos.

Fortunately, the four Kage-level masters, the Fourth Kazekage, Chiyo, and Ebizo, were not vegetarians. When they discovered that a puppet was coming, the three Kage-level masters appeared in a hurry and quickly suppressed the inside of the Sand Ninja Village. mess.

Only the four Kage-level powerhouses, Chiyo and Ebizo, never expected that as the iron sand puppets were shattered and collapsed, Cross-Country had already disappeared into the place where Fenfu lived in seclusion. Moreover, when leaving Fenfu's secluded place, Cross Country did not set out alone, preparing to take Fenfu out of Sand Ninja Village.

  Already he was on a cross-country trip to sneak into the ninja village of Suna Ninja for medical treatment, and when he escaped, he even took three sleeping oil bottles with him!

Those three oil bottles

There is no doubt that they are Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro!

“Shadow Mage, just take Gaara and leave, why?”

“Why did Temari and Kankuro have to be taken away too?”

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