Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 575: Naval Battle (Part 1)

 The off-road’s impression of pirates mainly comes from two works.

 The first one is the manga One Piece.

The pirates in One Piece are more adventurers than pirates.

  One by one, they set out to sea with dreams in mind, in order to conquer the ocean and realize their dreams.

 So, the pirates in One Piece have a cross-country feel. They are all a group of men at sea, and they are all a group of lovely people. On the contrary, it is the second type of pirate, the guy who cross-country dislikes meeting very much.

 Because, cross-country understanding of the second work of Pirates is called Pirates of the Caribbean.

  The pirates in Pirates of the Caribbean are all synonymous with cunning, greed, and cruelty.

They can betray at will for the sake of profit and treasure. They are even greedy and can kill women and children at will. It can be said that they are not human at all.

 But, look at the two pirates in front of the off-road?

how to say

 Listening to what the two pirates in front of him said, Cross Country suddenly felt that the pirates around the Kingdom of Water were all very well-behaved, like a special army.

They knew that the fishing boat was a fishing boat belonging to the Poseidon Sect, so they had no intention of using force. They were completely following the principles and rules.

Facing cross-country, Jiraiya and other non-Poseidon sect people are only threats at best, and they still have no intention of forcing themselves.

If Cross Country didn't have Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto, or Jiraiya with him, he would be willing to follow the two pirates to see what the life of a pirate is like. However, there were important things to deal with when heading cross-country to the Water Country, and with Jiraiya, Gaara, Uzumaki Naruto and others around, they would inevitably have to reject the "good intentions" of the two pirates.

 But before Cross Country could say anything, there was a sudden "bang"!

Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, suddenly attacked the pirate in front of him without reminding him to go off-road!

Almost as soon as the two pirates finished speaking, Jiraiya's figure disappeared from the place with a "swish", and then appeared in front of the first pirate with what seemed to be a gentle movement. Pushing, the pirate was pushed into the sea. Immediately, another pirate saw that Jiraiya dared to take action, so he grabbed the steel knife next to him and was about to chop it down.

 But how sacred is Jiraiya?

 Can it be easily solved by just a pirate?

That "bang" sound was clearly the sound of Jiraiya punching out and landing heavily on the second pirate's chest.

With just one punch, Jiraiya easily killed the pirate, then held a kunai and threw it to the sea at will. The pirate who fell into the sea had a kunai inserted into his chest, and with the loss of blood, he slowly fell into the sea. And when both pirates died in Jiraiya's hands, bursts of noisy sounds erupted from the fishing boat!

“Damn it, those are the Moonlight Pirates, what should we do now?”

"The Moonlight Pirates are the overlords near the Devil's Sea. If we provoke them, even Poseidon will be unable to protect our safety!"

“Escape quickly! If you enter the Devil’s Sea, you will be protected by the Poseidon. Escape quickly!”

"Escape? How to escape? We are no match for the Moonlight Pirates. We are in big trouble!"

Jiraiya had solved two pirates, and even the owner of his fishing boat was staring at Jiraiya with an annoyed look. Apparently Jiraiya had been a little impulsive when he solved the two pirates.

 But there is no other way.

 How can there be any room for resolution when the impulse is over?

What's more, Jiraiya didn't feel like causing trouble at all. He slowly walked towards Yuki's side and said:

“Off-road, every pirate on the sea is a heinous person. Now that we have met them, we should deal with them all.”

  "I'm here to protect Naruto and the jinchūriki of One-Tailed Shukaku."

"I'll leave those pirates to you! Remember to hurry up and get on your way without any delay!"

Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Cross Country nodded helplessly and replied:

“Then please protect this fishing boat by the way. Give me some time and I will deal with those pirates.”


 Getting Jiraiya's reply, Cross Country knew that naval battles were not what he was good at, so he was not prepared to give the pirates time to counterattack. He instantly burst out with body energy and rushed towards the ship with a "moon step".

 The pirates on the ship obviously did not expect that Jiraiya, or a guy on a fishing boat, would dare to attack them.

When Cross Country walked "moon steps" to the ship, or the pirate ship, the pirates on the pirate ship were having a party, and everyone on it was drunk, like this How can a pirate be a cross-country rival?

 Boarding the pirate ship, Cross Country half-knelt on the ground, and slapped his right hand directly on the deck of the fishing boat.

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “The Shadow Realm is coming!”

In an instant, the shadow under Cross Country's feet suddenly stretched out, and in just a few seconds, it enveloped the entire deck of the pirate ship. Using the S-class shadow escape technique Shadow Realm Arrival, the pirates on the pirate ship obviously have no possibility of escaping. Immediately, another secret technique of shadow escape was used. When Cross Country used the shadow neck binding technique, it only took a few seconds. Most of the pirates on the pirate ship died silently and tragically. .

 However, since the name of the Moonlight Pirates can be spread throughout the entire sea area, there must be something extraordinary about it.

Sure enough, just when Cross-Country had just eliminated most of the pirates on the pirate ship, that is, the gangsters, suddenly a surging breath came, and Cross-Country, who used Kagura's mind eyes to sense, raised the corner of his mouth. A faint smile.

 “How can a pirate ship not have a strong guy?”

“It turns out that the real strong people are hidden inside!”

 “The really interesting moment, now is the real beginning!”

 Secretly, Cross Country used Kagura's inner eye to observe the pirates coming one after another with a fierce aura, and soon discovered what was special about this group of pirates.

 The only thing they have in common is their strong physical fitness!

It can be said that everyone is like the **** of wind and thunder that he encountered before going off-road, and he is a practitioner of the secret technique of Yang Escape.

Furthermore, with just one observation, Cross Country can know that the Yang Escape Secret Technique practiced by these pirates is the same Yang Escape Secret Technique. That is to say, the captain of this pirate ship must be a proficient in the secret technique of Yang Escape, otherwise he would not be able to teach every senior pirate the secret technique of Yang Escape, and it would be impossible for the trusted disciples in this pirate ship to learn the secret technique of Yang Escape. Thieves have all become practitioners of the secret technique of Yang Escape.

 So, knowing that the captain of this pirate ship was a proficient in the secret art of Yang Escape, Cross Country began to use Kagura's Heart Eye to search for the whereabouts of the captain of the pirate ship.

Who would have thought that just when the off-road Kagura was about to lock onto the captain of the pirate ship, there was suddenly another "boom"!

His pupils narrowed slightly, and with the "boom" sound, Cross Country suddenly discovered that his Kagura Inner Eye could no longer be used!

 “Can you shield my Kagura mind?”

 “Are you another proficient in the secret art of escape?”

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