Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 561: Rebellion (Part 2)

 The clone incident had such a bad impact.

 It affects not only the reputation of the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo and other powerful figures, but also the reputation of the entire Konoha Village.

Moreover, although many people do not understand what happened in the fierce battle at the main gate of Konoha Village. But paper cannot cover the fire. The Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo believe that as long as the Raikage or other ninjas from the ninja village use their heart to investigate, the name of the black technology of cloning will always spread to the ninja world. of.

 At that time, knowing how terrifying cloning technology is, other ninja villages will either want to acquire it or want to destroy it, and Konoha Village will become the public enemy of the entire ninja world.

 It is very likely that future deadly battles will be caused by black technology cloning technology.

 So, in order to nip all bad results in the bud, the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo decided to put all the blame on one person and let that person bear all the sins.

 The person chosen by the Third Hokage.

 It’s Orochimaru!

 His beloved disciple of the Third Hokage, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas!

After taking off the Hokage's clothes and putting on a military uniform, the Third Hokage in the Hokage's office took a deep breath and led several teams of Anbu. With Danzo Shimura's leak, they rushed directly to Orochimaru in Konoha Village. A hidden laboratory.

That laboratory looks very ordinary on the surface.

 But after stepping into it, the ANBU next to the Third Hokage smelled the smell of blood and frowned faintly.

Relying on the perception of the perceptive ninjas in the ANBU, it didn’t take long for the Third Hokage to discover Orochimaru’s location. However, at this time, the Third Hokage was still hesitant whether to put all the blame on his beloved disciple. However, when the Third Hokage led the ANBU to break in, the first thing he saw was that the experimental tanks placed by Orochimaru contained various residual limbs, and even the bodies of women and children, the Third Hokage's pupils were slightly Tightened a bit.

The ANBU who followed the Third Hokage from behind stared at Orochimaru's figure and froze in place, unable to control themselves.

“Haha, someone will finally discover me one day.”

"what a pity."

Just when the Third Hokage and the Anbu led by him were all stunned, Orochimaru slowly turned around, as if he had known for a long time that the Third Hokage was going to lead the Anbu to attack here, staring indifferently. The Third Hokage licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue and said easily.

After listening to Orochimaru's words, the Third Hokage stared at Orochimaru with solemn eyes and asked: "Orochimaru, what on earth is going on?"

"you do not know?"

Orochimaru replied lightly, then glanced at an ANBU next to the Third Hokage and asked, "Tell me, what are you here for?"

“Recently. Recently, there have been genin, chuunin, and even ANBU disappearing in the village.”

“In addition to the report of your suspicious whereabouts, we traced it here.”

The ANBU next to the Third Hokage suddenly spread his hands and asked: "Lord Orochimaru, is it necessary for a person like you to do such a thing? Why on earth do you want to do such a thing? Those children, women, Aren’t they innocent? And our village companions, why did you want to kill them?”

“So that’s what happened, I know what your purpose is.”

Without answering the ANBU's words, Orochimaru nodded slightly silently, then looked at the Third Hokage and asked:

“Sarutobi-sensei, how should I behave next?”

 “You say it’s better to be a little crazy.”

 “It’s better to be colder?”

Orochimaru's voice came slowly, and was replaced by the silence of the Third Hokage.


Because no one noticed that there was something wrong with the script at this time?

In the original book of Naruto, the third generation of Hokage discovered the disappearance of ninjas in Konoha Village, and led the ANBU to secretly attack Orochimaru's laboratory. At that time, Orochimaru was crazy, as if he was just for experiments, regardless of the destruction of the world. Mad scientist in general. However, now Orochimaru is not even willing to explain to the Third Hokage. Is it because Orochimaru is disappointed with the Third Hokage?

 No, not at all!

  Orochimaru does not have the madness in the original Naruto novel. The real reason is

 The story that the Third Hokage came to capture Orochimaru was completely made up!

 What happened to the missing ninja? What took so long to track down?

 It’s all bullshit!

It was clear that the Third Hokage had just finished discussing with Shimura Danzo, saying that Orochimaru needed to become a scapegoat, so he came to find Orochimaru to cooperate in "acting".

As for why Orochimaru was able to go to this laboratory that he had abandoned for a long time?

 The answer is simple.

The reason is Shimura Danzo's cooperation, saying that he is looking for Orochimaru for the second round of cooperation. Orochimaru wants to see what Shimura Danzo's bargaining chip is, but who wants to usher in the third generation of Hokage.

 Based on the above reasons, what happened in front of me was completely different from that in the original Naruto novel.

 But there is one result, it must be exactly the same as the plot of Naruto's original work!

 That was when Orochimaru was holding his shoulders and preparing to watch the play to see how the Third Hokage would perform the rest of the play. Suddenly, the Third Hokage attacked in the direction of Orochimaru. Unfortunately, Orochimaru, who had been prepared early, was naturally unable to be attacked by the Third Hokage. Therefore, just when the Third Hokage attacked, Orochimaru activated the mechanism in the laboratory, and immediately the lavender poisonous gas filled the absolutely sealed laboratory!

  Back when he was far away in Sand Ninja Village, Cross Country knew that Orochimaru and the Fourth Kazekage had a cooperative relationship.

And the poisonous nature of Sand Ninja Village is unparalleled in the world. How can the poisonous gas used by Orochimaru at this time be ordinary?

It can be said that the moment the poisonous gas spread throughout the laboratory, the Third Hokage who held his breath was affected by the poison, not to mention the ANBU led by the Third Hokage. However, for some unknown reason, Orochimaru saw the flaw exposed by the Third Hokage, but did not go to deal with it immediately.




 When the Third Hokage and the Anbu led by him were poisoned at the same time, Orochimaru's figure flashed, and the troubles solved immediately were all the Anbu led by the Third Hokage. Moreover, just when the ANBU led by the Third Hokage all died in the hands of Orochimaru, only Orochimaru and the Third Hokage were left in the silent laboratory.

The Third Hokage, who was facing away with his back and his eyes originally calm, suddenly heard Orochimaru murmured such a sentence.


 The pupils contracted slightly!

 "Sarutobi-sensei, I am going to become the first rebellious nin among the three ninjas!"


 “Goodbye forever!”

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