Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 552: Sibling cannibalism (Part 1)


 The Nara clan.

In the quiet courtyard, Nara, Akimichi, and the heads of the three clans in the mountains were sitting cross-legged in the courtyard, silently waiting for something. Suddenly, a jounin from the Nara clan walked into the courtyard. The eyes of Shikaku, Haiichi, and Dingza all fell on the jounin from the Nara clan in front of them.

 “How is the situation?”

 After being silent for a long time, my throat was inevitably dry and hoarse.

 He asked the clansman in front of him in a hoarse voice. Lu Jiu's eyes were a little concerned, but also a little expectant.

The jounin of the Nara clan who hurried back did not even have a chance to breathe because they had to deliver important information. So, after taking a deep breath, Shikaku heard the Nara clan jounin in front of him say happily: "Sir Shikaku, the cross-country master...the cross-country master is back!"

 “What? You’re actually back?”

Listening to the report of the Nara clan jounin in front of him, Hai's eyes were full of horror, and then he turned to Shikaku and said: "Shikaku, it seems that I want to congratulate you. You Nara clan are cross-country, so you will have no worries in the future! "

“Hai Yi is right, Lu Jiu, congratulations!”

It's not like Haiyi, whose eyes are full of horror.

Dingzuo raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "Haiyi, you should be relieved now, right? I'll tell you, if the little guy off-road can withstand the pressure, he is definitely not in danger of his life. You are the only one who has been worried. . Now, the Third Hokage should have forgiven the off-roading! What are you waiting for?"

“Let’s go together to welcome back from the cross-country trip!”

“Uncle Dingzuo, no need, I’m back!”

  Back to the Nara clan again, with the excitement of off-roading, how can I put on airs outside and wait for a few elders to come to greet me?

Moreover, I haven’t seen Lujiu for a long time, and I am also very anxious about going off-road.

 So, without waiting for the report from the jounin of the Nara clan, Cross Country held Gaara in one hand and Uzumaki Naruto in the other, and came to the front of the three clan leaders Shikaku, Haiichi, and Choza. Looking at the long-lost elders, Cross Country's face was full of happy smiles, but seeing the scars left by time on the faces of the three of them, Cross Country couldn't help but be silent for a while, especially when facing Shikaku, Cross Country couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

 But when Shikajiu, Haiyi and Dingzao look at the cross country, their senses must be different.

 When he left Konoha Village cross-country, he was not as majestic as he is today.

But at this moment, just standing there, Off-road brought a kind of intuitive oppression to Shikaku, Haiyi, and Dingzao, which made the three of them secretly sigh in their hearts, Off-road has really grown a lot.

Then, after not seeing each other for a long time, Xiqiao and Lujiu and others could not help but chat for a while.

 It's just that Haiyi and Dingzuo had to deal with some internal matters within the family, so not long after the greetings, Haiyi and Dingzuo left first and went back to the clan to deal with matters.

  In the courtyard, only Uncle and Nephew Lu Jiu and Off-Road were left, which undoubtedly made the two of them feel more relaxed.

Together with Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, both were sleeping soundly. Shikaku took a deep breath and couldn't help but sigh: "Qingyu, I have known for a long time that you can become a strong man in the ninja world in the future. I didn't expect this day to come. So fast. After three years of not seeing each other, your strength has become much stronger. Even as an uncle, I can’t measure your strength now. But in cross-country, you have to remember that no matter how strong your personal strength is, You are all members of our Nara clan.”

“Whatever happens in the future, don’t resist on your own. There is a family behind you, you know?”

 “I know, Uncle Shikaku!”

Thinking that the Hyuga clan can abandon Hyuga Hizashi at will for the sake of profit, and even Hyuga Neji in the original plot, listening to Shikaku's words, Cross Country only feels warm in his heart. However, now that the Third Hokage has shown weakness, the situation within Konoha Village has temporarily entered a truce period, but the situation within Konoha Village is still relatively chaotic.

 Off-road is a person who is unwilling to participate in political affairs. If there is a problem now, why not ask Shikaku?

 So, using the most concise language, he told the internal situation of Konoha Village and some of his own opinions. Then he asked Shikaku: "Uncle Shikaku, what do you think of the situation in the village?"

 “The sky is going to change!”

Taking a deep breath, Shikaku sighed: "I dare say that the person who knows the Third Hokage the best among all people is not Danzo-sama, let alone Orochimaru-sama, but me. I have followed the Third Hokage for many years, and the Third Hokage I know the best way to deal with things. So, off-road, I think you are right. The Third Hokage is just showing weakness, and it is not to the point of losing his ambition. If I am not wrong, the Third Hokage will do it first. Showing weakness is just to paralyze you."

"If you really underestimate the enemy because of this, what you will encounter is a thunderous blow!"

 Speaking, Shikaku suddenly remembered another thing, and then frowned and asked: "Xiujiu, you mean the Hyuga clan."

 “Can fratricide really happen?”

"For the sake of the Hyuga clan, are Hizashi really willing to sacrifice Hizashi? Are they really willing to surrender to the Kumo Ninja Village?"

 “It’s 80% possible no matter how hard you say it!”

 Recalling the circumstances of the original plot, ever since Cross Country knew that Raikage had launched an attack, which was also aimed at the Hyuga clan, he felt that Hyuga's death was about to happen soon.

There is no doubt that Hyuga Hizashi, whether it is for the benefit of the Hyuga clan or for his own benefit, the first choice can only be to sacrifice Hyuga Hizashi, let alone the so-called interests of the Hyuga clan.

 And Shikaku got a reply from Cross Country, silence was unavoidable.

 After all, things like fratricide are a bit sad wherever they are placed.

However, Shikaku is a smart man, and he naturally knows that Hinata and Hinata's choice will be beneficial to him and the entire Hyuga clan. However, what even Cross Country didn't expect was that after Shikaku was silent for a long time, what he said next turned out to be like this!

 “When traveling cross-country, remember, you must watch the day range.”

 “If I’m not wrong, then the daily difference”

 “This is one of the Third Hokage’s trump cards, you must be careful!”

Having said that, Shikaku saw Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto were both sleeping soundly, and quickly ordered his servants to prepare a room for Yugo, hoping that he wanted Yugo, Gaara, and Uzumaki to have a good rest. Of course, Shikaku's kindness could not be refused, but when he returned to the room to rest, looking at the sleeping Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, he could not help but think of the fratricide of the Hyuga clan.

 After thinking for a long time, I silently thought in my heart:

“Uncle Shikaku, is it possible that Hizashi is really the Third Hokage?”

 “As for the fratricide among the Hyuga clan, in the end it was Hyuga and Hizashi who finally solved Hyuga and Hizashi?”

 “It’s still the same day and night.”

 “How about reversing the situation and solving Hinata and Hinashi?”

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