Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 545: A bunch of trash


Oujiao asked, and Kakashi was speechless.

 That’s right.

 Is it wrong to question cross-country?

Uzumaki Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage. Kakashi, as a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, you are equivalent to Uzumaki Naruto's senior brother.

So, where were you when Naruto Uzumaki was bullied?

 As a senior brother, you are unqualified!

 As a companion, you can't even protect the teammates around you, you are simply a useless existence!

 So, when Kakashi was speechless, the expression in his black pupils was filled with regret and pain. Recalling the death of Obito Uchiha, the death of Lin, the Fourth Hokage, and the "death" of Kushina Uzumaki, Kakashi took a deep breath, and faced Naruto Uzumaki with pain. The courage to persevere in the face of cross-country.

 However, a few years is enough to change a person.

First he gained experience in ANBU, and then many things happened, which made Kakashi become the lazy guy he is now.

Because of this, not long after Kakashi lost his voice, Kakashi's expression gradually became serious when he looked at the corpses of several Jonin-level Anbu around him. No longer as lazy as before, Kakashi was still a well-known COPY ninja. He immediately faced the cross-country coldly, without thinking about the previous cross-country questioning.

 Slowly he opened his forehead protector, revealing the scarlet Sharingan.

When Kakashi was about to fight Cross Country, he began to use the same indifferent tone and said to Cross Country in front of him: "The Third Hokage has confessed that no one can reveal anything about Naruto. Cross Country, you are the village The elites inside should know these truths. Therefore, you killed the ANBU in the village today for Naruto, and I must give an explanation to these dead ANBU!"

 “If you want to fight, I will fight with you!”

“I just want to see how much progress you have made after not seeing me for several years!”

"Are you still a shadow mage known to everyone in the ninja world?"

 “Let me see it!”

 While speaking, Kakashi did not underestimate Cross Country because there was no chakra fluctuation in his body. Because, looking at the deaths of several Anbu, Kakashi could tell that after losing the use of chakra in cross-country, not only did he have no intention of regressing, but he became even more terrifying than before.

 Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s talk about the secret technique of the fast wind flow used before cross-country!

What kind of terrifying wind escape secret technique is that?

Even when Kakashi was facing off-road before, he was not completely sure of catching the Hayate Flow and Stepping Slash that was used off-road. Therefore, when thinking about seeking justice for these dead Anbu, Kakashi used the Sharingan without any hesitation, preparing to use his Sharingan in the form of a three-magatama to see through all the cross-country attacks.


Kakashi probably never expected that he was no longer qualified to stand in front of cross-country.

He is just an elite jounin-level ninja. How can he care about the cross-country who is a strong shadow-level person?

 Then, the long-lost battle between Cross Country and Kakashi began, and the first round of confrontation between the two also began!

With no intention of letting down his guard at all, Kakashi attacked with a punch first, ready to test the progress of cross-country. Who would have thought that before Kakashi's fists could be clenched, the cross-country figure suddenly disappeared in front of Kakashi. He suddenly exploded with body energy and used the "Moon Step" directly in front of Kakashi!

Just a "moon step", off-road forcefully cracked the insight of Kakashi's Sharingan.

 What about the Sharingan in the form of three magatama?

Unless you have the Mangekyō Sharingan, you can't even capture my figure!

Off-road is so confident when using the "Moon Step", so just after using the "Moon Step", the figure suddenly appeared behind Kakashi, and the off-road slowly punched out with a "Bang Fist"!

 “Kakashi, you are so weak!”


 The "Beng Fist" used cross-country made it impossible for Kakashi to dodge.

  A punch landed heavily on Kakashi's back of the heart. Kakashi flew backwards and smashed the telephone pole next to him. Only then did he barely catch an off-road "collapse punch".

As he slowly stood up from the ground, Kakashi's eyes were full of horror.

what is going on?

How did off-roading become so scary?

 In the past three years, I have not relaxed in my cultivation, but the gap between the two of us has become wider and wider!

Is this a matter of talent?

How can it be? Is there anyone better gifted than me?

Since graduating from the ninja school, Kakashi has never questioned his talent. Who would have thought that when he competes with cross-country again, Kakashi silently questions his talent. The reason is naturally the strength of cross-country!

Thinking that it was impossible to capture Cross Country by himself, the look of fear in Kakashi's eyes gradually disappeared and turned to a layer of solemnity. But just when Kakashi was helpless against Cross Country and felt that he could only watch Cross Country leave with Uzumaki Naruto, suddenly a teasing voice suddenly echoed in the ears of Cross Country and Kakashi.

“Hey, Kakashi, why are you so embarrassed all of a sudden?”

“Huh? You look familiar! Who are you?”

 The figure fell down and helped Kakashi, who was half kneeling on the ground.

Off-road eyes fell on the slightly familiar figure, and the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth suddenly became a little stronger.

 Because the person who came was none other than the original "deserter", the youngest son of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Asuma!

 “Asma, that guy is off-road!”

 “Off-road? Shadow Mage?”

  After learning Kakashi’s identity as Cross Country, Asuma Sarutobi no longer looked lazy. He looked at Cross Country with concentration and sneered: “Nara Cross Country, shouldn’t we settle the old accounts between us?”

“A deserter, is he qualified to settle old scores with me?”

Without even looking at Sarutobi Asuma, Cross Country said indifferently: "One is a loser who gave up his father's inheritance and used the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan to become famous. The other is a loser who made trouble during the mission and eventually became a deserter. If Konoha Village keeps relying on trash like you to protect it, it will be lonely sooner or later, right?"

“It’s ridiculous. Now I have to fight a bunch of losers. It’s no fun at all!”

"Kakashi, I said you are a waste, you must admit it, right?"

 “And you, Sarutobi Asuma, right?”

“You loser, go back and tell the Third Hokage that I’m back from Nara’s cross-country trip and I want to seek justice from him!”

With that said, Cross Country took a deep breath and picked up Uzumaki Naruto. Still not looking at Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma glanced at him and turned around.

"Of course, if the Third Hokage becomes a waste like you"

“Then I will tell everyone in a different way that I am Nara Cross Country!”

 “Konoha Shadow Mage!”

"came back!"

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