Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 557: only flaw


 Determined to destroy the clones in front of him, and even completely destroy the black technology called cloning.

 In an instant, the cross-country fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, and his eyes were filled with strong killing intent. He directly exploded the physical energy in his body and used "Moon Step" to invade the front of the clone.

 However, the clone of Hyuga Hizashi is almost perfect, otherwise Shimura Danzo would not be so confident that there is a clone of Hyuga Hizashi to replace his original body. Moreover, in the memory of peeping at Hyuga and Hizashi off-road, he clearly remembered Danzo Shimura. The Third Hokage confidently told Hizashi that if the plan could succeed, the ninja world would definitely usher in peace. The reason is that Hyuga Hizashi The resurrection time of the Hizashi clone is set when Kumo Ninja goes to analyze the secret of Hyuga Hizashi clone.

While the Kumo ninjas were going to analyze the secret of Hyuga Hizashi's clone, suddenly Hyuga Hizashi's clone was resurrected. What they had to deal with was not only the Kumo ninjas who were studying him, but also those who went to assassinate the Raikage. mean.

Since the Third Hokage and Danzo Shimura are confident enough to control the clone of Hyuga Hizashi to assassinate the Raikage, how can his IQ be that of a three-year-old child?

Suddenly, the cross-country attack came with the "Moon Step", and it was time to explode the body's energy for the second time and use the "Beng Fist" to deal with it. Who would have thought that after the clone sensed the terrifying killing intent emanating from Cross Country, it directly avoided it and was not prepared to fight against Cross Country. Instead, it rushed towards the surrounding cloud ninjas.


 The Soft Fist was used, and it was just a soft punch, and a Cloud Ninja was killed.

 Are the Kumo ninjas killed by clones ordinary Kumo ninjas?

 Sadly, not really!

 The clone suddenly attacked, and the cloud ninja he killed with his soft fist was a jounin-level ninja!

Seeing that the jounin-level Kumo ninja was fighting like a scumbag in front of the clones, Uchiha Shisui, who was temporarily able to command the Uchiha clan's guard, directly ordered:

“Everyone listens to the order and retreats to the village to defend!”

“Leave the outside matters to Cross Country, our Shadow Mage from Konoha Village will take care of it!”

“The mission of our Uchiha clan guard is to not allow any outsiders to enter the village!”

“Anyone who breaks into the village without mercy will be killed without mercy!”

 “Yes, Master Shisui!”

Thanks to Uchiha Shisui's orders, the clones that were fighting cross-country did not cause other troubles.

 Otherwise, as soon as a clone of a Kumo ninja was eliminated, he would break into Konoha Village and cause chaos.

 As to the reason

 Off-road, relying on the idea of ​​​​peeping at the clone, he had a vague understanding.

Shimura Danzo used black technology cloning technology and combined it with the first-generation Hokage cells to create a clone. It is a nearly perfect existence. Except for the lack of Byakugan, which is the blood inheritance limit of the Hyuga clan, the clone is almost a perfect creature, not only in terms of strength, but also in the method of obeying orders.

I don’t know what method Shimura Danzo, or the Third Hokage, used. When Cross Country first started to use the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand to peek into the clone’s thoughts, he only knew that there was only one idea in the clone’s mind. That is to kill everyone around you after waking up, and kill as many people around you as possible.

As for the clone body, which can embody resurrection, it did not wait until it went to Yun Ninja Village before resurrecting. To be honest, it was because of off-roading.

 Because, the order for the clone to be resurrected is that someone uses a special method to explore the secrets inside his body.

When Cross Country previously dealt with the members of the Cloud Ninja Mission, he should not have used Kagura's inner eye to see into the internal conditions of the clone's body, which resulted in the clone's resurrection being much earlier.

So now, what do the clones who want to invade Konoha Village think?

 Is he planning to kill everyone in Konoha Village?

 No, not at all!

If the idea of ​​​​clones is as simple as executing orders, then off-road clones are not so scary.

 In fact, the real idea in the clone's mind is to improve his own strength!

 He needs the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan to get back what belongs to him. This idea is very scary!

 Because that is a sign that the clone is gradually losing control and losing control!

 Fortunately, after a cloud ninja was eliminated, the clones were about to invade Konoha Village, and Uchiha Shisui took action.

The black pupils quickly turned red, and Uchiha Shisui suddenly awakened the Sharingan in the form of a three-magatama. Immediately, he used the power of the three-magatama Sharingan to gradually change the thoughts in the clone's mind. Shunshen Shisui actually used his own genjutsu to forcefully distort the clone's thoughts. This prevented the clone from letting go. The body invaded Konoha Village.

 However, Uchiha Shisui still had some difficulty using the illusion of changing other people's minds.

 So after using the illusion, Uchiha Shisui half-knelt on the ground, which was equivalent to losing the ability to fight.

However, Uchiha Shisui was able to barely stop the clones, which was quite lucky when he was going off-road. In any case, the clones all have the soft fist skills of Hyuuga Hizashi, which is equivalent to the shadow-level powerhouse of the Hyuuga clan without the Byakugan. Uchiha Shisui can block the idea of ​​​​a powerful Kage level warrior. What's not satisfying about cross-country?

 The next second, there was a sudden "bang" sound.

Wanting to resolve the battle as soon as possible, he used the secret technique of Shadow Escape to cross-country and the Shadow Realm came, extending the black shadow under his feet. It not only imprisoned all the surrounding Kumo ninjas, but also imprisoned the Hyuuga Hizashi clone in front of him. .

 The arrival of the unpredictable Shadow Realm must be the key to ending the cross-country battle.

Immediately, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was output in a surging manner, combined with his own "wind" perception, countless wind and air blades condensed in the mid-air, first quickly harvesting the lives of the remaining cloud ninjas. Immediately afterwards, the sharp invisible wind blade invaded, cutting the clone's body into several pieces in minutes.

 Slowly he breathed a sigh of relief, having eliminated the clones in front of him, and the cross-country consumption was also very high.

Whether it is the use of Shadow Realm Arrival or the secret technique of condensing countless wind blades out of thin air, it requires a huge amount of mental energy to be consumed off-road.

 But just when Cross Country slowly breathed a sigh of relief, just when he thought that the clone was already dead and could no longer die.




 The body parts of the clone body that were broken into countless segments slowly began to squirm, slowly reassembled together, and reassembled into the original appearance of the clone body!

 Once again.

 Resurrected from the dead!


“Is it possible that the only flaw of clones is the flaw in mental will?”

“In other respects, the clones cultivated from the first-generation Hokage cells are..."

 “They are all almost perfect?”

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