Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 536: Raikage's plot

 In the original plot, something very interesting happened in the peace talks at the end of the Three War.

That is, during the peace talks that Yun Ninja Village sent a mission to, Yun Ninja secretly sneaked into the Hyuga clan's residence and quietly abducted Hyuga Hinata, the "princess" of the Hyuga clan, which directly brought the peace talks to an end. In deadlock.

 In the original plot, what is the final solution of the Third Hokage?

 The answer is very ridiculous!

The third generation of Hokage's final decision was to abandon the "loyal dog" Hyuga clan, which eventually led to the death of Xiaoqiang Hyuga Neji's father, the very prestigious Hyuga Hizashi, who was separated from the Hyuga clan. As a "tribute", he was handed over to Raikage defeated the Kumo Ninja Village, promoted peace talks, and officially ended the three wars that attracted the attention of the ninja world.

Originally, when Cross Country was living in seclusion in Sand Ninja Village, he was thinking about Hinata Hizashi's death. It is true that the relationship between Cross Country and the Hyuga clan is not good, but the relationship between Cross Country's uncle Shikaku and Hyuga Hizashi is good, which is something that everyone in Konoha Village knows. Therefore, thinking that during the Third World War, the confrontation between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder was the result of the Raikage's defeat and escape, Cross Country thought that the Raikage really wanted to keep his tail between his legs and could no longer look at the Hyuga clan's eyes.

 However, listening to the idiot Yun nin in front of him, still communicating with a condescending look, Yue Chuang knew that the peace talks were far from smooth as he imagined. At the very least, the Kumo ninja peeking at the Hyuga clan and rolling their eyes will still happen, it is bound to happen. Immediately, he silently thought about what the Raikage's deep intention was. Is it really just for the Hyuga clan's supercilious look?

  Soon after going off-road, it was discovered that Raikage was probably planning something.

The real purpose of his layout is naturally not the supercilious look of the Hyuga clan, but the "cooperation" of a certain force in Konoha Village!

"Now in Konoha Village, the only person who can cooperate with a guy like Raikage, apart from the Uchiha clan who is about to face a genocide, is probably Orochimaru who is about to defect, right?"

"No one can imagine that after the end of the third war, Konoha Village will face real decline. If it weren't for me, Minato-sensei and Kushina-san would really be dead. Orochimaru would defect and Jiraiya would run away immediately. , Tsunade-hime's hiding, and the rebellion of the Uchiha clan in the future, the Leaf Village will probably decline under the "wise" leadership of the Third Hokage, right? "

“Also in the original plot, why did the Third Hokage give in to Danzo Shimura and watch him rise step by step?”

“Obviously the current Third Hokage still suppresses Shimura Danzo, why should we delegate power to him?”

 “I think the Third Hokage is really old!”

“Otherwise, how could these wrong decisions have been made by Ren Xiong?”

“Well, the most important thing now is to see who Raikage’s real partner is. Is it the Uchiha clan? Or Orochimaru?”

“I think it’s more likely to be the latter! After all, Orochimaru’s days are numbered when he can stay in Konoha Village!”

Humbling to himself, Cross Country closed his eyes and fell asleep. It seemed that he was asleep, but in fact he was still guarding against these idiot-like cloud ninjas.

How could Kumo Ninja be an idiot?

 What is hidden under their idiotic appearance? Off-roaders need to know.

About three days later, while basically maintaining the use of Kagura's Eyes of Mind at all times, regardless of the consumption of mental energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country discovered something very interesting. That is, as time goes by, his team of Kumo ninja is gradually expanding. That is to say, there are cloud ninja masters who have been hiding in the Kingdom of Fire for a long time, waiting for this cloud ninja team to officially enter the territory of Konoha Village, and then they will gather with this cloud ninja team.

 The purpose may be to weaken the precautionary awareness of Konoha Village.

The fact that the Cloud Ninjas can easily sneak into the Land of Fire proves that they are inextricably linked to the Uchiha clan.

 Otherwise, there are Uchiha clan guards guarding the border of the Fire Country. No matter how powerful the Kumo ninja jounin is, how can there be a certain size of Kumo ninja jounin that can easily sneak into the Fire Country?

As for why the Kumo ninjas pretended to be idiots in front of Gaara when they were off-road?

The reason is probably very simple. They mistakenly thought that Gaara was a person sent by Konoha Village to go off-road.

 So, when talking, these Kumo ninjas did not shy away from going off-road. Gaara, the real intention was to confuse the Leaf Village. Unfortunately, the plans of these Cloud Ninjas were destined to fail, because it didn't take long for Cross Country to discover that several Anbu from Konoha Village had infiltrated into this Cloud Ninja team, and they were the ones who really came to find out what was going on.

The Kumo ninjas in this team were dumbfounded when they discovered that an ANBU from Konoha Village was coming.

They looked at the cross-country. Gaara's eyes were no longer as dull as before, but he was dealing with something. He was always on guard against the cross-country and Gaara and the two of them.

 Among them, the cross-country situation is better. After all, he is a useless person and there is no chakra fluctuation in his body.

 Instead, it was Gaara.

 After becoming the jinchūriki of One-Tailed Shukaku, Gaara was as dazzling as a firefly in the dark night. Even ordinary ninjas can use their own perception to discover Gaara's weirdness, let alone those in the Kumo ninja team who have their own intentions?

 But even so, the Cloud Ninja still did not drive away the cross-country and Gaara, but took them into the Konoha Village.

 Sure enough, the Uchiha clan has a problem.

Obviously there were two more guys of unknown origin among the Yun Ninjas, but the people from the Konoha Village Guard still didn't pay attention to them.

Even when arranging accommodation, the Uchiha clan arranged Gaara, the cross-country, to be in the Kumo ninja team, which really made the cross-country feel dumbfounded. Even Cross Country is secretly thinking, could it be that since he hasn't returned to Konoha Village for several years, the people in Konoha Village have forgotten that there is a shadow mage number one in the ninja world?

However, it is still very interesting to live with the Kumo ninja team and go cross-country.

 At least here, Cross Country and Gaara can eat well and live well, so there is no need to worry about life problems.

However, not everyone has not discovered Cross Country. When Gaara entered the territory of Konoha Village, Cross Country did not deliberately disguise his appearance or dress up!

So on the first night when Gaara entered the Konoha Village in the Cross Country, a ghost-like figure quietly sneaked into the room where Gaara lived in the Cross Country.

 At that time, Gaara was already asleep, and only Off-road was silently waiting for that mysterious figure.

  followed by.

Finding that the mysterious figure had been waiting in front of him for a long time, Cross Country's lips raised a faint smile. Looking at the mysterious figure sneaking in in front of him, he said lightly:

“Kabuto, long time no see. You’ve grown a lot.”

“Off-road master, you are joking!”

Knowing that disguise is useless in front of Cross Country, after removing the disguise, Yakushi Kabuto once again showed a hypocritical smile and said: "Master Cross Country, what is the purpose of your return to Konoha Village this time? This question is not what I want to ask. I’m asking you, but Orochimaru-sama wants to ask you, because if possible, Orochimaru-sama would like to have one more collaborator, what do you think?”

 "Cooperation? Aren't we always cooperating? Kabuto!"

 Listening to Yakushi Kabuto's words, the smile on Cross Country's face slowly disappeared.

Furthermore, just at the moment when the smile on Cross Country's face disappeared, the black shadow under his feet suddenly extended away, and in an impressive instant, the figure behind Yakushi Kabuto was imprisoned.

“Kabuto, your tracking ability has dropped a lot.”

 “You haven’t taken care of the tail behind you yet? Then let me help you!”

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