Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 571: go together


The Fourth Hokage is a "twilight" person, and he just does things, and he has to talk about tasks. Cross Country doesn't understand it.

However, the matter that Jiraiya is going to deal with when he is ready to summon himself must be the matter related to the resurrection of Kushina Uzumaki. Therefore, after talking to several members of the intelligence network in front of him, Cross Country came to Jiraiya's side. What made Cross Country never expected was that Jiraiya was actually a little restrained in front of Uzumaki Naruto!

 That’s right, it’s just restraint.

According to the seniority in the original plot, Uzumaki Naruto is naturally the cross-country master uncle.

But in terms of current seniority, Uzumaki Naruto is a generation younger. He is the junior brother of Cross Country and the disciple of Jiraiya.

However, in front of his disciples, Jiraiya was so restrained that he didn't know what to say. It wasn't until the cross-country came that Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief and turned to ask the cross-country:

“Nara Cross Country, who are those people?”

 “It’s Minato-sensei’s person.”

"Minato's people? What is Minato going to do?"

 It became clear early on that Jiraiya must have known that the Fourth Hokage was not dead.

But after listening to Jiraiya's exclamation, Cross Country still winked at Jiraiya and communicated mentally: "Jiraiya-sama, since Minato-sensei is in trouble, as Minato-sensei's master, you must be It's obligatory, right? Also, don't blame me for not reminding you that it's best to say less about Minato-sensei in front of Naruto. Naruto's mentality has just recovered, and I don't want Naruto to be like he was in Konoha Village. Look. So, we went to help Mr. Minato, there are many things you need to keep secret."


 “When is it your turn to teach me a lesson! You **** brat!”

 In the spiritual communication, Jiraiya cursed several times angrily.

 But after that, Jiraiya still relented and said angrily: "Then can you tell me what exactly Minato is going to deal with?"

 “About Kushina-sama’s resurrection!”

 “Nani? Kushina can actually be resurrected?”

 At first, when he knew that the Fourth Hokage was not dead, Jiraiya was shocked enough. Now that he knew that Uzumaki Kushina could be resurrected, Jiraiya opened his mouth in shock, and an egg could fit in it. What's more, Cross Country has always maintained a calm appearance, as if there is nothing he doesn't know about in the ninja world, which makes Jiraiya shocked and slightly surprised at the same time.

Minato didn’t hide many things from that brat from Nara Cross Country, so why did he hide it from me?

  Could it be that even Minato can't trust me as a master?

Thinking of this silently, Jiraiya remembered Orochimaru's defection, and his eyes couldn't help but dim.

However, after all, the person in front of the cross-country was one of the three ninjas, so although his expression was a little gloomy, Jiraiya still took a deep breath and asked in the spiritual communication: "How many secrets do you hide from me? Kushina How likely is it to be resurrected?”

 While speaking, Jiraiya glanced deeply at Uzumaki Naruto again.

 Obviously, as the master of the Fourth Hokage, Jiraiya really hopes that Uzumaki Naruto can grow up with his parents.

 In that case, Uzumaki Naruto, as the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, might really be able to accomplish something that no previous Jinchuuriki has been able to accomplish, and that is to control the Nine-Tailed Demonic Fox!

Who knows, in the original plot that Cross Country understands, Uzumaki Naruto is already an almost perfect Jinchuuriki.

Immediately, he ignored Jiraiya's question, his eyes were full of solemnity, and he first talked about the Fourth Hokage's confession: "Judging from what those guys just said, Minato-sensei should have gained some knowledge recently. There is information that Kushina-sama can be resurrected, but there is no way to confirm it. The source of the news is the Kingdom of Water, and Teacher Minato needs to be careful about the smoke bombs released by the Mist Ninja Village, because the Mizukage in the Mist Ninja Village is very powerful. Maybe he knows that Minato-sensei is not dead."

“As for the best candidates to find out the truth, naturally you and I are the two who have the closest relationship with Minato-sensei.”

"In the case that Minato-sensei cannot show up in person, Jiraiya-sama, you are the first choice, and I am the second choice."

With that said, Cross Country thought for a moment and then asked:

“Jiraiya-sama, do you know anyone in the Kingdom of Water who is proficient in the secret art of escape?”

“You are the only person I know who is proficient in the secret art of escape!”

With a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, Jiraiya said: "Don't think I don't know. You have basically mastered all the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan mastered by Kushina. If I guessed correctly, you just used it The secret technique for sensing me should be the Uzumaki clan's Kagura Mind's Eye? It's really amazing. Not a member of the Uzumaki clan, but a Nara clan member can actually master the secret technique of perception like Kagura's Mind's Eye. Nara Cross Country, I don't even know what to say about you. What’s better.”

"But I still have to ask, why did Minato insist on finding someone who is proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape? Aren't you the one who is proficient in the secret art of Yin Escape? Why did you go far away from the Kingdom of Water?"

 “Because with my knowledge in the secret art of escape, it may be a bit risky to resurrect Kushina-sama.”

If the cross-country Yin Escape Brand Condensation is not four stages, but six stages, then the cross-country can be completed by resurrecting Kushina Uzumaki without the help of others.

This is also the reason why cross-country has always wanted to swallow up the power of the Erwei Brigade.

As long as it can gradually swallow up the power of the Erwei You Brigade, Cross Country is very confident of hitting the six stages of Yin Escape Brand's condensation.


 Many people are warning off-roaders not to devour the strength of the Erwei Brigade.

Faced with the potential threat, Cross Country naturally gave up his greedy thoughts, slowly cultivated his spiritual energy, and gradually improved his attainments in the secret art of Yin Escape.

When Jiraiya heard Cross Country's answer, he was silent for a long time. In the end, he could only look through the memories in his mind and frowned: "Okay, let's talk about whether the information in Minato's hands is accurate. To be honest, in recent days, I have traveled to every corner of the ninja world, but I have not gone to the Kingdom of Water, because I always feel that there is some kind of threat hidden in the Kingdom of Water."

"For ninjas of our level, if they foresee a threat, there must be a threat. Therefore, I have very little information about the Kingdom of Water. I am afraid that if I want to know whether Minato's information is accurate, we can only go to the Kingdom of Water. ”

With that said, Jiraiya looked at Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto again, and asked: "This time, are you going to take the two little guys with you?"

  "If you ask me, Nara Cross Country, you are really good. You can even deceive the first jinchūriki of Suna Ninja Village."

"But I don't agree to let little Naruto go with us."

"Either you watch little Naruto and the One-Tail Jinchuuriki of Suna Ninja Village, waiting for my news. Otherwise, you give me little Naruto and the One-Tail Jinchuuriki, and go check it out yourself. You Choose one!”

 Listening to Jiraiya's words, Cross Country knew that he was doing it for Uzumaki Naruto and Gaara.

However, Cross Country had already made his own decision, and immediately refused: "Sorry, I must take Gaara and Naruto with me to the Kingdom of Water. No matter what kind of danger you encounter, you only need to know that I I can definitely protect Gaara and Naruto."

“Now, since we are all ready to go together, let’s let down our guard.”

"In order to resurrect Kushina-sama, Jiraiya-sama, how about we put aside our prejudices against each other?"

 “Hmph, this time it’s for Kushina, there will be no next time!”

Jiraiya gave him a sharp look and nodded, agreeing to go together.

  followed by.

Farewell to the members of the Fourth Hokage Intelligence Network, two Kage-level experts, Cross Country and Jiraiya, surprisingly took Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto, the Kazekage and Hokage in the original Hokage, to Madara's home. A possible hidden kingdom.

 The kingdom of water!

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