Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 547: Release Shukaku!

“You actually chose to ask Danzo for help?”

 “That’s true.”

 “Smelly chess!”

It is impossible for anyone to imagine that Cross Country took Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto into the famous Death Forest in the original plot to hide, and could actually use Kagura's inner eye to see into the entire Konoha Village and peek inside the Konoha Village. All family thoughts.

 But among everyone’s thoughts, the one that feels the most ridiculous about off-roading is that of the Third Hokage.

 Chance to believe in Shimura Danzo is really not as good as trusting the Hyuga clan or the Uchiha clan.

 Who is Danzo Shimura?

That's a famous conspirator in Konoha Village. You, the Third Hokage, are getting older little by little, but you can still suppress Danzo Shimura. However, as long as you show a little bit of fatigue, needless to say, Shimura Danzo will definitely suppress you, the Third Hokage, in turn. This is reality, this is politics, not to mention that Shimura Danzo has been suppressed by the Third Hokage for so many years. There are countless grievances in my heart.

 So, when Cross Country looked at the sleeping Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, the corner of his mouth was already raised.

 Not long after, Orochimaru, who was looking forward to cross-country, came in person.

First he looked at Gaara, and then at Uzumaki Naruto in Cross Country's arms. Orochimaru, who appeared in front of Cross Country, couldn't help but smile: "Not long after we separated, I didn't expect that so many things happened. Cross Country, If you need help, I'm willing to help you now. But what's wrong with you? One Shukaku jinchuriki is not enough, so you have to drag in a nine-tailed jinchuriki?"

“Off-road, are you trying to collect Jinchuuriki?”

 "Collecting Jinchūriki? No, I'm collecting tailed beasts!"

Hearing Orochimaru's words, Cross Country smiled, thinking that's really what happened!

Gaara has the One-Tailed Shukaku in his body, Uzumaki Naruto has the Nine-tailed Demon Fox in his body, and the power of the Two-Tailed Matauri exists in his own body.

There are only nine tailed beasts in the ninja world. He has control over the lifeblood of three tailed beasts, which is already a very huge power. Immediately, after smiling at Orochimaru, Cross Country knew what the deep meaning of Orochimaru's coming to help was, so after a moment of silence, Cross Country said to Orochimaru in front of him:

"The situation in Konoha Village is indeed chaotic, but I think I can control it. The three tribes of Nara, Akimichi, and Yamanaka have no intention of participating in the war, but it does not mean that Uncle Shikaku has given up on me. Until I return , and knowing that I was angry because of Uzumaki Naruto, Uncle Shikaku, Uncle Choza, and Uncle Haiichi decided not to help the Third Hokage, nor to help me. Needless to say the underlying meaning, in fact, Uncle Shikaku and the others? The original intention is to help me, because without the power of Nara, Akimichi, and the three mountains, I am still me, still a shadow mage."

"But the Third Hokage has lost the support of three families. Is the Third Hokage still the Third Hokage?"


As he said that, he slowly looked into the distance and continued: "The Uchiha clan has planted nails in the ANBU a long time ago, including Shisui and Itachi. Unfortunately, Uchiha Fugaku didn't know. Let them join the ANBU. Wrong, because they are probably not just double agents, but three agents traveling among the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, and the Uchiha clan. If I don't return this time, the Uchiha clan is thinking of rebelling. Things will definitely fail.”

"So, Uchiha Fugaku is not completely stupid. He actually wants to help me, bring down the Third Hokage, and use this method to gain breathing time for the Uchiha clan. He is still a smart man. So, the Uchiha clan On the other hand, I am ready to help them. At least when I am in trouble, the Uchiha clan is willing to stand by my side. But for the Hyuga clan, Orochimaru, if you like Byakugan, I can definitely help you get a few pairs. ”

 “That’s a white eye, are you interested?”


Discovering that just one person in Cross Country can collect so much information, Orochimaru silently lamented that the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan is really useful. On the other hand, he said with a smile: "The more Byakugan the better, I like to study it very much. If If possible, I hope you can help me get some of the Uchiha clan’s Sharingan.”

“Now, it seems you don’t need my help much.”

"But can you let me watch the show? Because that guy Danzo..."

 “Here comes with the ANBU!”

"no problem!"

Nodding, Cross Country saw Orochimaru hurriedly disappearing beside him, and casually used his own spiritual energy to create a barrier that could allow Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, who had been mentally exhausted for a long time, to have a good rest, and Cross Country walked slowly towards Outside the barrier, they happened to meet Danzo Shimura and a group of Anbu from the Leaf Village.

These ANBU are all the elites in Konoha Village, and they are also the only elites under Danzo Shimura.

 Being able to bring so many ANBU, Shimura Danzo obviously had no intention of negotiating.

Sure enough, just as Cross Country imagined, Shimura Danzo had no intention of negotiating at all, because he was looking at Cross Country with cold eyes. Immediately, he first ordered the surrounding ANBU to tightly surround Cross Country. When Shimura Danzo found that Cross Country had no intention of escaping, Shimura Danzo raised his eyebrows slightly and asked:

 “Are you really prepared to fall out with the village when you go off-road?”

“Am I going to turn against you, or are you Danzo?”

With a cold smile, Cross Country said: "There are only two brats around me. Look at how many ANBU there are around Danzo, right? But, Danzo, to be honest, if you want to fight, I, Cross Country, will be better I’m not afraid of you. But if you want to die yourself, there’s no need to involve so many Anbu in dying, right?”

“Do you think that these trash can be the opponent of my shadow mage?”

  “Is there some?”

 “Are you looking down on me?”

 “I have never underestimated you, it’s just that you have underestimated yourself!”

With a confident smile on his lips, Danzo Shimura no longer had any intention of quarreling with Cross Country. He made a gesture, actually preparing to let the ANBU surrounding Cross Country go directly to capture Cross Country.

 For a moment, the loud sounds of "swish", "swish" and "swish" were heard continuously.

An ANBU quickly attacked in the direction of the cross country. Looking at his posture, it was obvious that he was about to capture the cross country in one round. And when he discovered that the ANBU under his command were much better than he had imagined, Shimura Danzo, who was accustomed to using "group fight" tactics, couldn't help but grow a little richer in the smile on his lips.

 But just when Shimura Danzo was full of confidence and thought that his ANBU could really capture the cross country.



Off-road actually walked slowly towards Gaara's direction, and gently tapped Gaara's head with his finger!

"I just said, if you want to fight, just do it yourself. Why do you have to bring so many people with you?"

"Or do you think you have helpers? I have no helpers?"

“Then Danzo, let me meet my first helper!”

 “Close the door, I’m going to release Shukaku!”

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