Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 560: Rebellion (middle)

 “The source of the disaster?”

"What's the meaning?"

As soon as the Third Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country frowned and asked: "The source of the disaster is obvious, it comes from Danzo-sama. How could the disaster occur without the help of Danzo-sama? The Third Hokage, I know you and Danzo Sir, we are good friends, but you must know that this disaster is not only harming our Konoha Village, but also the entire ninja world!"

Saying that, Cross Country took a deep breath. Seeing the Third Hokage, Danzo Shimura still looked indifferent and continued: "I fought with that guy just now. Lord Third Hokage, do you know what the result was? Short It's just a few rounds of fighting, and I can no longer restrain that guy's power. Therefore, the Third Hokage, please order that all the treatments and equipment that created that guy must be destroyed! , must be placed under house arrest!”

 “If you are not willing to take action.”

“Then I am willing to take action on your behalf to solve the real hidden danger!”

 “Nara off-road, you are so presumptuous!”

Listening to Cross Country's words, Shimura Danzo snorted coldly and said: "There are many people participating in this experiment, why did you target me? Nara Cross Country, don't forget that you and Orochimaru both participated in this experiment. Could it be that you Are you going to be put under house arrest as well?”

"So what?"

Off-road stared at Shimura Danzo and sneered: "I am willing to accept house arrest. If Orochimaru-sama is also willing, then are you willing? Danzo-sama!"


Danzo Shimura was speechless and was silent for a long time. He turned to look at the Third Hokage and said: "Hiruzhan, it seems that you have also participated in this experiment. Are you willing to be put under house arrest? You must know that if you are put under house arrest, you will Resign and choose the Fifth Hokage again. In my opinion, Jiraiya is a good candidate. Are you willing to abdicate and hand over the village to Jiraiya? "

“Stop the quarrel, Cross Country, Danzo, please stop saying a few words, I will make my own decision.”

Even though the Third Hokage was like a peacemaker, Cross Country keenly observed that when Shimura Danzo spoke, the Third Hokage flashed a look of anger.

 Weakness is just a disguise.

   What kind of person the Third Hokage is, I feel like I have really seen clearly.

 Disaster ahead of him, the Third Hokage's first thought was still his own use, and then the interests of Konoha Village, and he didn't think about the ninja world at all.

 Obviously, the Third Hokage's thoughts slowly became deformed.

 In other words, since the first Hokage and Madara fought in the Valley of the End, Hokage's thoughts have become deformed.

 What was the purpose of creating Konoha Village?

 The purpose was to create a paradise, a pure land without war, during the chaotic Warring States Period.

  But if you want to truly obtain the Pure Land, you need peace in the ninja world, right?

If the ninja world disappears and only Konoha Village exists, what is the meaning of Konoha Village's existence?

 In the original book of Naruto, the first Hokage originally had a dream of peace in the ninja world, but with the establishment of Konoha Village, protecting Konoha Village became the dream of the first Hokage. In order to realize his dream, the first Hokage was willing to kill Madara, and was even willing to reduce the influence of the Senju clan and reduce the interests of his own family.

The second generation Hokage is an extreme person. For the sake of the peace of Konoha Village, he is willing to use soft knives to cut the flesh of the Uchiha clan. He also wants Konoha Village to always sit on the title of the best ninja village in the ninja world to fight against To control the peace of the ninja world.

 The current Third Hokage is the same again.

Off-roading, I really want to ask, is it just a run-down village, is it that important?

All right.

 Off-road is a traverser, and his ideas can never be compared with those of indigenous people.

So, when the Third Hokage retreated in order to advance and ordered Cross Country, Shimura Danzo went back first, Cross Country took a deep look at Shimura Danzo and already had the idea of ​​assassinating Shimura Danzo.

Of course, Cross Country also has selfish motives. Assassinating Shimura Danzo will not only destroy the disaster in the ninja world, but also kill the bud of disaster and prevent the important people of Cross Country from being harmed. Shimura Danzo's Izanagi is also something that Cross Country needs to study. He has both selfishness and righteousness. This is the source of confidence for Cross Country to assassinate Shimura Danzo.

Immediately afterwards, they returned to the Nara clan. Cross Country first accompanied Gaara, and Uzumaki Naruto had a conversation. Seeing that they were getting along well with Shikamaru, a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Immediately, I said goodbye to Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, and Shikamaru, and headed to the room where Shikaku was.

 In the room, as if he knew that the off-road trip was coming, Lu Jiu was waiting there early.

Saw a glimpse of the determination in Xiqiu's eyes, and Lujiu smiled, his smile full of praise. Walking up to him, he patted Cross Country on the shoulder hard. Lujiu said with a smile: "Yu Cross Country, you have really grown up. As your uncle, I am very proud. What happened in the Hokage's office, through some special channels, I already know."

"You are right. Although your way of handling things is very subjective, what Danzo-sama has mastered does not only endanger the safety of our village, but also threatens the entire ninja world. Not long after the war ended, or rather The Cloud Ninja Village still has not surrendered, and the war is still not over. It will soon face a wider war, which is far beyond what the current ninja world can bear. "

"If we don't want the ninja to completely die out, we must get rid of that scourge."

“So whatever you want to do, do it!”

“You don’t need to worry about me, and you don’t need to worry about the Nara clan. You just need to follow your own ideas.”

 “Your uncle Shikaku will always support you!”

 Listening to Lu Jiu’s words, Xue Chuang felt warm in his heart.

 However, just because Shikakuna warmed Cross Country's heart, Cross Country's firm idea of ​​assassinating Shimura Danzo gradually disappeared.

After taking a deep breath and finishing the conversation with Shikaku, Cross Country stayed in Shikaku's mansion, accompanying Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, and Shikamaru, sometimes taking them to play together, and sometimes teaching them to practice, just like It's like forgetting the scourge of the ninja world.

Lu Jiu saw that Cross Country did not take any "extreme" actions and silently looked at Cross Country and others in the courtyard. Lu Jiu also smiled relaxedly.

However, Lu Jiu can be sure that although Xue Yu appears calm on the surface, he must have his own thoughts in his heart.

 But what even off-roaders may not be able to imagine is that just when he dissipated the "extreme" thoughts in his heart due to Shikaku's persuasion, the Third Hokage in military uniform was about to become "extreme"!

 “Gather the ANBU and prepare for action!”

 “Yes, the Third Hokage!”

After listening to the instructions of the Third Hokage, one Anbu left, and soon dozens of Anbu appeared one after another, half-kneeling behind the Third Hokage.

 Slowly closing his eyes, those Anbu were very strange, what on earth is the Third Hokage going to do?

However, if Cross Country knew that the Third Hokage secretly summoned ANBU and was dressed in military uniform to prepare for battle

The first guess of Cross Country must be that the Third Hokage is looking for a scapegoat for himself and Danzo Shimura!

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