Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 530: Blessed death

"Defective products?"

"How can it be?"

 No matter what, Fenfu didn't want to believe that the back-up plan he had deployed to guard against off-roading had actually become an obstacle for Gaara to become a qualified Jinchuuriki.

 But the fact is that, needless to say more about cross-country, the blessings can be foreseen later.

At this moment, Gaara was still suffering from the pain caused by sealing the One-Tailed Shukaku. Even in a coma, he still looked in pain. However, as time passed little by little, the pain on Gaara's face gradually disappeared, and when Cross Country saw the pain on Gaara's face disappear, he knew that the hidden danger in Gaara was finally about to explode. !

Through the flaw in the seal, Ichibi Shukaku's power extends to Gaara's mental space.



Using the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand to sense, Cross Country discovered that Ichibi Shukaku had used his own spiritual energy to invade Gaara's spiritual energy.

 The next second, Gaara, who was sleeping, gradually stood up, but his eyes had already turned into the look of a Shukaku!


  Staring closely at the blessing in front of him, Gaara's pair of beast eyes were full of anger. It was obvious that Gaara, who was in a coma, was already under the control of the one-tailed Shukaku.

 When being stared at by Ichibi Shukaku, Fenfu was stunned.

 What he said before going off-road echoed in his head. Fenfu, who was on the verge of death, couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "I'm sorry, Shukaku, I disappoint you."


“No, I’m not disappointed, I’m just happy!”

With a crazy laugh, Ichibi Shukaku suddenly said hysterically: "When I came into contact with you, I thought I had found the person in the prophecy. Unfortunately, at the last moment, you still betrayed me, proving what the old man said That's wrong! Tailed beasts and humans can never live in peace. In the eyes of you humans, we tailed beasts are always something to be wary of. If that's the case, why should I wait for the person the old man said to wait for? "

 “Freedom, and only freedom, is happiness!”

“I, Shuhe, am free and happy, so I share the blessings.”

 “I want to thank you very much!”

 After saying that, the beast pupils in Gaara's eyes disappeared and turned into black and white pupils.

 However, after Gaara regained control of his body, it was obvious that something was wrong with Gaara's condition.


The original Gaara was just a child, with a very clear look in his eyes. Even if Cross Country took Gaara away from the Suna Ninja Village, Gaara only suspected that Cross Country had malicious intentions, and emotions could not be expressed through some methods. cover. However, the look in Gaara's eyes now gave Cross Country an unfathomable feeling.

 Faintly, Cross Country also noticed a touch of violent emotion, which had already appeared in Gaara's eyes.

When he senses that something is not good, he subconsciously reminds Fenfu and flees quickly.

 But seeing Gaara’s state change, Fenfu was stunned!

 He suddenly realized that his life had failed, and the reason for his failure was his old age!

However, if he can correct his mistakes in time, Fenfu feels that it is still possible for him to turn Gaara into a qualified Jinchuuriki. So, just when Cross Country was about to take Fenfu to escape from here, suddenly Fenfu's figure rushed directly to Gaara in front. It seemed that he wanted to remove the Bagua seal on Gaara's abdomen and remove the one left by him. Later move.

 But is it really effective to wake up in time?


 The mistake has been made, and correction has no effect.

Even if Fenfu removes his last resort, the flaws in the cross-country Bagua seal are still not something Fenfu can make up for.

 Unless Ichibi Shukaku can believe in blessings and is willing to let Gaara become a qualified Jinchuuriki.

Unless Gaara can always follow Cross Country, waiting for Cross Country to help him purify his spiritual energy and resolve the negative emotions in his spiritual energy.

 Otherwise, Gaara would be a failed Jinchuuriki, and his emotions would be affected by the One-Tail Shukaku just like in the original plot.

If that's the case, then Gaara's change will have to wait for Naruto Uzumaki to appear.

 In the original plot, didn't Uzumaki Naruto convince Gaara with his mouth escape?

 In the current situation, it is estimated that only Uzumaki Naruto's mouth escape in the original plot can work!

Later, when Fenfu exploded the remaining chakra in his body, taking advantage of the moment when the power of reflection still existed, he rushed straight in the direction of Gaara, off-road keenly discovered that the yellow sand around him became a little different.

 In the past, when Fenfu used the power of a Shukaku to control the yellow sand in the desert, there was no chakra fluctuation at all. And Gaara had just become One-Oil Shukaku's jinchūriki not long ago. Even if it was because of the influence of One-Oil Shukaku, Gaara was able to learn the moves that One-Oil Shukaku's jinchūriki could use without a teacher.

However, the appearance of that chakra fluctuation still proves that Gaara is self-taught and cannot instantly possess the power he had before Fenfu. This may also be an important flaw in Gaara's acceptance of the power of One-tailed Shukaku. Bar!

However, if you can feel the chakra fluctuations off-road, how can you feel the blessing of dying?

 So, when Fenfu rushed in front of Gaara, there was a "rumbling" sound!

The yellow sand in the desert was controlled by Gaara, and it was tightly wrapped around Fenfu's body. Without the one-tailed Shukaku in his body, Fenfu was not only about to end his lifespan, but also the power he originally relied on to survive disappeared on the spot. Because of this, being entangled by the surrounding yellow sand, Fenfu had no power to resist at all, and was instantly restrained by the yellow sand.

 And when Fenfu was bound by the yellow sand, what was Gaara doing?

 He is smiling ferociously!

 He is staring at Fenfu with violent eyes!

 Immediately, he slowly raised his right hand, and then slowly clenched the palm of his right hand.

 Following Gaara's slow movements, there was another "rumbling" sound!

  In the original plot, Gaara's commonly used tricks are directly displayed in front of the cross-country!

That is.

 Sand waterfall funeral!


 Under Gaara's control, the yellow sand that tightly wrapped around Fenfu began to shrink little by little. Off-road could clearly see the painful and regretful look on Fenfu's face. Unfortunately, Gaara's painful and regretful expression only lasted a few seconds as he was buried under the sand waterfall.

 A few seconds later!

 The sand waterfall funeral has been used up!

Gaara, who had just become the One-Tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki, actually killed his predecessor, the One-Tailed Shukaku Jinchuuriki, in an instant.

 Then, Gaara's violent gaze slowly shifted from Fenfu's flesh and blood scattered on the ground to Cross Country's body. Moreover, when a pair of violent eyes locked on the figure of the cross-country, Gaara actually shouted hysterically at the cross-country with a voice like a Shukaku:

"Jie Jie Jie? Is it you? Did you take me away from Sand Ninja Village and turn me into a monster?"

“Since it’s you, then accompany old man Fenfu and die together!”

 “Sand Binding Technique!”

 “Kill me!”

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