Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 570: intelligence network

 Jiraiya, who is depressed, is it possible that his vigilance has decreased?

 Of course not!

  Although when I found Jiraiya off-road, I felt that Jiraiya's eyes were dull and his will was depressed. However, Cross Country could feel that there must be a fire in Jiraiya's heart because of Orochimaru's defection. Therefore, the ninjas following Jiraiya at the rear will soon become Jiraiya's tools to extinguish the fire.

However, now that there are off-road vehicles, the situation will definitely become different.

 Let's just talk about the stalkers that Jiraiya wants to deal with. Cross-country is very interested in them.

 In the ninja world, there are many people who want to assassinate Jiraiya. After all, the reward for Jiraiya's underground exchange is very high. If Kakuzu was still alive and had a chance to meet Jiraiya, he would definitely be ready to kill Jiraiya and take Jiraiya's head in exchange for a large bounty.

 But it would be interesting to say that there are ninjas in the ninja world who want to know Jiraiya's whereabouts.

Other than the Third Hokage, the only ones who can be interested in Jiraiya are undoubtedly the three parties.

 The first one is the "Akatsuki" organization headed by Nagato and Konan.

 The second one is the "Twilight" organization with Yahiko, the Fourth Hokage as a member.

As for the third one, he is undoubtedly Madara who has had several cross-country encounters and may still be hiding in the Kiri Ninja Village.

So, just when Jiraiya was about to go and deal with the few stalkers behind him, he took Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto and suddenly used the "Moon Step" off-road, and suddenly came to Jiraiya.

"Jiraiya-sama, I see how angry you are. Do you want to get rid of them?"

 “How about I do it for you?”

 “Nara off-roading?”

Suddenly seeing that the person in front of him was off-road, Jiraiya frowned and asked, "Why are you here?"

“I’m not here, am I going to be in Konoha Village?”

With an indifferent reply, Cross Country thought of Uzumaki Naruto's encounter in Konoha Village, and couldn't help but snorted: "Why should I stay in this heartless village? Now I am traveling around the ninja world with my teacher's children, and it's easier , you don’t need to worry about those conspiracies, why not do it?”

"Jiraiya-sama, if I guess correctly, you have been unwilling to return to Konoha Village because of the teacher's matter, right?"

“What a pity, I’ve done what you didn’t want to do!”

 “Look who’s next to me, you’ll know why I’m saying this!”

 Having said that, Cross Country actually abandoned Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto directly, and headed in front of the stalkers.

  Instead, it is Jiraiya.

 Listening to Cross Country's words, he glanced at Uzumaki Naruto with dull eyes.

Almost as soon as he saw Uzumaki Naruto's appearance that looked like the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, was completely stunned.

 Let’s talk about off-roading.

 With Jiraiya going to protect Uzumaki Naruto, Gaara, there is no need to worry about the safety of the two of them when they go off-road. Moreover, Uzumaki Naruto is the child of the Fourth Hokage, so there is no need to worry about Jiraiya possibly taking Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara back to Konoha Village, because Jiraiya knows that Uzumaki Naruto is in Konoha The situation in the village.

As for why Jiraiya didn't go to guard Uzumaki Naruto, Cross Country also had some speculation.

  In the original plot, why did Jiraiya know that the Fourth Hokage was dead, but he still failed to return to Konoha Village and teach Uzumaki Naruto properly?

The reason cannot be that Jiraiya ignored the relationship between master and apprentice and gave up the fourth generation Hokage's child. It can only be that the third generation Hokage, Shimura Danzo and others did not want to see Jiraiya go to train the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails.

Only during the Chunin Examination, when Orochimaru prepared the plan for Konoha's collapse, Jiraiya quietly returned to Konoha Village when he was preparing to go to the rescue.

Similarly, even if Naruto Uzumaki is the protagonist, he can't just meet Jiraiya at will, right?

 There is no doubt that Jiraiya must have been ready to accept Uzumaki Naruto as his disciple long ago. He just needed some "chance encounters", so the process of Uzumaki Naruto's apprenticeship in the original plot happened.

Nowadays, it must be something Jiraiya would like to see if cross-country can take Uzumaki Naruto out of trouble.

 In addition to Gaara from Sand Ninja Village, he is a good friend of Naruto Uzumaki.

Off-road thought that Jiraiya was not willing to embarrass Uzumaki Naruto, so he had to protect Gaara well while protecting Uzumaki Naruto, so he came unscrupulously in front of the stalkers.

 And off-road, when he used Kagura's inner eye to observe, he found that these people following Jiraiya were very interesting. They wore uniform uniforms, as if they were afraid that others would not be able to recognize that they were ninjas of the same organization. However, the uniforms these people wear cannot be subdued by the "Akatsuki" organization. If they really wear the uniforms of the "Akatsuki" organization, it would really look like they are showing off.

  followed by.

He suddenly appeared, but he had no intention of talking to these minions.

It is a matter of mobilizing the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, and directly using the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Shadow Sewing Technique.

 In just one second, Cross Country subdued all the people who were following Jiraiya. But what surprised Cross Country was that these people who came to follow Jiraiya actually knew him!

 “Are you a shadow mage?”

 “The shadow mage of Konoha Village?”

 “Oh? You all know me?”

With a rhetorical question, the stalkers in front of the cross-country meeting all nodded, the corners of their eyes twitched fiercely, and asked: "Are you not from Dusk?"

 “Hmm? What is “dusk”?”

  Listening to Cross Country’s questions, several of the stalkers expressed confusion at the same time.

Off-road knew that these people were not from "Twilight", so he couldn't help but be more curious about why they knew their identity.

Soon after asking around, I found out that the people who were following Jiraiya were not members of the "Twilight" organization, but had a certain relationship with "Twilight".

 Because these stalkers are actually the Fourth Hokage’s people!


 They are an intelligence network formed by the Fourth Hokage!

These guys who came to follow Jiraiya were originally just some wandering ninjas. They were encountered by the Fourth Hokage when he was traveling in the ninja world. After being dealt with, they became members of the Fourth Hokage's intelligence network. . And the uniforms they wear are just a bad taste of the Fourth Hokage, not the uniforms of "Twilight".

After knowing that these stalkers turned out to be his own people, Cross Country took a deep breath and thought to himself that he was lucky to have stopped Jiraiya from going to massacre them, otherwise the Fourth Hokage would have lost some members of the intelligence network.

 But when he learned that these people were part of the Fourth Hokage's intelligence network, he was curious as to why the Fourth Hokage wanted to track Jiraiya's whereabouts, and then asked.

 But after asking cross-country, the answer he got was that he knew.

"I'm reporting to Master Shadow Master that the master knows about the defection of Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, and is afraid that Lord Jiraiya is in danger, so he sent us to investigate Lord Jiraiya's situation and learn about Lord Jiraiya's next move."

“The master has said that the mission he is going to carry out this time is very dangerous, if it is possible.”

“He hopes that we can inform Lord Jiraiya and accompany him on the mission!”

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