Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 574: Encounter pirates

 The first day was calm.

 I thought that taking a fishing boat to the country of water would face many difficulties along the way.

 As far as whether a fishing boat can withstand the waves on the sea, it may be a serious problem.

However, sitting on the deck of the fishing boat, Cross Country suddenly discovered that the fishing boat was moving very smoothly, as if there was an invisible energy supporting the fishing boat they were riding on. It was not just moving forward on the sea. It was very smooth, and even the cross-country and others sitting on the fishing boat did not feel the slightest bit seasick.

 Obviously, this is undoubtedly much beyond the imagination of off-road.

 Because even if you have never been to the sea before traveling cross-country, you have always gone to the beach, right?

  How ferocious the waves at the seaside are, I have seen it by going cross-country on the beach, let alone a broken fishing boat trying to sail smoothly on the sea.

At this time, the fishing boat was able to move forward in the sea area, and the people sitting on the fishing boat did not feel like going to sea at all, which indeed made Cross-country suspicious. Immediately, he used the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand and cast Kagura's Heart Eye to sense the surrounding situation. Sure enough, he found that the upper and lower parts of the fishing boat were covered with a strange energy. Cross Country frowned slightly and passed the sleeping Gaara, whirlpool. Naruto came to Jiraiya's side and said:

 “Somewhat weird.”

 “Well, even though I have never been to the sea before, it is indeed very abnormal.”

Jiraiya nodded and said: "It seems that just after we set out to sea, there was a special chakra wave on this fishing boat. That chakra wave is different from the chakra wave of ordinary people. Could it be the one in the Kingdom of Water? The guy worshiped by Poseidon is really the so-called Poseidon? Of course, I am an atheist, Nara Cross Country, do you think the Poseidon who likes to eat women and children can be a psychic beast left over from the Ninja War?”

"It didn't know that its master was dead, so it stayed in the sea, waiting for the master's return, is it possible?"

 “It is indeed possible.”

Off-road said: "But if it is really a psychic beast, it seems impossible to create a Poseidon Cult? In short, the Poseidon Cult is really weird, I think we should be more careful."

 “Okay, then just be careful!”

Smiling casually, Jiraiya hugged his head, lay on the deck, and said, "I've been tired for so long, so I need to take a good rest. Nara Cross Country, if there are special circumstances, just ask me to get up. But in my opinion, you can handle all kinds of special situations by yourself, and I can have a good sleep!"

 “The next step will be your hard work, our Shadow Mage!”

"Ha ha ha ha!"

 After saying that, Jiraiya lay on the deck and fell asleep soon after.

Instead, he was sober, frowning slightly, and began to use his own mental energy to cast Kagura's Heart Eye, and continued to observe the special energy that permeated the fishing boat.

 In this way, a whole day passed.

Observing the special energy that permeated the fishing boat, off-road couldn't figure out why, and was about to take a good rest. Who would have thought that just at the moment when Cross Country was preparing to rest, the sleepy Cross Country suddenly widened his eyes. When he used Kagura's Heart Eye to observe the special energy, a look of shock appeared in his eyes!

"How can it be?"

“Is that the aura of the tailed beast? Is it filled with that special energy?”

“Is it possible that the Poseidon Cult in the Kingdom of Water is related to the Tailed Beasts or the Ten-Tails?”

"If this is the case, then I will probably face even more trouble!"

I thought to myself, and suddenly I heard a "boom" while going off-road!

Looking closely, Cross Country saw a sudden wave on the sea, which hit the fishing boat hard. The originally stable fishing boat suddenly became unstable when it was hit by the waves. Except for Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto who were protecting it off-road, even Jiraiya looked embarrassed.

After swallowing a few mouthfuls of the salty and bitter sea water, Jiraiya glared at Xiujiang fiercely and asked, "What's going on?"

 “It’s a wave!”

Squinting his eyes, Cross Country replied: "It seems like we are in a shipwreck!"

"Shipwreck? Don't be kidding! Didn't it say that believers of the Poseidon Religion are unlikely to encounter shipwrecks?"

"Don't forget, Gaara and Naruto are both children. Didn't we violate the rules of the Poseidon Cult by secretly taking them on board?"

“Damn it, Nara Cross Country, you don’t speak well when it’s important! Just wait here for me, and I’ll go ask what’s going on!”

As he spoke, Jiraiya went to ask about the situation.

Unexpectedly, one second when Jiraiya was about to walk towards the owner of the fishing boat, the next second along with the waves, a giant ship slowly floated out of the sea, intercepting Cross Country and the others. In front of the fishing boat.

 What words can be used to describe that huge ship?

To put it simply, the huge ship blocking the front is just like a ship!

Comparing it with the fishing boat that Cross Country and others are riding on, that huge ship-like ship can probably hit the fishing boat that Cross Country and others are riding on and sink it to the bottom of the sea with a casual collision.

And watching the ship slowly float out of the sea, Jiraiya took a deep breath and whispered to the cross country behind him: "If I guessed correctly, we encountered pirates. ”


The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely. He never expected that there would be pirates living in the waters of the Kingdom of Water!


This is the world of ninjas, not the world of pirates. How can the Mist Ninja Village allow pirates to roam the sea?

He stared helplessly at Jiraiya. He wanted to know from the other man's mouth whether the guy in front of him who could control a huge ship like a ship was really as simple as an ordinary pirate?

However, without giving the time to ask questions, two figures fell from the ship and landed steadily on the deck of the fishing boat.

The eyes of those two guys were full of evil, and it was clear at first glance that they were not a good person.

He glared ferociously at Cross Country and Jiraiya. Because of Cross Country's spiritual energy perception, those two guys were unable to detect the existence of Gaara and Uzumaki Naruto. Immediately, they walked towards the owner of the fishing boat and said grimly: " I know that you are members of the Poseidon Sect, so you have the right not to hand over your property, and we must abide by the rules of your Poseidon Sect and not harm you."

“But on this ship, apart from you Poseidon Cult members, there are probably non-Poseidon Cult believers, right?”

“Now we need some manpower on the ship, so we will temporarily recruit the non-Poseidon cultists on your ship!”

As he said that, one of the two guys sneered and faced the direction of Jiraiya, off-road, and said lightly:

"What are you two looking at? I'm talking about you!"

 “Be obedient and it will definitely benefit you!”

“If you don’t obey me, I will throw you into the sea and feed the fishes!”

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