Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 542: No more ambition

 The next day, early morning.

Not long after getting up in the morning, relying on the perception of Kagura's inner eye, Cross Country knew that the Hyuga clan had gone to attack, and that Hyuga and Hinata asked the Third Hokage for help.

 However, according to the off-road perception, the Raikage of Yun Ninja Village is obviously one step ahead.

Because before Hinata Hizashi went to the Hokage's office, the ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village Mission went to the Hokage's office to tell them about the missing ninjas in the team.

But Cross Country is certain that Raikage's attack this time must not be as well-founded as in the original plot.

 After all, the person who killed Kumo Ninja Jonin was Cross Country, and Cross Country went to cause trouble as a ninja of Sand Ninja Village!

No matter how arrogant the Raikage is, he can't go after the Hyuga clan now. Why should the Hyuga clan kill the people from their Kumo Ninja Village?

 It’s a pity that the off-roaders at that time underestimated Raikage’s arrogance, and even more so, Raikage’s shamelessness.

It was found that the ninjas of Yunnin Village died in the station of the Hyuga clan. Even Hinata and Hizu confessed that the person who killed the ninjas of Yunnin Village was not a ninja of the Hyuga clan. However, Raikage clung to one point, that is, the ninjas from their Cloud Ninja Village died tragically in the Hyuga Clan's camp, and the Hyuga Clan must be given an explanation, otherwise the war would continue.

 What a ridiculous reason!

If the war in the Kingdom of Thunder can continue, can the Raikage send an envoy to Konoha Village?

 So, the Raikage is a threat, he speaks harsh words, but he doesn’t know what he is doing.

 It just so happened that the Third Hokage even agreed with this joke-like threat!

  In other words, the Hyuga clan has to take the blame again and work hard to get the Raikage's forgiveness.

As for whether Hinata Hizashi died tragically in the end, I don’t know the cross-country, and I don’t have the heart to pay attention to it.

 Because not long after he got up, after having breakfast with Gaara, Cross Country took Gaara to the training ground of Konoha Village. In the training ground, I first paid attention to the Ichibi Shukaku in Gaara's body, and then carefully checked Gaara's physical condition. Cross Country quickly made a decision, that is, to cultivate Gaara's love. Luo became stronger and began to teach Gaara to practice chakra!

 Generally, you need to be four years old if you want to practice chakra.

Moreover, not all four-year-old children can cultivate chakra. It was thanks to his extraordinary talent in spiritual energy that Cross Country was able to cultivate chakra at the age of four.

 But Gaara’s situation is different from that of ordinary children.

 When he sealed the One-Old Shukaku, he withstood the impact of the One-Oiled Shukaku's power, and Gaara's physical fitness became stronger.

Now, let alone practicing chakra, just let Gaara practice more rigorously, and it will be fine even if he goes off-road. Gaara also had no intention of letting him down. In just over half an hour, Gaara successfully completed chakra training. Moreover, after successfully accumulating chakra, Cross Country also discovered something very interesting.

 It’s about Gaara’s secret technique of controlling sand!

"Under normal conditions, the yellow sand can independently defend Gaara. Unfortunately, Gaara cannot successfully control the yellow sand to attack. However, after cultivating chakra, Gaara can use chakra to attack. Kara started to control the sand, which was a lot of progress. Maybe Gaara in the normal state was still not as strong as the violent sand control, but when using chakra to control the sand, he was still a fighter. means."

“I didn’t expect that the first little guy I trained would be as strong as a genin at the age of three.”

"If Gaara, you can take the examination of Konoha Village, then you will graduate successfully at the age of three, and you will completely dominate the original Kakashi!"

  thought secretly, with a faint smile on his lips.

Immediately, he waved to Gaara, and asked with a smile: "Gaara, since you use chakra to control the sand around you, then you can try to see if you can use sand control when you don't use chakra. Secret Technique.”

 “Well, let me give it a try!”

Gaara has one advantage, and that is that he always obeys the instructions of the crossroads.

 Perhaps in the eyes of little Gaara, off-roading is his only support, and now it is his only relative.

 Hence, Gaara listened to every word that Yuexiu said and kept it in his heart. However, sometimes when it comes to cultivation, it's not just how you want the other person to cultivate, but what kind of cultivation the other person can accomplish. At this time, it was not that Gaara's talent was not good, but that it was really difficult for Gaara to control the sand without using chakra.

 In the end, Gaara was not able to complete the practice of sand control without using chakra.

But after making little progress in training, Cross Country was still very happy. Then he paid attention to Gaara during his training there. Cross Country wanted to take Gaara out for a big meal at night and give him a good reward.

Who would have thought that while Cross Country was silently teaching Gaara how to practice, a figure suddenly appeared behind Cross Country.

Feeling the familiar aura of the other party, Cross Country sighed deeply and asked: "Orochimaru, it's very dangerous for you to come to see me."

“It’s very dangerous. After all, you are my trump card when it comes to off-roading!”

After listening to Cross Country, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Is that the Jinchūriki of Suna Ninja Village? I would say, Cross Country, you are the one who should betray Konoha. I just do It's just some human experimentation. If you bring the jinchūriki of the Suna Ninja Village, you are betraying the Leaf Village. Why doesn't anyone bother you?"

 “Because I keep a low profile, because I have been living in seclusion for a long time!”

He smiled faintly, and asked directly without going around the corner with Orochimaru: "Tell me, what are you here for? You don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. I'm talking about you. Is it because you are about to defect, or is it because you are about to defect? "

 “Who are you going to let me help you deal with?”

“No, I just want to find someone to talk to.”

Sighing, Orochimaru said: "You know? Just now, that old guy Sarutobi was ready to make the Hyuga clan suffer, in order to end the war smoothly, and to calm down the so-called anger of Raikage. Listen to Saru I was actually a little angry at the order given by Old Man Fei, it’s really ridiculous!”

"But I know that if the Raikage said to fight before, then it would be a good fight. Anyway, we can defeat the Raikage once and let him escape. Are we afraid that he will cause us trouble the second time? But not now Same, for the sake of the end of the war, old man Sarutobi is probably willing to agree even if the Raikage asks for the head of Hinata Hiashi."

"you say."

 “The Third Hokage, who has lost his ambition, what is the use of coming?”

 “Human, as long as you get older, you will no longer have the courage you had before!”

"Looking at the current Sarutobi-sensei and the former Sarutobi-sensei, I have some thoughts."

 “Kill the current old man Sarutobi!”

 Silently listening to Orochimaru's sigh, Cross Country was silent for a long time without saying anything.

 That’s right.

Looking at Fenfu before his death, Xue Xue was unwilling to admit that that person was the Fenfu he knew, the monk he met in the desert. Orochimaru must have the same idea. The Third Hokage's ambition is gone. He is no longer the Third Hokage he was before. He is even different from the Third Hokage during the Three-Tails War and the Nine-Tails War.

 Now that he is old and his ambition is gone, the current Third Hokage is really better off dead.

 After being silent for a long time, Cross Country recalled the plot of the original work and thought about Orochimaru's plan to kill the Third Hokage. Suddenly, he blurted out a sentence that made Orochimaru, who had been sighing before, freeze there.

“Orochimaru, what do you think about us going to kill the Third Hokage together?”

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