Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 532: disease


It's really pretending, so isn't Gaara's acting skill too good?

 Could it be the reincarnation of the movie king?

Looking at Gaara's confused eyes and surprised face, Cross Country was startled and asked: "Gaara, you don't know anything about what just happened?"

"have no idea."

 Shaked his head, Gaara said: "Brother Mage, where is Grandpa Fenfu? Why is there blood here?"

"Your grandpa Fenfu died. In order to make his death painless, I gave him a ride."

  Can't bear to tell the truth in front of Gaara, so he walked up to Gaara, seemingly touching Gaara's head to comfort him. In fact, Cross Country has already controlled the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and entered Gaara's spiritual space. Sure enough, as soon as he stepped into Gaara's spiritual space, Cross Country found Ichibi Shukaku waiting there early.

“Why, Shadow Mage, you don’t want to hurt a child, so you hide the truth from him?”

Seeing the cross-country step into Gaara's mental space, Ichibi Shukaku curled his lips and sneered: "It's useless, as long as I'm here, sooner or later that kid Gaara will know the truth. If he knows, he will He is a person who was abandoned by the Fourth Kazekage, Feng Fu, Chiyo, Ebizo, and everyone in Sand Ninja Village. Do you think I will be able to control him perfectly sooner or later? Jinchuuriki? He should have known it from the moment Fenfu betrayed me."

 “There is no hope for Sand Ninja Village!”

 “Jie Jie Jie! Hahahaha!”

 Ichibi Shukaku smiled crazily.

That crazy smile, isn’t it a kind of heartache?

 The same sentence is said about cross-country. If Fenfu had not betrayed Ichibi Shukaku, perhaps what Suna Ninja Village had would really be a perfect Jinchuuriki. Maybe, Gaara will never be able to perfectly control the eight-tailed ogre like Kirabi, and switch between human and tailed beast states at will. However, if he can gain the recognition of One-Tailed Shukaku, Gaara's future Jinchūriki training will definitely be very smooth. It is still very easy to protect a Sand Ninja Village in the desert.

 However, success also brings blessings, and failure also brings blessings.

Looking at Ichibi Shukaku's crazy and somewhat hysterical situation, Cross Country sighed deeply and asked: "What's going on with Gaara? Looking at him, he didn't seem to be under your control just now, so he He became so violent. What did you do when you left your trump card? Shukaku, you should know that Gaara's future is linked to yours, so don't lie to me and tell me the truth. situation!"

 “Hmph, do you think I can compromise?”

 “If you don’t compromise, the consequences you will face are very miserable. Do you want to know what your ending will be?”

“I really want to know, I want to see what cards you have, Shadow Mage, that can make me retreat!”

“Okay, I don’t want to use this trump card, but since you want to see it, I’ll show it to you!”

Speaking, Cross Country slowly closed his eyes, condensed most of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and suddenly delivered a group of dark blue energy and placed it in front of Ichibi Shukaku.

 Then, just like what he imagined when he went off-road, Ichibi Shukaku was stunned when he saw the dark blue energy body. After being stunned for a long time, Ichibi Shukaku pointed at the dark blue energy body in front of the cross-country, and murmured: "That's. Is that the power of Mata Ryu? Damn it, Mata Ryu is dead? It's your fault." In the hands of the Shadow Mage?"

 “Impossible! Impossible!”

“The old man clearly said that it is impossible for us tailed beasts to die, so how can we die in your hands?”

 “Tell me! What’s going on!”

 Many people say that the longer people live, the more afraid they are of death. This is true.

 Tailed beasts are immortal.

 No matter how many Jinchūriki are replaced, the lifespan of a tailed beast is infinite. This is the knowledge of all tailed beasts.

 However, when one of the tailed beasts with infinite lifespan suddenly dies, the rest of the tailed beasts will naturally feel panic in their hearts. Just like Ichibi Shukaku in front of the cross-country, looking at the original power of the two-tailed brigade placed in front of the cross-country, Ichibi Shukaku felt the fear of death, and his eyes towards the cross-country became completely different.

Looking back at the cross-country, looking at Ichibi Shukaku's astonished expression, he just smiled slightly.

However, just when Cross Country was about to tell Ichibi Shukaku that he had a way to kill and devour the tailed beast, Ichibi Shukaku, who had been stunned for a long time, suddenly smiled coldly again and said: "Shadow Mage, I have a piece of advice. Fenfu couldn't tell you, so I'll tell you. Did you always think that Gaara was the only trump card left by Fenfu? I have prepared a way to deal with you, that is the power in your body!"

“As long as you really start to devour the power of the brigade, you will find out”

 “The more power you devour and brigade, the closer you are to death!”

“So, listen to me and don’t try to devour the power of You Brigade!”


 “It’s really vicious!”

 After saying that, Ichibi Shukaku disappeared into Gaara's mental space and closed himself up.

Hearing Ichibi Shukaku's words, Cross Country's heart also "thumped".

 Obviously, off-road there is no way to confirm whether Ichibi Shukaku's words are true or false!

"Shukaku is indeed powerful. With just a few words, he put me in a dilemma. How could I be willing to do so without swallowing up the power of Matata? That is the power that can help me reach the top. As long as I can It only takes a few years to devour the power of the Brigade, and my Yin Escape Brand will be able to condense into nine levels, surpassing all the seniors of the Uzumaki Clan. "

“But what if what Shukaku said is true? Can the power of Devouring Matata really bring me close to death?”

“Is it because the power of the tailed beast cannot be swallowed, or...”

“Is it because the power of the tailed beasts is originally the power of the ten tails?”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country sighed deeply, his expression very helpless.

But just like what he thought before going off-road, he had no choice but to do it. After all, he couldn't confirm what Ichibi Shukaku said, could he?

  followed by.

A faint wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He had no choice but to temporarily put away his confusion and began to use his mental energy to check Gaara's condition. Slowly control your own spiritual energy and penetrate deeply into Gaara's spiritual energy. There is no doubt that if Gaara's violent form is really caused by the influence of One-Tailed Shukaku, then Cross Country will have to use his Yin Escape Brand ability to clear the impurities in Gaara's spiritual energy and help Gaara returned to normal.

 But what Xuexiu never expected was that when his spiritual energy had penetrated deeply into Gaara's mental energy, the wry smile raised at the corner of Xiuqiu's mouth actually became a bit more intense.

 Because at that time, Cross Country suddenly discovered Gaara’s problem.

 There seems to be no solution for him!


“The key point of Gaara’s tyranny is not Shukaku, but”

 “Gaara himself?”

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