Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 546: Waves rise


 Complete contempt!

At this moment, watching Cross Country turn around and leave with Uzumaki Naruto, for some reason, Kakashi did not feel any sense of surviving the disaster, but instead felt the contempt of Cross Country.

Chushigo didn’t kill himself and Asuma, but killed some ANBU. Was it really because those ANBU provoked him?

 No, it’s not!

But Cross Country feels that those Anbu died in his hands, and their blood cannot dirty his hands!

 If he kills himself and Asuma, his hands may be dirty with the blood of both of us!

 Because as I said before, Asuma and I are both useless!

 A waste that cannot be protected by anything!

A look of sorrow flashed in his eyes. Even Kakashi didn't know when he changed from a truly talented ninja to the useless person he is now. However, Kakashi didn't know that it wasn't his talent that had changed, but his ability. If he is still the Kakashi Hatake who is not afraid of the sky or the earth, then he is still a figure that can be respected in cross-country. Unfortunately, since Obito Uchiha, Lin has been "blackened" one after another, and experienced the Three-Tails War, and after the Nine-Tails War, Kakashi's power disappeared!

 So, in silence, Kakashi sighed deeply. All he was thinking about was how to tell the Third Hokage about returning from the cross-country trip.

 Instead, it was Sarutobi Asuma.

 Looking at the figure hurriedly leaving off-road, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, facing the direction of Kakashi, Sarutobi Asuma said shamelessly: "Kakashi, did you see it? After I came, Nara Cross Country was obviously scared!"

Sarutobi Asuma, you are so confident!

How can a great Kage Master in the ninja world be afraid of you, a guy who has just been promoted to Jonin?

 Sneaking secretly, Sarutobi Asuma was, after all, the child of the Third Hokage, so Kakashi looked indifferent and asked, "Asuma, how did you tell?"

“Needless to say, of course it’s because I’m better than him!”

Listening to Sarutobi Asuma's answer, Kakashi's forehead was covered with black lines and said: "Asuma, your idea is very dangerous. Three years ago, Cross Country was able to go deep into the Country of Grass alone and annihilate the entire Cloud Ninja team. The village's elite troops. Also three years ago, Cross Country cooperated with Lord Orochimaru, Lord Jiraiya, and Lord Tsunade to resist the combination of Raikage, Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, and Two-Tailed Jinchuuriki. During the battle, only Cross Country killed the second tailed jinchūriki."

“Now, do you still feel that you are better than cross-country?”

“Then why did he leave? It turns out it was because of the old man again!”

 Obviously there was another misunderstanding. Sarutobi Asuma was destined to go further and further down the path of being a middle school boy.

He sighed deeply and punched the ground hard.

Sarutobi Asuma half-knelt on the ground, feeling in pain, and shouted helplessly: "Why? Just because I am the child of the Third Hokage, no one in the ninja world dares to hurt me? It was like this before, and it is like this now. Like this! When will the old man’s influence disappear? Nara Cross Country, come back and fight with me!”

Sighed helplessly, looking at the grieving Sarutobi Asuma, Kakashi suddenly understood why Cross Country was unwilling to kill Sarutobi Asuma.

Thinking again that he was actually on the same level as Sarutobi Asuma, Kakashi's mood became even worse, and soon he left Sarutobi Asuma who was suffering from Chuunibyou there, while he went to Hokage's office, ready to report some things.

 But many times, it is not the third Hokage who obtains some important information first in Konoha Village.

Just like now, the Third Hokage only got the information about the Shadow Mage's return after Kakashi left. In fact, the information about the Shadow Mage's return had already been circulated when he went cross-country to kill the ANBU of Konoha Village.

Needless to say.

The people who can grasp the first-hand information must be the Uchiha clan’s guard!

“Reporting to Lord Fugaku, the Shadow Mage has returned. He killed six Anbu in the street, defeated Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma, two Jonin, and left calmly!”

 “Off-roading is back? Good! Good! Good!”

Hearing the news about the return of the Shadow Master, Uchiha Fugaku put a rich smile on his face and ordered: "Now tell Shisui and Itachi about the return from the cross-country. They know how to handle the situation. Let's see if we come back from the cross-country this time. , What a bad person! He must have been able to solve the Nara clan’s problems by himself, let’s see next.”

 “Can we, the Uchiha clan, wait for the opportunity to rise up and overthrow the Third Hokage?”

 “Yes, Lord Fugaku!”

 After the Uchiha clan returned from cross-country, their first thought was to bring down the Third Hokage.

How long?

 The Shadow Mage is back, and the spring of the Uchiha clan is coming!

Especially when he knew that Cross Country dared to kill Konoha Anbu on the street, Uchiha Fugaku knew that the rift between Cross Country and the Third Hokage was irreparable.

Thinking about the glory of the Uchiha clan, which is about to come, Uchiha Fugaku is undoubtedly excited.

 The complete opposite to Uchiha Fugaku is the situation within the Hyuga clan!

"What are you talking about? That little **** from Nara Cross Country is back? He actually killed ANBU in the street and threatened to ask the Third Hokage to give him an explanation?"

 “Quickly, notify all the elders to come and discuss this matter!”


“Remember to call Hizashi and tell him that the Zong family is in trouble!”

 Send ninjas from the Hyuga clan clan to gather all the strength of the Hyuga clan.

 Recalling the time when he looked down upon that brat from the Nara clan, Hinata Hinashi couldn't help but regret a little. Why did he become his enemy in the first place?

 However, since things have happened, there is no way to change them.

 When the news of the return from the cross-country trip spread to every corner of Konoha Village, even the Nara clan, the Yamazaka clan, and the Akimichi clan knew about it. Hidden beneath the Konoha village were rolling waves.

As long as the cross-country shows up again, the rolling waves will hit this ninja village, which is already hiding a crisis.

 Inside the Hokage's office.

Standing by the window, watching the ninjas from various families busy outside, the Third Hokage sighed deeply, with a hint of panic flashing in his eyes.

Of course, what can make the Third Hokage panic is not his off-road ability, but the fact that the Third Hokage has really grown old.

 It was also because the Third Hokage lost his ambition and hoped more for stability, so when facing the waves caused by returning from cross-country, the Third Hokage actually made another stupid move.

That is.

 Ask for help from a conspirator, his name is Shimura Danzo!

“Tell Danzo that he will take care of the matter of returning from Nara’s cross-country trip.”

"Even if some people in the village feel sorry for Naruto, Kakashi, you have to remember"

“The interests of the village are always supreme! No matter who you are, as long as you live in the village, you must serve the village, you know?”

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