Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 535: What's going on?

 “Land of Fire?”

 “You are taking Gaara with you.”

Compromising means agreeing to Gaara's apprenticeship. It all happened out of necessity. Now that I know that Cross Country actually wants to take Gaara to the Land of Fire and has the intention of returning to Konoha Village, even if the Fourth Kazekage is an idiot, in his heart Everyone has concerns.

However, on the one hand, thinking about Gaara’s problems, they can only be solved by going off-road. On the other hand, the Fourth Kazekage was thinking that if Cross Country really took Gaara to Konoha Village, if he could seize the opportunity, he would probably take advantage of the stage when the third war was about to end. He severely "trapped" the Third Hokage of Konoha Village.

 In just a few seconds of consideration, the Fourth Kazekage had a complete plan in his mind.

Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, the Fourth Kazekage took a deep breath and said: "Kage Mage, you must control your heart. If something happens to Gaara around you, then I can't guarantee whether the Sand Ninja Village will be safe or not." I can declare war on your Konoha Village. If you really declare war, you will be the sinner of Konoha Village, so protect Gaara!"

 “He is a responsibility and even more of a burden!”

 “A sinner in Konoha Village?”

Hearing what the Fourth Kazekage said, Cross Country smiled and said indifferently: "I have long been a sinner of Konoha Village, you don't need to threaten me, Kazekage."

"However, since you believe that I am sincerely accepting a disciple, then you can rest assured about Gaara's safety."

 “Not much to say, let’s go!”

Almost as soon as Cross Country finished speaking, the figures of Cross Country and Gaara instantly disappeared in front of the Fourth Kazekage, leaving only the Fourth Kazekage alone in the desert, meditating.

The speed at which the body's energy is exploding off-road is really much faster than the Fourth Hokage's speed. Carrying Gaara, it only took one day to cross-country and successfully left the desert and set foot on the border of the Kingdom of Wind. And with Gaara, it may be difficult for others to leave the border of the Kingdom of Wind secretly. But for off-roaders who are proficient in the secret art of escape, the border protection of the Kingdom of Wind is simply insignificant.

In this way, off-roading has created another history.

That is the tailed beast that took the Sand Ninja Village and left the Kingdom of Wind without anyone noticing.

 The next day, the border of the Kingdom of Fire.

 “Brother Mage, why do we have to leave the Kingdom of Wind?”

"The Kingdom of Wind is very dangerous now. In order to protect you, we have to take refuge in the Kingdom of Fire."

"Brother Mage, you lied to me, right? My father is Feng Ying, how can he be in danger in the Kingdom of Wind?"

"Silly boy, the person who really wants to hurt you is your father."

However, just when Cross Country was muttering these words silently in his heart, Gaara, who had previously pretended to be angry, smiled and said, "But Brother Mage, I'm not actually angry that you took me away from the Kingdom of Wind. I have long wanted to leave Suna Ninja Village and take a closer look at what the outside world is like. Master Brother, Father and Yashamaru all said that you have been in the ninja world for many years, is it true? "

 “Well, it’s true.”

“Then can you tell me, what’s interesting about the Kingdom of Fire? It won’t be like the Kingdom of Wind, where you’ll see the same sand everywhere, right?”

“Of course, compared to the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Fire is much more fun.”

 Caring for children is not a specialty of off-roading.

 After all, before traveling, I didn’t even have a girlfriend, so how could I take care of children?

However, under normal circumstances, the three-year-old Gaara may talk a lot, but on a lonely journey, it can undoubtedly reduce the loneliness of cross-country travel. In the beginning, whether it was when he was taking refuge in the desert or when he was taking shelter in the Sand Ninja Village, Cross Country was a lonely person. At this time, in front of Gaara, Cross Country finally doesn't need to live with a mask, so every time Gaara asks a question, Cross Country will answer attentively.

 It’s just that many things in the world are often such coincidences.

Almost on the third day after taking Gaara back to the Land of Fire, I met a group of noteworthy people on the way back.

That group of people is.

The ninja of Cloud Ninja Village in the Land of Thunder!

Of course, at this time, the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Fire were in the negotiation stage, negotiating peace for the end of the Three War. Therefore, it is relatively normal to find a large number of ninjas from Cloud Ninja Village in the Land of Fire. This was because the vigilance of these cloud ninjas really made Cross Country speechless. It was also because of this that Cross Country unexpectedly found these unreliable cloud ninjas in the Land of Fire.

Even though he didn’t wear the Konoha Village’s forehead protector when he went off-road, he clearly showed that he was a ninja from the Konoha Village. However, whether it is Cross Country, Gaara's outfit, or the ninja tool bag worn by Cross Country, it can all be said that Cross Country is a ninja. Under such circumstances, we suddenly encountered ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village on the road. Should those Cloud Ninjas always be a little wary?

Off-road, I never expected that the moment they encountered the Kumo ninja team, the Kumo ninjas in the team didn't even have the slightest intention of guarding against the two ninjas from unknown origins, like Gaara.

Moreover, these Kumo ninjas also warmly entertained Cross Country, and Gaara entered their team, saying that they wanted to protect Cross Country, and Gaara went on the road!

 Are you kidding me?

 Since when did the Kumo ninja, commanded by the Raikage, become so easy to talk to?

Suddenly, off-roaders have the illusion that they are somewhat out of touch with the times.

However, as a Kage-level expert who is proud of being the pinnacle of the ninja world, he can't even be afraid of the Kumo ninja team who don't even have jounin in cross-country, right?

Therefore, I took Gaara and followed the footsteps of the Kumo ninja, and slowly headed towards Konoha Village, thinking that I could get some useful information from the mouths of these low-quality Kumo ninjas, so I took Gaara with me off-road. Luo pretended to be an ordinary genin and followed the team silently. Moreover, just in the evening, when Cross Country and Gaara were pretending to sleep, he heard the Kumo ninja in the team sitting unscrupulously by the campfire and starting to chat.

“Konoha Village is really far away, how long do we have to walk to get there!”

“At least it will take about six days to travel! There is no way, who makes us the messengers of peace? Just be tired if you are tired!”

"Hahahaha, yes, we are the messengers of peace! As long as the Hokage of Konoha Village is willing to exchange the eyes of the Hyuga clan in their village, then as long as Lord Raikage is happy, maybe the war will end, and I can My children have grown up well with my family!”

"Is a mere Byakugan enough? Let me tell you, isn't the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan very powerful? We must give the Byakugan and Sharingan as tribute to Lord Raikage, otherwise we will give some to the Hokage of Konoha Village. Look at the color! Hahahaha!”

 Listening to the exchanges between those cloud ninjas, cross-country is really full of black lines.


 Come on, it was you Kumo ninja who were defeated, not the Leaf Village!

 You actually want to have Byakugan and Sharingan? The blood inheritance limit of the two wealthy families in Konoha Village is tribute?

Has your brain been kicked by a donkey?

 Observing those Yun Ninjas with disdain, Cross Country sighed deeply. He was not optimistic that this negotiation could proceed smoothly. Who said that most of the people in the mission sent by Yun Ninjas were idiots?

However, just when Cross Country was not optimistic about the smooth progress of this negotiation, he suddenly recalled a plot in the original plot and listened to what the cloud ninjas said when they were talking.

In the darkness of the night, Xuexiu suddenly opened his eyes and murmured to himself:

 “Raiying, it turns out your real purpose”

 “Isn’t it a negotiation?”

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