Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 599: Wolf and Sheep (Part 2)

 “Ninja? What is a ninja?”

 “A ninja is someone who can protect important things.”

 “Is that ninja a good person?”

"There is no distinction between good and bad ninjas, it mainly depends on a person's nature."

 “Then becoming a ninja can make mother smile?”

"Of course, Bai. If you can protect your mother in the future, she will always be able to smile."

“Then I want to become a ninja, brother, can you teach me?”

"no problem."

He patted Bai's little head and smiled happily. He immediately led Bai to Shui Wuyue Zi and said, "Zi, I am willing to accept Bai as my disciple. Are you willing to let Bai become my disciple?"

"Who are you."

 “Are you from Luodaren?”

 Having lost her husband and her family, Minazuki Murasaki does not resent cross-country, Shisui, or Kaguya. Because she is smart and knows that if Cross Country, Zhisui and others had not come, the consequences she would face would be far more miserable than what she is facing now. After all, not all Mist ninjas can be as "kind" as Cross Country, Shisui and others.

However, some frustrated Shui Wuyue Zi can be said to regard Bai as the sustenance of their lives.

Even if Shiro wants to become a ninja, Minazuki Murasaki's first thought is to hope that Shiro can become a disciple of Kaguya Raku, because Kaguya Raku is a very powerful person in the Kiri Ninja Village.

If Bai can become a disciple of Kaguya, then with Kaguya's power, Bai will definitely be able to live a good life.

So, when I suddenly heard that the cross-country team was about to accept Tu Bai, and saw that the cross-country team was not very old, Shui Wuyue Zi hesitated.

It's just that Minazuki Zi couldn't hesitate for too long, because just when Minazuki Zi hesitated, Kaguya grinned and said: "Azi, you are a blessed child. You know what is in front of you. Who is he? That is a famous shadow mage in the ninja world! It is a great blessing for your child to become a shadow mage, so hurry up and agree!"

 “Shadow Mage?”

 There is no doubt that Minazuki Murasaki, who has been away from the ninja world for a long time, has no idea who the Shadow Master is.

But after Kaguya said so, Mizuki Mizuki naturally had no chance of refusing. Immediately after he ordered Bai to become a disciple, Mizuki Mizuki asked: "Your Majesty Shadow Mage, in the future, Shiro and I will go to Fire with you." Country? Master Luo said that you are a ninja of Konoha Village, can we live in Konoha Village in the future? "

"If you think about it, it's just Konoha Village. Of course it's no problem if you want to live there."

"That's great. I heard that Konoha Village is a peaceful village. I can live there for free. I really want to thank you, Master Shadow!"

Having said that, Mizuki Murasaki, who knew that she could go to live in the Leaf Village of the Land of Fire, happily hugged Shiro and went to rest.

While Minazuki Zi and Shiro were resting, Shisui walked up to Jiujiu with a smile and said, "Jiujiu, congratulations on accepting another apprentice. It seems that your first apprentice is the guardian of Sand Ninja Village. Tsurujinchuuriki, right? Now your second apprentice is from the Mizuki clan of the Mist Ninja Village. He possesses the Ice Release Bloodline and will surely be another ninja who will make a sensation in the ninja world!"

“Hahahaha, Shisui, my opinion is different from yours. I don’t think highly of Shiro.”

As soon as Zhisui finished speaking, Kaguya flashed to the cross-country road. Next to Zhisui, he retorted first, and then looked at the cross-country road: "Shadow Master, whether you believe it or not, I have cultivated many talents in the clan. As a young ninja, you can tell a child's character at a glance. Shiro is a sheep, not a wolf. If you want to become a famous ninja in the ninja world, you must have a wolf-like character. Unless you can change Shiro's character. , otherwise"

 “Hey, Bai can only become an embroidered pillow at most!”

As he spoke, Hui Yeluo sighed deeply again and sighed:

"Well, speaking of it, our clan is in the same situation. There is a very talented kid, but unfortunately he has the character of a sheep. Shadow Mage, if you can really train Bai into a wolf, then that kid in our clan How about I leave the child to you to teach me?”

"That child has awakened the corpse veins of our Kaguya clan! With the combat skills of our Kaguya clan, it won't take long before he will definitely become a strong player in the ninja world!"

 Kaguya’s clan?

 Corpse bone veins?

Kaguya Luo, are you not talking about Kimimaro?

Suddenly recalling the plot of Naruto's original work, and remembering that Shiro and Kimimarono had met before, Yue Yue's lips twitched sharply, thinking that the little guy he would teach in the future must form the power of the new generation of the ninja world?

There is no need to say more about Shikamaru. He must have been taught by Shikaku Lai, and he was not involved in off-roading.

 But what about the other little guys who teach off-road?

Gaara, who is the Shukaku jinchuriki, is the future Kazekage. Uzumaki Naruto, who is the nine-tailed jinchuriki, is clearly the Hokage in the original Naruto novel. In the original Naruto novel, Haku and Kimimaro died early, but with Haku and Kimimaro's talents, it is inevitable to become a shadow-level powerhouse.

However, just like Kaguya said, if you want to teach Shiro and Kimimaro to be successful, you may have to change their personalities.

Shiro in the original Naruto novel is a very talented child. Unfortunately, even if Kito Zabuza taught him cruelly, he was unable to change his character in the end. If Cross Country wanted to change his character, it would probably be very difficult as well. .

 Let’s talk about Kimimaro!

 Listening to Kaguya's explanation, Shichigo knew why Kimimaro's childhood was so miserable.

 It turns out that Kimimaro is also a kind-hearted person. In Kaguya's words, he has the character of a sheep. Therefore, the clan imprisoned Kimimaro in order to train Kimimaro's character.

 Let’s talk about off-roading!

Kimimaro is just a child. Even if he awakens the corpse veins, how much fighting power can he have? How could the Kaguya clan in the original Naruto novel be afraid of the power of the corpse veins, so they imprison Kimimaro and use him as a weapon in battle? Use it.

Now that the truth has been revealed, I secretly thought that I could get Shiro and Kimimaro together during the journey to the Kingdom of Water, and my mood for the cross-country trip has undoubtedly improved a bit. However, remembering that the cause of Kimimaro's death in the original book of Hokage was due to blood disease, Yueyue frowned slightly and asked Kaguya: "Mr. Luo, as long as you members of the Kaguya clan have awakened the corpse veins, , is there a risk of causing hematosis? I would like to ask, is it because of chance that you don’t have hematosis, or do you have a way to cure hematosis?”

“Hematogenous diseases, do you know all these?”

 Hearing the question about off-roading, Hui Yeluo looked very surprised.

 Obviously, it is a secret among the Kaguya clan that the awakened corpse veins of the Kaguya clan may cause blood diseases.

However, now that everyone in Cross Country knows this secret, Kaguya Luo feels that there is no point in hiding it. In addition, Kimimaro would be trained by Off-Road in the future, so Kaguya took a deep breath and let Off-Road take Shisui away first, then placed his ear next to Off-Road's ear and said mysteriously:

“Master Shadow, to tell you the truth, the so-called blood disease is actually not a disease.”


 “An opportunity!”

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