Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 553: Sibling cannibalism (Part 2)

 Hyuga Hizashi is a loyal person, loyal to his family, and even more loyal to Hokage.

When the Hyuga clan really gave up on Hyuga Hizashi, faced with the invitation of the Third Hokage, Hyuuga Hizashi had almost no possibility of refusing. In addition, the kidnapping of Hinata involved the participation of cross-country, which is no longer a matter of the Hyuga clan. Therefore, when the Raikage attacks, the Hyuga clan may really be divided due to fratricide.

  But what are the benefits of a divided Hyuga clan?

 Can it appease the Uchiha clan?


 The Third Hokage wants a stronger Hyuga clan?

No one can explain these things clearly. Lu Jiu was always vague when he told this matter, let alone off-road?

In this way, it becomes clear to Cross Country who was thinking about these things in the night. The real competition during the truce period is not the conspiracy, but the competition of who is more patient. Whoever prepares for war during the truce period must be the loser in this truce period. Cross-country foresees that the loser cannot be himself, so take a good rest!

 No words all night.

 The next day.

I got up early and did not practice as before. Cross Country took Gaara who woke up, and Uzumaki Naruto went to see Shikaku, and even saw Koshikamaru, whom I had not seen for a long time, at the banquet.

 However, Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, and Shikamaru naturally behave differently when they meet because they live in different environments.

Gaara is a ninja from Suna Ninja Village. Whenever he faces ninjas from other villages, he is somewhat wary. Therefore, even in front of his peers, Gaara silently obeyed Cross Country's instructions and rarely spoke. Apart from getting closer to Uzumaki Naruto, who is also a jinchuriki, Gaara barely said a word to Shikamaru at the banquet. From this, it can be seen that Gaara is not a child who is good at communication no matter what. !

 As for Shikamaru.

  He has always looked that lazy, which really resembles him in the original plot.

Every time I see Shikaku and Shikamaru, I can't help but silently sigh in my heart, they are indeed biological children, there is absolutely no presence of Lao Wang next door!

On the contrary, Uzumaki Naruto's changes made him slightly worried.

 Maybe it’s a problem with the living environment, or more likely, it’s a problem of always being bullied by others.

At this time, Naruto Uzumaki is no longer as cheerful as he was in the original plot. He always looks inferior and shy, and can't help but feel a little painful even when he goes off-road. I was used to seeing Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot, and then looking at Uzumaki Naruto in front of me, I felt like I was looking at two completely different people!

 In this case, the next thing that Cross Country needs to do is to change Naruto Uzumaki's character.

Let's not talk about making Uzumaki Naruto look like the stupid one in the original plot!

 At the very least, cross-country should give Uzumaki Naruto a perfect childhood and make him a happy Jinchuriki.

But just when Cross Country was preparing to teach Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, and Shikamaru three people, starting with social interaction, a jounin from the Nara clan suddenly appeared and whispered a few words in Shikaku's ear. , Shikaku's eyes slowly fell on Shikamaru, and sighed: "Shikamaru, it's probably impossible for you to take Shikamaru and the others out to play today. The Third Hokage ordered the heads of each family to attend the meeting. You specifically ordered me to take you with me, what do you think?"

 “Oh? Are you having a meeting?”

 Listening to Shikaku's words, Cross Country frowned and glanced at Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto with concern.

 Obviously, Cross Country is afraid that the Third Hokage will use the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain to divert him away. Secretly, he is preparing to attack Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto.

 The worry about off-roading could be seen at a glance. Lujiu also frowned and didn't say much.

 Because at this time, Shikaku couldn't speak. If he patted his chest and promised to protect Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, what if the two of them were really in danger?

 You must know that this is Konoha Village, not other places.

The power of the Third Hokage extends to every corner of Konoha Village, and Shikaku cannot guarantee that Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto will be truly safe if they stay within the Nara clan.

However, after a moment of silence, Shikaku did not expect that Cross Country was really planning to let Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto stay within the Nara clan. Of course, creating a shadow clone to protect Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto is what must be done. Immediately, he ordered Shikamaru to take Gaara well, Uzumaki Naruto relaxed, and followed Shikaku's footsteps to the Hokage's office.

  followed by.

As soon as I stepped into the Hokage's office, which was full of majesty, I felt that there were so many people in the Hokage's office!

 The Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura, Mito Monobu, Koharu Koharu and other powerful people were waiting there early.

On the left hand side of the Third Hokage, sitting in sequence are Uchiha Fugaku, Hinata Hizashi and other clan heads of various families. As for the third Hokage's right hand side, the first person sitting was Orochimaru, followed by Hinata Hizashi. The third seat was empty, obviously reserved for cross-country.

 In this case, do you need to be polite to the Third Hokage when going off-road?

He moved his steps and sat directly on the vacant seat. He closed his eyes slowly and used his mental communication ability to connect with Orochimaru and asked: "I'm going to start attacking today. Orochimaru, your teacher is very unsatisfactory." It’s simple.”

 “It’s not simple, it’s very simple.”

Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "But off-road, you only saw the surface, and did not see the potential crisis. Today's meeting clearly stated that there was going to be a war with Yun Ninja Village, but in fact everyone It’s clear that Old Man Sarutobi just wants the Hyuga clan to take a stand. How popular do you think the Hyuga clan is in the village? Apart from anything else, if the Uchiha clan is here, everyone will be hurt.”


 “Just get ready to watch the show!”

Sure enough, while Cross Country was having a secret conversation with Orochimaru, the Third Hokage began to fire at the Hyuga clan.

 First of all, it explained how bad the situation inside Konoha Village was. It was already impossible to start a war with the Raikage who was firing cannons from afar. Immediately afterwards, the Third Hokage asked Hinata and Hinata to give everyone an explanation to see how they could appease the Raikage and avoid a war between Konoha Village and Cloud Ninja Village.

  When the Third Hokage asked this question, an interesting smile hung on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly opened his eyes and slowly looked at Hinata and Hinata who had a solemn face.

 And the sun is full?

 How could he let down Cross Country?

Looked deeply at Hinata Hizashi next to Yukiko. At this time, Hinata Hizashi's face was full of pain, and he immediately came up with the theory of sibling cannibalism!

 “I would like to inform the Third Hokage, after discussion within the clan, we, the Hyuga clan, are ready.”

  "Prepare to use Hizashi's life to calm down the anger of the Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village."

 “Please tell us how to deal with the daily difference!”

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