Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 541: Raikage attacks

 Soft fist is useless!

Hinata and Hinashi were shocked!

However, Hinata Hinata didn't have much time to be shocked. Off-road exploded with physical energy again, and surprisingly used the second "Beng Fist".

Hyuga Hizashi was the only shadow-level strongman in the Hyuga clan at that time, so he was not distracted even when he was shocked. Feeling the fluctuations of body energy erupting from the cross-country, Hinata Hizashi took a deep breath, blocked his hands in front of him, and resisted the "collapse fist" used by the cross-country.

 But how can the off-road "Beng Quan" be so easy to use?

Since the first time he used the "Beng Fist" to attack, the cross-country failed to hurt Hinata Hizashi, then when he used the "Beng Fist" for the second time, how could it be an ordinary "Beng Fist" What about using it?

So, just when Hyuga Hizashi used his hands to resist the cross-country "Bang Fist", there was a "bang" sound first, and then there was a second "bang" sound!

That is a skill of using "Beng Fist" in cross-country, and it is also gained by cross-country when he lived in seclusion in Sand Ninja Village.

Since the Hyuga clan’s Rou Fist has the technique of using the Bagua Air Palm, then why can’t off-roaders have the technique of using the “Collapse Fist” in the air?

Moreover, "Beng Fist" uses body energy. If the body energy is sufficient for cross-country, it is also possible to use "Beng Fist" multiple times, right?

In this way, when Cross Country's "collapse fist" landed on Hinata Hizashi's hands, the first burst of physical energy from Cross Country was successfully resisted by Hinata Hizashi. However, when the cross-country secretly exploded the second phase of body energy, the infinite power produced by the explosion of body energy turned out to be attacked heavily by the fists of the cross-country. It was completely the effect of hitting a cow across the mountain. Hinata Hizashi's defensive hands landed heavily on Hinata Hizashi's chest!


 The cross-country "Beng Fist" hit successfully, and Hinata Hizashi took a few steps back before barely stabilizing his injuries.

Of course, despite the fact that Hinata Hizashi only took a few steps back, it seemed that the injury was not very serious. In fact, the physical energy that exploded from the cross-country course not only penetrated Hinata Hizashi's defense with his hands, but also penetrated Hyuga Hizashi's body. In other words, the physical energy that exploded from the cross-country was like the acupuncture method of Rouquan. The real target of the attack was Hinata Hizashi's lungs and the organs in his body.

Therefore, just when the cross-country "Beng Fist" was used, Hinata Hizashi took a few steps back, and it was very difficult to suppress the blood that wanted to spurt out.

  However, at this time, Hinata Hizashi's eyes were still looking at the cross country with a bit of surprise.

 Obviously he was still a little shocked. Why could Cross Country ignore the power of Rou Fist and make the Rou Fist he used completely useless?

 Why exactly?

 There are actually two reasons, that is why cross-country can completely restrain Rouquan.

 The first reason is that all the meridians in Cross Country's body are broken, and he is already a disabled person.

 If Soft Boxing loses the acupoint technique, the power it can produce is actually very little. Under normal circumstances, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan all use the acupuncture technique of soft fist to seal the enemy's chakra use. When they can use chakra but the opponent cannot use chakra, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan can naturally easily defeat the enemy.

 After all, chakra in the ninja world is like bullets from guns.

 Without bullets, guns are sometimes not as useful as sharp blades!

On the contrary, it was off-road. He lost the ability to use chakra early. Now he uses the physical energy of Yang escape and the mental energy of Yin escape to fight. Therefore, Hyuga Hizashi's soft fists cannot weaken the power of Cross Country. His idea of ​​sealing the chakra in Cross Country's body has become a drag on the contrary.

 The second reason is that you practice Yang Escape Secret Technique cross-country, and your physical fitness is super strong!

 This is the main reason why Cross Country can resist the soft fist, and it is also the real reason why the soft fist used by Hinata Hizashi is useless.

 The whole body, and even the organs inside the body, are very strong. After practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape for so long, I can finally show off my power in front of others. Hyuga Hizashi wants to use the power of the soft fist to hurt the body of Cross Country. It is already impossible to use it, because the physical quality of the cross country is very strong. The skin, muscles and bones all over the body are like steel. How can ordinary soft fists do it? What about off-roading that hurts now?

There is another frightening aspect of the Rouquan acupuncture technique. The frightening aspect of harming other people’s organs cannot be applied to off-roaders.

Even if ordinary people practice Yang Escape Secret Technique, they can only practice it on the outside of the body, and cannot practice it on the inside of the body. Under the guidance of Fenfu, Xuexiu found some tips in the process of practicing Yang Escape Secret Technique, which can cultivate both the surface of the body and the inside of the body.

 So, after further weakening the power of the soft fist, Hyuga Hizashi's soft fist became useless in the face of cross-country.


Even without the above two reasons, cross-country can still perfectly restrain Rouquan.

 Don’t forget that off-roading has a magical skill called elementalization!

 Using the elements, Nagato controlled the Shinra Tensei cast by Tendo Payne, and could easily dodge the cross-country, let alone the soft fist of Hyuga Hizashi?

Hyuga Hizashi really picked the wrong opponent.

 Today's off-roading is all about ninjas who can restrain the Hyuga clan!

Hyuga Hizashi wanted to fight him, and the result he would face would naturally be a dead end.

 However, after understanding that the only shadow-level strongman of the Hyuga clan was not his opponent, Cross Country had no intention of confronting Hyuga Hizashi. Discovering that Hinata Hizashi had suffered internal injuries, Cross Country slowly returned to Hinata's side, and then threw the sleeping Hinata to Hinata Hizashi.

Then, under the surprised gaze of Hyuga Hizashi, Cross Country smiled faintly and said: "I have a feeling that Mr. Hizashi, you actually know who my true identity is. In order to seal your mouth, I am willing to hand over Hinata, and I am even more willing to sell you Mr. Hizashi a favor. But Mr. Hizashi, you need to remember that the real enemy of your Hyuga clan is not me, let alone Fugumo Ninja Village, but within you. . Your clan system is the real enemy of your Hyuga clan."

“Okay, I’ve had enough fun today and I have to go back first.”

"Mr. Hizashi, please go back and tell Hinata and Hizashi to be careful of the Raikage in Kumo Ninja Village!"

 Having said that, the cross-country didn't give Hinata Hizashi a chance to speak, and the figure disappeared in front of Hinata Hizashi in a hurry.

Hyuga Hizashi listened to Cross Country's words and was silent for a long time before taking Hinata back to the Hyuga clan. Needless to say what happened next. Seeing Hinata Hizashi being injured and being brought back to Hinata, Hinata Hizashi was a little lucky, but also a little disappointed. But as Cross Country said, it is impossible for the Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village to watch his ninjas die tragically.

 So early the next morning, Hinata and Hinata were preparing to go to the Third Hokage to attack.

The Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village has already launched an attack in advance!

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