Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 533: Entering disciple?

 Psychiatric classification is not a mental illness.

Rather, Gaara's spiritual energy was completely split into two parts.

According to off-road observations, he felt that the split in Gaara's spiritual energy was inseparable from the Ichibi Shukaku. It's just strange that Ichibi Shukaku's spiritual energy invaded Gaara's body and was actually absorbed by Gaara. The result was that Gaara's spiritual energy split and turned into light. and dark parts.

 Needless to say much about the bright side, Gaara is naturally still a little **** in his normal state.

 On the contrary, the dark aspects are more difficult.

As long as the dark side of spiritual energy takes the initiative, Gaara will become a crazy, violent guy, full of violent emotions, and he may even be able to kill himself when he is truly crazy.

However, with the emergence of dark spiritual energy, Gaara still gained a lot of benefits.

 First of all, the spiritual energy of the dark side, which was evolved from the spiritual energy of Gaara swallowing a Shukaku. Therefore, with the spiritual energy of the dark side, Gaara's own spiritual energy is equivalent to an extra amount out of thin air. If Gaara could control that part of the dark spiritual energy at will, or use his own bright spiritual energy to completely swallow up all the dark spiritual energy, then Gaara would be like an off-roader, an innate practitioner of Yin Escape. Good material for occult arts.

Secondly, the dark side of spiritual energy appeared. When Gaara's light side of spiritual energy did not take the initiative, it was the chakra that controlled Ichibi Shukaku, which improved Gaara's body. Now, although Gaara is only three years old, his body is like a cross-country man who has practiced the secret technique of Yang Escape. His physical fitness is very good, and he can already practice chakra or perform ninja training. .

 Furthermore, as Gaara grows up, his already basic body can only become better and better, and there is no possibility of regression.

 Finally, it is also because of the dark spiritual energy that Gaara can master part of the power of One-Tailed Shukaku, which is also a very good and very advantageous aspect for Gaara.

 It’s just that there are advantages and disadvantages.

Spiritual energy is divided into two aspects: light and dark. Gaara also has many shortcomings.

 Let's just say that when Gaara's dark spiritual energy takes the initiative, he will completely turn into a crazy guy, which is a very difficult problem to solve.

What’s more, relying on the power of others, that part of the dark spiritual energy cannot be removed?

According to off-road observations, that part of the dark spiritual energy can only wait for Gaara to have an epiphany and use his light spiritual energy to completely devour the dark spiritual energy, so that the symptoms of schizophrenia can be restored to the original state. That’s all.

 Then there is another point, which is that when going off-road, I feel that Gaara’s dark spiritual energy is very strong and his light spiritual energy is very weak.

 Such a result will directly make it more and more difficult for Gaara to purge the dark spiritual energy. According to off-road speculation.

I'm afraid that when the dark spiritual energy takes the initiative, Gaara's power will be very strong.

And when the spiritual energy of light takes the initiative, Gaara's power will be very weak under normal conditions. It is very likely that he will not be able to perfectly control even the part of Ichibi Shukaku's power that he has mastered!

“Sure enough, there is no such thing as pie in the sky.”

“Just like me, the Yin Escape Brand condensed into four parts very quickly, but the price paid is also beyond the imagination of others.”

"Fortunately, I met Fenfu when I was living in seclusion in the Kingdom of Wind. Otherwise, if I want to restore my current strength, I'm afraid it won't be accomplished overnight."


“Let’s test it a little bit to see what Gaara’s power is.”

"The strength that just brutalized Gaara is probably enough to deal with ninjas at the elite chuunin level, or half-step jounin level. So, don't talk about Gaara in his normal state."

"Can you fight against ordinary genin or elite genin?"

Huttered secretly, Cross Country withdrew his spiritual energy, waved at Gaara, and said: "Gaara, come here, I want to give you a test."

 “Well, okay, Brother Mage!”

 Under normal conditions, Gaara still trusts off-roading very much, which is a fortunate aspect of off-roading.

 So, at this time, the cross-country test was going on for Gaara, and it went very smoothly.

 But soon, Cross Country proved his previous speculation, that is, Gaara in normal state is indeed not as strong as Tyrannical Gaara.

Even Gaara in his normal state is much weaker than predicted in the cross-country.

 Except for the surrounding yellow sand, it can maintain the state of protecting Gaara without Gaara's consciousness. In his normal state, Gaara couldn't even use the Sand Binding Technique. How could he be half as strong as the violent Gaara before?

 Relying on the defense of Huangsha, Gaara can only fight against ordinary genin.


Facing a chuunin-level ninja, the opponent would not be able to break Gaara's yellow sand defense.

But it can only defend but cannot kill the enemy, so what’s the use?

 In the end, the cross-country evaluation of Gaara is that he is relatively good in defense, and his real strength is about the same as that of a rookie who has just become a genin.

  But I have to say that Gaara is a very good seed.

 Let’s not talk about Gaara’s future ability to use his own bright spiritual energy to swallow up the spiritual energy of the dark side and make some progress. As for the current Gaara, that is a good piece of material, it just needs a little polishing. It is inevitable to become a Kage-level powerhouse in the future. Even if Gaara can always stay with Cross Country, Gaara in the cross country world will become stronger than Gaara in the original plot.

 Thinking about myself in the ninja world, there are still too few people who can really help me.

Off-road looked at Gaara in front of him, and he couldn't help but have the idea of ​​​​accepting a disciple.

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​recruiting a disciple had just appeared. With a "swish" sound, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the cross country, and suddenly the cross country's face turned cold.

Needless to say.

The appearance of that figure must be another work of Fenfu.

After a closer look, he found that the man was actually the Fourth Kazekage from Sand Ninja Village. He smiled coldly and asked, "Fengkage, how did the monk inform you that we are here?"

“Master Fenfu, of course there is a way.”

Answered with a smile, the Fourth Kazekage first glanced at Gaara in astonishment, and then looked at Jiujiu with a horrified look, and asked: "Kage Mage, is it possible that Lord Fenfu is this?"

"That's right, after Bunfuku died, Gaara successfully became the Shukaku Jinchuuriki. It was just because of the trump card that Bunfuku had reserved, so Gaara's path to becoming a jinchuriki was not so perfect."

In front of the Fourth Kazekage, there is no need to hide too many things, because Fenfu must have told the Fourth Kazekage the truth.

 So, he bluntly told the Fourth Kazekage about the sealing of Ichibi Shukaku.

 As expected by Cross Country, knowing that Gaara failed to become a perfect Jinchuuriki, the Fourth Kazekage was indeed a little unhappy. But soon, the displeasure on the Fourth Kazekage's face turned into shock, because just when the Fourth Kazekage was unhappy that Gaara failed to become a perfect jinchūriki, Cross Country suddenly faced the Fourth Kazekage. Dai Fengying said sincerely:

"Although it may be a bit rash for me to say these things, for Gaara, I have to tell you these things."

 “Kazekage, leave Gaara to me to train!”

"I intend to"

  "Accept him as my disciple! Enter the disciple!"

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