Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 528: Bagua seal

 “It’s really the devil!”

 “You bastard, let go of Gaara and come at me if you can!”

 In a desert oasis.

Three days ago, Off-Road cast shadow manipulation to control hundreds of sand iron puppets to attack the Sand Ninja Village, creating a perfect opportunity to escape. However, when the cross-country trip took nearly a day and brought the comatose Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro to the desert oasis he used as a refuge before, it may be that the relationship between Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro became closer. It is also possible that after leaving the familiar Suna Ninja Village, the young Gaara suddenly burst into negative emotions.

 In general, after leaving Sand Ninja Village, the relationship between Cross Country and Gaara suddenly dropped to a freezing point.

 There is no doubt that the relationship between Cross Country and Gaara has deteriorated, and what is directly affected is the re-sealing of Ichibi Shukaku. Without trusting the Cross Country, how could a child like Gaara quietly let the Cross Country seal it?

 And it was the first time for Cross Country to use the sealing technique. If he wanted to seal an existence like Ichibi Shukaku, he was also not completely sure. In this way, Fenfu came up with a relatively safe sealing method, which was to first seal some of Ichibi Shukaku's chakra in Gaara's body. When Gaara can adapt to the chakra of the One-tailed Shukaku, or in other words, the chakra of the One-tailed Shukaku slowly transforms Gaara's body so that he can withstand the power of the tailed beast, then seal the energy in Fenfu's body. One-tailed Shukaku, inside Gaara's body.

With this plan in mind, Cross Country immediately imprisoned Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara in the desert cell where Fenfu was condensed.

Needless to say, in the next few days, Temari and Kankuro never stopped. They always wanted to take Gaara to escape from prison, but unfortunately they failed due to Fenfu's obstruction.

Today, three days later, Cross Country is preparing to transfer the chakra of Ichibi Shukaku into Gaara's body.

Finding that Gaara was already resisting, he directly used the Shadow Sewing Technique and imprisoned Gaara's body without any hesitation. Immediately, under the scoldings of Temari and Kankuro, Cross Country successfully transferred a little bit of Ichibi Shukaku's chakra from Fenfuku's body.

Who would have thought, just when I thought that the chakra of a Shukaku invaded Gaara's body would always bring a little pain to Gaara.

 One second passed.

 One minute passed.

 A whole hour has passed!

 The chakra of One-Tailed Shukaku invaded Gaara's body, but it had no backlash effect at all. As for Temari who was being imprisoned by the cross-country, Kankuro was a little tired of scolding and stopped scolding. Gaara still looked calm, just like the one-tailed Shukaku chakra that had been transferred cross-country and had not entered. It's the same as entering Gaara's body.

“Shadow Mage, is there something wrong?”

“What you transferred just now was really Shukaku’s chakra?”

Hearing Fenfu’s question, Sui Chuang turned to Fenfu indifferently and said, “Monk, are you doubting me?”

"of course not."

 That's what he said, but in his heart, Fenfu obviously didn't really trust Cross Country.

Just like the fourth generation Kazekage and Orochimaru's cooperation created a crisis of trust, the old Fenfu didn't believe in cross-country since he left Sand Ninja Village. Therefore, feeling that part of Shukaku's chakra in his body was really taken away by Yukio, Fenfu now subconsciously believed that that part of Shukaku's chakra was sealed in his body by Yukio. Naturally, it is necessary to cultivate Shukaku's chakra and create an opportunity for Ichibi Shukaku to escape.

However, Fenfu never expected that Gaara was fine now, it was all a prank of Ichibi Shukaku.

 Even if the chakra leaves the body, the tailed beast's chakra can still be controlled by the tailed beast.

 So, the chakra of Ichibi Shukaku is restricted by the cross-country, even if it is sealed in Gaara's body. However, as long as Ichibi Shukaku can control his chakra skillfully, then its chakra will not be able to cause any harm to Gaara. It is also because of this that Gaara still looks calm, as if Off-Road had swallowed up part of Ichibi Shukaku's chakra.

 Because of this, the rift between off-roading and sharing cannot help but become wider.

However, just when Off-Road frowned and wanted to explain something, Ichibi Shukaku's voice suddenly echoed in Off-Road and Fenfu's mind:

 “Jiejiejie, it feels so good to be believed by others!”

"Fengfu, you don't need to doubt Nara's off-roading. In fact, that kid is fine only because I control the chakra. If you want to cause anything to happen to that kid, I guarantee that the kid will have nightmares every day! But that’s it”

“Fengfu, we have been in contact for so long, and I believe in your choice, so you can safely seal me in that kid’s body!”

"Don't worry, isn't it just to help you protect Suna Ninja Village? Fenfu, as long as you believe in me, you can complete the seal today, how about it?"

 “Shukaku, you.”

 Listening to Ichibi Shukaku's words, if he had been blessed in the past, he would definitely have nodded in agreement.

 But as mentioned before, old people will always become extreme. The more they want to protect something, the more they value it.

In the past, the relationship between Fenfu and Ichibi Shukaku was really good. No matter what Ichibi Shukaku said, even if Ichibi Shukaku told Fenfu to break the seal, it would definitely not escape, and Fenfu could believe it directly. Even breaking the seal inside the body. As for the result, Fenfu was naturally deceived several times, but it was him who believed in Ichibi Shukaku every time, which made Ichibi Shukaku feel that Fenfu was a guy who looked very much like the Sage of Six Paths and was worthy of him. Trust guy.

Gradually, Fenfu discovered that he could control Ichibi Shukaku, which was something Ichibi Shukaku was willing to do.

 It’s just a pity

What Ichibi Shukaku said now was sincere and did not mean any adulteration. On the contrary, Fenfu, who no longer had the same trust as before, listened to Ichibi Shukaku's words, and Fenfu said that he believed in Ichibi Shukaku. But secretly, Fenfu had already contacted Cross Country and said: "It seems that Shukaku is planning to cause some trouble for Gaara. Shadow Mage, I will trouble you later."

 “In order to avoid some accidents, let’s perform Shukaku’s sealing today!”

"While I have the power to suppress Shukaku, please fulfill your promise!"

 “Is this really good?”

Off-road asked: "I don't think Shukaku needs to lie to you. Aren't you partners?"

 “How can humans and tailed beasts become true partners?”

 It’s hard to believe that such words came out of Fenfu’s mouth.

So much so that when Fenfu said this, Sui Chuang was shocked. Could it be that the longer he lives, as time goes by, can a wise person become dim?

When he just used Kagura's inner eye to observe Ichibi Shukaku, Shijie knew that Ichibi Shukaku was not lying.

Who would have thought that now it is Fenfu who is unwilling to believe in Ichibi Shukaku, instead of Ichibi Shukaku being unwilling to believe in Fenfu.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, full of mockery.

Chao Chuo knows that Fenfu has made up his mind, so he can just do things according to Fenfu's method.

  followed by.

 The Shukaku chakra in Gaara's body still showed no signs of breaking out.

However, walking towards Gaara's direction, watching Gaara looking at him with pure eyes, Cross Country took a deep breath, and first used the Shadow Sewing Technique to take Temari and Kankuro away from this place. Immediately, when the entire room made of yellow sand became quiet, Yue Yue suddenly concentrated his mental energy on his fingers.

 Next second!

Off-road's finger, shining with black light, landed on Gaara's abdomen!

 “Secret Technique!”

 “Bagua seal!”

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