Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 576: Naval battle (medium)

 Kagura's eyes were shielded, no wonder Cross Country was shocked.

Let’s not talk about the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, Kagura Inner’s Eye. What a powerful sensory secret technique it is. Let’s just say that Cross Country’s Yin Escape brand is already condensed into four levels. There is no one in the ninja world who can surpass him in the Yin Escape secret technique. There are only a handful of them.

At this moment, using Kagura's Heart's Eye off-road, he sensed the sudden shielding. When he looked at the pirates in front of him, there was a hint of fear in their eyes.

"Could it be that the masters of the secret art of escape mentioned in Minato-sensei's information are in the so-called Moonlight Pirates?"


“I only need to take down the captain of the Moonlight Pirates, and I will know the truth.”

 “Next, let’s start the war!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country took a deep breath before exploding his body's energy and casting "Moon Step" to launch an attack.

 However, before Cross Country went to attack the pirates, the sinister eyes of those pirates were all locked on Cross Country. Immediately, just when Cross Country's physical energy was about to explode, suddenly several pirates in front of him exploded their physical energy at the same time, as if Cross Country had cast "Moon Step", invading in front of Cross Country.

It is true that the physical energy of those pirates cannot be compared with cross-country, and the speed at which they sprint is far behind the "moon step" of cross-country.

 However, being able to use a small amount of body energy to explode and have the current speed, cross-country can also know that the opponent's method of using body energy is likely to be much more sophisticated than his own. Thinking that if he could obtain the use of these Yang Escape Secret Techniques, his own strength would definitely be further improved. He raised a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth. Just when several pirates invaded Cross Country, he suddenly saw the Yin Escape Brand in Cross Country. The spiritual energy begins to surge out!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Hand of Shadow!”




Suddenly, using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, shadow hands stretched out from the black shadow at the foot of the cross-country. These shadow hands quickly attacked the pirates in front of the cross country. Almost as soon as the pirates hit the cross country, their bodies were completely imprisoned in place by the shadow hands.

 Then, just shrink the shadow hand slightly.



 The group of pirates that attacked first were all killed by Cross Country's hands.

 But just when Cross Country was about to pursue the victory and use the secret technique of Shadow Escape to massacre more pirates, there was a sudden "rumbling" sound!

The water in the ocean was actually under the control of an invisible energy, suddenly forming a wave and attacking. Looking at the pirates in front of them, I found that there was no trace of panic in the eyes of these pirates, but instead Filled with a hint of ridicule, off-road people knew that the wave attack in the ocean must be the work of the captain of this pirate ship.

“The ability to control sea water? Could it be that he is a member of the blood family of Mist Ninja Village?”

“In the original plot, Bai seems to have mastered the ability to control water before he mastered ice escape, or even before he practiced chakra, right?”

There is no doubt that if Off-Road's imagination is correct and the captain of the Moonlight Pirates is really a member of the Blood Successor Family of Mist Ninja Village, and Shiro in the original plot has the same ice escape blood successor limit, then Off-Road and the Moonlight Pirates will When it comes to naval battles, those who are at a disadvantage are off-roaders who are not good at naval battles.

 You must never underestimate a change in terrain.

  Often just a change of smile can change the outcome of a battle.

If the captain of the Moonlight Pirates is really like Cross Country imagined, mastering the ice escape blood inheritance limit and possessing the ability to control sea water, as long as a naval battle is conducted in the ocean, Cross Country is equivalent to being in the opponent's "territory" Inside, it was a bit difficult just to deal with the opponent's attack. How about destroying the Moonlight Pirates in front of them?

 So, in order to further confirm the ability of the captain of the Moonlight Pirates, Cross Country stared at the incoming wave, and suddenly cast another secret technique of shadow escape!

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Shield!”


Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, it is also a secret technique of Shadow Escape.

When Off-Road successfully cast the shadow escape technique Shadow Shield, the shadow under Off-Road's feet suddenly turned into a shield, forming a stiff defense in front of him. Moreover, when the Shadow Shield withstood the attack of the wave without any danger, with its super memory ability, Cross-Country surprisingly remembered the locations of all the previous pirates.

 Follow up!


 Once again, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was outputted vigorously. Cross-country actually used the secret technique of Gale Wind Flow to directly control the direction of the "wind".

In an instant, the "wind" on the sea was controlled by the cross-country, and suddenly turned into wind blades and attacked one after another.

  “Gateful flow!”

 “Air Blade·Half Moon Slash!”



Countless wind blades are sweeping in, regardless of whether you are a pirate practicing the secret technique of Yang Escape or a jounin-level ninja in the ninja world, you will all die.

Just as Cross Country imagined, even if these pirates can practice the Yang Escape Secret Technique, they still have not mastered the Yang Escape Secret Technique. What's more, even if the original Wind God and Thunder God were in front of Cross Country, relying on the terrifying power of the Swift Wind Blade and Half-Moon Slash, Cross Country was still confident that he could deal with the two Wind God and Thunder brothers under the attack of a round of wind blades. Now, now Just getting rid of the pirates of the Moonlight Pirates is naturally an easier task.

Sure enough, as a round of wind blades attacked under the control of off-road, blood splattered everywhere.

 All the pirates facing off-road could be said to have died tragically under the wind blade in an instant.

However, when the wave that had just invaded receded and Cross Country saw that all the pirates had died in his own hands, he still had no intention of relaxing his guard at all. Because, just when all the pirates in the Moonlight Pirates were dead and only the mysterious captain of the Moonlight Pirates was left, there was suddenly another "whoosh" sound.

  A figure wearing a white kimono suddenly appeared in the off-road field of vision.

Moreover, while staring at the location of Cross Country with cold eyes, the captain of the Moonlight Pirates guessed the identity of Cross Country simply by relying on the secret technique of shadow escape that he had used before:

 “Are you the shadow mage of Konoha Village?”

“Oh, it’s really interesting to go to the Kingdom of Water on a fishing boat!”

Listening to the words of the captain of the Moonlight Pirates, Cross Country was a little surprised. The other party could accurately guess his identity based on his previous fighting methods.

I secretly thought that the captain of the Moonlight Pirates was one of Madara’s men?

Immediately, it was time to try to use Kagura's Heart Eye again to take a closer look at the situation of the captain of the Moonlight Pirates. Who would have thought that the pirate ship where the captain of the Moonlight Pirates was cross-country suddenly shook violently, causing the mysterious... The captain of the Moonlight Pirates turned pale!

 “Damn it, I know you shouldn’t start a war in the Devil’s Sea.”

 “Shadow Mage, temporary truce!”

“If you don’t want your people to die, you’d better cooperate with me to get rid of the monster known as the “Poseidon” in the Devil’s Sea!”

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