Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 529: Perfect? Defective!

 The advanced sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan can be used to seal tailed beasts without any problem.

 Although there was a rift between Off-Road and Fenfu, Off-Road still did his best when it came to sealing the One-Tailed Shukaku for Gaara without slacking off in the slightest.

At this moment, I used the spiritual energy in my Yin Escape Brand to turn into black light and write the sealing spell on Gaara's abdomen. As long as the sealing technique is completed, Fenfu only needs to use the one-tailed Shukaku in his body, and Cross Country can easily complete the seal. Moreover, Gaara at that time was not like Gaara in the original plot, who was a defective jinchuriki, but like Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot, he became a jinchuriki with a perfect seal. .

 However, when Off-Road tried his best to write the sealing technique of the Bagua Seal for Gaara, Fenfu's eyes towards Off-Road gradually became different.

 Although I don’t know what kind of seal is used for off-roading.

However, judging from the mental fluctuations that emerged from Cross Country, Fenfu could confirm that the sealing technique used by Cross Country was the advanced sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan.

  But it's strange, isn't it?

Why do the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village work so hard just to repay my kindness for my guidance?


As a ninja of Konoha Village, how can the Shadow Mage be so kind?

The shackles were set up by the Shadow Mage, so the key lies with the Shadow Mage.

In the future, if the Sand Ninja Village becomes an enemy of the Konohagakure Village and Gaara goes into battle in person, won't the Shadow Mage unlock the sealing technique and Shukaku will successfully escape from Gaara's body?

 Shadow Mage, you are so cruel!

 Secretly, Fenfu, who had a rift with off-roading, instantly demonized off-roading.

 A person's first impression is certainly important, but as the subjective impression changes, the less Fenfu believes in off-roading, the more he doubts everything that off-roading does.

Just like now, off-roading is obviously a good intention, but Fenfu thinks of off-roading as malicious.

 So, when Off-Road's Bagua sealing technique was written and Fenfu was ordered to undo the seal of Ichibi Shukaku, he narrowed his eyes slightly. Fenfu stared at Off-Road for a long time before undoing the seal in his body!

 “Hahaha, is this what freedom feels like?”

“Fan Fu, do you think that if I run away now, will your death be in vain?”

As the seal was unlocked, Ichibi Shukaku's voice not only echoed in the ears of Cross Country and Fenfu, but also echoed in Gaara's ears.

 For off-roading and Fenfu, even if the sound of a Shukaku is a bit harsh, it has nothing to do with terror. But Gaara is just a child. Listening to the shrill voice of Ichibi Shukaku, there is a slight flaw in his own spiritual energy. According to scientific explanation, it is the shadow of his childhood. He specializes in cross-country. If Yin Escape knowledge were to answer it, it would be a flaw in Gaara's spiritual energy.

 Of course, every child’s childhood memory is limited.

 When Gaara gets older, these memories will be forgotten, and the mental defects will naturally disappear.

But what about Ichibi Shukaku?

It should never, never should, just play with sharing the blessings!

Listening to Ichibi Shukaku's words, Fenfu had already demonized off-roading, and subconsciously thought that what Ichibi Shukaku said was true. Therefore, although he still looked calm on the surface, Fenfu's hands suddenly began to form seals.

"Shukaku, I definitely believe that you can't escape. You won't let me die in vain, right?"

 “Enter Gaara’s seal, with the help of the Shadow Mage, we will not let you suffer.”

 “Huh, I got it, then I’ll enter the seal now!”

As soon as he finished speaking about the blessing, Ichibi Shukaku smiled casually and was about to enter the Bagua seal on Gaara's abdomen.

 At present, the seal on Gaara's abdomen is still unlocked. If Ichibi Shukaku wants to enter it, there will naturally be no trouble at all. However, just when Ichibi Shukaku's consciousness, accompanied by Shukaku's chakra, had just stepped into the seal on Gaara's abdomen, the blessing of the seal formed on his hands was suddenly a cold shout!

After that cold shout, the chakra that Ichibi Shukaku had accumulated over the years suddenly collapsed there!

 “Share the blessings, what are you doing?”

Originally, when Ichibi Shukaku and Bunfu trusted each other, Ichibi Shukaku was afraid that his power would have a negative impact on Gaara, so when he entered Gaara's body, Ichibi Shukaku deliberately compressed it. To gain his own power, he only needs to control a stream of chakra first, and then enter Gaara's abdominal seal along with his own consciousness.

  Thinking about entering the seal and bringing the remaining power into Gaara's body, so that Gaara would not have to suffer when becoming a Jinchuriki.

How could Ichibi Shukaku have imagined that Fenfu would play with its trust at the last moment!

 As for off-roading?

Seeing Fenfu cut off Ichibi Shukaku's retreat, which was tantamount to completely breaking up with Ichibi Shukaku, an unpleasant feeling filled Yuchi's heart!

 Sure enough!

Just a second before the blessing, I had just cut off the retreat of Ichibi Shukaku. I saw that the cross-country situation was not good, and I was about to complete the last step of the seal, trapping Ichibi Shukaku in the seal on Gaara's abdomen. Who would have thought that just when Cross Country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to successfully close the seal, there was a sudden "bang"!

 A touch of sharp spiritual energy suddenly invaded the off-road Yin Escape brand!

 That is the spiritual energy of Ichibi Shukaku!

  With the attack of that spiritual energy, the off-road Yin Escape brand could not help but be shaken. Fortunately, Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand is a four-stage condensed state. It is impossible for Ichibi Shukaku to shake Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand with a ray of spiritual energy. However, Cross Country's Yin Escape brand was slightly shaken, and his eyes suddenly shifted to Gaara. Sure enough, Cross Country found that Gaara's face became ugly.

 “To share the blessings, you should choose to believe in Shukaku.”

"If you choose to believe Shukaku, things won't be so troublesome!"

"Even in the future, Gaara's training in Jinchuriki will be far beyond that of the other Jinchuriki. Unfortunately, because of your recklessness, Shukaku's counterattack began!"


 “He is indeed an idiot!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country frowned, but did not step forward to stop Ichibi Shukaku's counterattack.


 Because Fenfu doesn’t even believe in Ichibi Shukaku anymore. Thinking about it in the cross-country, he must not believe in himself.

At this time, he stepped forward to help Gaara and suppressed the Ichibi Shukaku in his body. The target that Fenfu was going to attack might be Cross Country himself. If you don't want Zhu Bajie to look in the mirror, if you are not a human inside and out, you need to stay silent and watch the evolution of the situation. Unless Ichibi Shukaku wants to break free from Gaara's seal, otherwise you will face a mediocre blessing. That's a little help. The meaning is gone.

On the contrary, it was a blessing. I saw Cross Country hiding aside smartly and nodded silently. I was very satisfied with Cross Country's attitude.

  Immediately afterwards, the remaining chakra in the body instantly enveloped Gaara's whole body.

When Fenfu took advantage of the last moment of flashback to help Gaara suppress the one-tailed Shukaku in his body, looking at Gaara who was unconscious on the ground, Fenfu looked towards the crossroads with a smile and asked:

“Shadow Mage, have we succeeded?”

 “Gaara, is he the perfect Jinchuuriki?”


A faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Listening to Fenfu’s last words, he said indifferently:

"If you believe me and haven't tampered with my seal, even if Shukaku is restless, Gaara is still no different from the jinchuriki of other ninja villages. At most, it's a little difficult to control Shukaku's power."

 “But now? Humph!”

"Do you know the art of sealing? The seal you added to my seal happened to make my seal imperfect."

 “So Gaara, still.”

 “It’s just a defective product!”

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