Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 558: Disaster

 Reorganization of limbs, resurrection from the dead.

At this moment, the strange abilities possessed by the clones are obviously beyond the imagination of off-roaders. Because, even if the First Hokage resurrected in front of him, Cross Country couldn't believe that the First Hokage's body was broken into several pieces, but he could still use his own secret skills to reassemble his body and perfectly resurrect in front of him. .

Therefore, off-road can basically conclude that Shimura Danzo and others must have mixed some other technologies when making clones. Otherwise, it was just a clone made from Hyuga Hizashi's cells and the cells of the first Hokage. How could that clone have the power to shock even cross-country people?

 For a moment, seeing the clone resurrected, Cross Country's desire to kill the black technology and the clone couldn't help but become a little more urgent.

Immediately, he no longer had the slightest intention to stop. He knew that the only flaw of the clone was that the clone's spirit, or spiritual will, was still not as impeccable as a normal shadow-level strongman. Cross-country was the operation of Yin. The spiritual energy in the Escape Brand instantly communicated with the spiritual energy of the clone.

There is no doubt that Cross Country wants to use the clone's mental flaws to directly subdue it in place and find a way to seal it.

However, what Xuexiu never expected was that the flaws he thought were not necessarily the real flaws of the clones.

 That’s right.

The current clone is still like a puppet, without human thinking ability and only thinking based on instinct. However, this mental defect does not mean that the clone must be restrained by the secret technique of escape. Therefore, when Cross Country just used his own spiritual energy to communicate with the clone's spiritual energy, only Cross Country could hear the "squeaky" sound!

 Brutal and crazy negative emotions invaded, and Cross Country only felt a "click" sound in the four condensed Yin Escape Brands, making a sound like it was about to break. Immediately afterwards, severe pain invaded, and he couldn't help but cover his head to resist the furious and crazy mental energy.

 Is that the spiritual energy of the clone?

 Is that the sanity hidden in the clone’s mind?

 When severe pain occurred in his head, Cross Country looked at the clone with even more fear, because he knew that the clone's mental defect might not be a defect, but an advantage!

 There are no human distractions in the clone's head, and it only acts with beast-like instincts. Flaws in this area may cause the clones to behave very crazy and without any sense at all, but precisely because of this flaw, the clones' ideas are much purer than those of ordinary humans. In short, the clone in front of the off-road is a terrifying machine born for fighting and killing. Its idea is even simpler than that of the tailed beast. No matter what it encounters, it only needs to destroy and deprive it!

Sure enough, when Cross Country was invaded by the negative energy in the clone's spiritual energy, the clone with a splitting headache slowly raised a ferocious smile.

 Does it hurt?

The clone also had a headache, which was the result of the invasion of off-road spiritual energy.

 However, if a normal person faces a headache, he usually has to endure it as if he were going off-road. Instead, it was a clone, and the feeling of pain invaded him. As if he did not feel the bursts of pain, his greedy eyes turned to the direction of Uchiha Shisui, and he immediately attacked Uchiha Shisui. went!

 “Protect Shisui-sama!”

Members of the Uchiha clan guard saw the clone rushing directly in the direction of Uchiha Shisui, so they naturally wanted to protect Uchiha Shisui. But after inheriting the power of the shadow-level powerhouse Hinata Hizashi, how could an ordinary member of the Uchiha clan's guard be the opponent of a clone? It is estimated that even a jounin-level ninja can only survive a few rounds in the hands of clones!

 The thing that worries Cross Country is undoubtedly the disastrous defeat of the Uchiha clan guard members.

The current clone has no blood limit, and the white eyes it has are just a decoration.

 But what if the clone takes away a pair of the Sharingan of an Uchiha clan guard member?

 After possessing the Sharingan, will the clones become more terrifying and difficult to deal with?

 These are all things to consider when going off-road!

Therefore, when he saw the guard members of the Uchiha clan preparing to resist the attack of the clones, Cross Country took a deep breath and endured the pain coming from his head, which was to mobilize the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand and use the Shadow escape style. Use the secret technique!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Shield!”


The black shadow under his feet condensed into the shape of an arm. Off-road controlled the hand of shadow to attack. It was connected to the shadow of the clone first and used the confinement ability of the secret technique of shadow escape. Immediately afterwards, from the black shadow at the feet of the clone, another arm formed by the condensed black shadow extended out, impressively imprisoning it and tightly binding its body.

As for the members of the Uchiha clan guard in front of the clone, they saw a smile of surprise in their eyes when they saw that Cross Country had double-binded the clone with the secret technique of Shadow Escape. In the view of these Uchiha clan guard members, since the shadow mage of Konoha Village has taken action to restrict the clones' movements, they have a chance to kill the clones.

Immediately afterwards, there was no time for Cross Country to exclaim "No". Three members of the Uchiha clan guard held kunai and attacked, seemingly about to harvest the lives of the clones.

But what these three Uchiha clan guard members never expected was that just when their kunai landed on the clone's neck, warm blood sprayed out from the clone's neck, and the clone Three tree trunks suddenly appeared from his body and penetrated directly through the chests of the three Uchiha clan guard members in front of him!




 In the blink of an eye, three members of the Uchiha clan's guard died.

On the contrary, the clone who suddenly used the Wood Release Secret Technique watched the death of three Uchiha clan guard members with a satisfied smile on his lips.

 The next second.

I don’t know if it’s an off-road illusion or if it’s something that really happened.

Cross Country clearly felt that after the clone used the secret technique of wood escape to kill three members of the Uchiha clan guard, some energy in the bodies of the three Uchiha clan guards followed the tree trunks controlled by the clone. , slowly flowing into its body.

 Then, just when the special energy in the bodies of the Uchiha clan guard members was absorbed, there was another "boom"!

A deafening sound came, and the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape was instantly shattered.

When Cross Country used Kagura's Heart Eye again to lock onto the clone, he was shocked to find that the clone that was originally imprisoned by the secret technique of Shadow Escape had disappeared without a trace!

 “The disasters caused by black technology”

 “It’s about to begin!”

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