Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 600: Outside the Mist Ninja Village

 “Chance means”


Obviously, if it weren't for Kaguya, I would never have been able to imagine that Kimimaro's blood inheritance disease in the original book of Naruto was actually the evolution method of the blood inheritance limit of the Kaguya clan.


 This is the test before the evolution of blood succession limits!

 The limits of blood inheritance are not set in stone.

 It is like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, divided into ordinary form and kaleidoscope form. The common form of Sharingan is also divided into one magatama, two magatama, and three magatama. The kaleidoscope form of Sharingan is also divided into ordinary kaleidoscope and eternal kaleidoscope. According to Kaguya's story, the Kaguya clan's blood succession limit is also possible to evolve. It can also be said that any kind of blood succession limit in the ninja world has the possibility of evolution, but it is like wanting to master " The power of "Heavenly Jealousy" is average, and the evolution of the blood inheritance boundary is accompanied by certain dangers.

And if the Kaguya clan’s blood lineage wants to evolve smoothly, it must practice the Kaguya clan’s secret techniques.

That is the fighting skill of the Kaguya clan!

  Why did Kimimaro in the original Naruto novel still die of blood disease under the guidance of Orochimaru?

 The reason needs no words, it is naturally that the teaching Kimimaro received is not the pure teaching of the Kaguya clan.

If Kimimaro can continue to accept the teachings of the Kaguya clan and practice the Kaguya clan's combat skills, then as the training of the Kaguya clan's combat skills deepens, Kimimaro's physical fitness will also undergo "qualitative" changes. . To put it simply, the combat technique of the Kaguya clan is an alternative Yang Escape secret technique, which can not only strengthen the physical fitness, but also give oneself a chance to evolve within the limits of blood inheritance.


Even if you are practicing the combat skills of the Kaguya clan, there is still a certain danger in trying to evolve the Blood Succession Limit. Just like Kaguya Luo before cross-country, his blood-inherited corpse bone veins underwent a second evolution and successfully passed the test. However, there are at least twenty ninjas at the same time as Kaguya Raku who have awakened the blood succession limit of the corpse vein, but only Kaguya has passed the test. From this, it can be seen that he wants to complete the blood succession limit. The second evolution is not that easy.

However, Cross Country believes that Kimimaro can pass the second evolution test of the blood inheritance limit under his own training. After all, judging from the plot of the original work, Kimimaro is a very talented ninja. What he lacks is just the combat skills of the Kaguya clan. If he can have the combat skills of the Kaguya clan to complement each other, his corpse vein ability will definitely be able to surpass Reach new heights.

Perhaps Kimimaro can be like Madara, the two Izuna brothers of the Uchiha clan, pushing the ordinary Sharingan to the height of the Mangekyo Sharingan!

 Immediately afterwards, I talked with Kaguya about Kimimaro, and then I had to deal with the affairs of Minazuki Murasaki and Shiro.

 Now, Cross Country and others are going to Mist Ninja Village, so they must not be able to bring the two oil bottles of Minazuki Zi and Shiro with them. To put it in perspective, if he takes Minazuki Murasaki and Shiro to the Mist Ninja Village, Yukio is not confident that he can protect their mother and daughter. After all, there is a BOSS hidden in the Mist Ninja Village, named Madara.

 So, before going to the Mist Ninja Village, Shichigo asked Kaguya to take care of Minazuki Zi and Shiro, and take them to live temporarily outside the Mist Ninja Village. Naturally, the candidates for infiltrating the Mist Ninja Village were Off-Road and Shisui. There is no doubt that after abandoning Kaguya Luo, who is familiar with the Mist Ninja Village, and just sneaking into the Mist Ninja Village with Shisui, the dangers faced by off-roading and Shisui must have become much greater.

 However, it is precisely this idea of ​​going off-road that can save the Kaguya clan in the Mist Ninja Village.

 Because the Kiri Ninja Village apparently knew that the Kaguya clan had joined Terumi Mei's forces.

Nowadays, the Kaguya clan in the Mist Ninja Village is under house arrest. It is estimated that as soon as the incident of the Minazuki clan's annihilation is over, the Kaguya clan will face the same fate as the Minazuki clan, that is, they will be brutally wiped out!

If it is discovered that Kaguya took off-road and Shisui into the Kiri Ninja Village, then there is no need for the Kiri Ninja Village to care about public opinion. They can just speak with the facts and go to eliminate the Kaguya clan. Because he couldn't give the Mist Ninja Village an excuse to purge the Kaguya clan, Cross Country ordered Kaguya to take care of Minazuki Murasaki and Shiro's mother and daughter.

Then, after settling down Kaguya, the mother and daughter Minazuki Murasaki and Shiro, Cross Country and Shisui continued their journey to sneak into the Kiri Ninja Village. Within a few days, Cross Country and Shisui arrived at the Kiri Ninja Village. outside the village.

 Humistically speaking, during the civil war period, Mist Ninja Village’s war preparations were extremely terrifying.

Just outside the Mist Ninja Village, Cross Country and Shisui found many Mist Ninjas guarding there.

From the current situation, it can be seen that it is basically impossible for Terumi Mei's forces to truly compete with Madara's forces. After all, most of the Mist Ninjas are loyal. They have become accustomed to the life in the "Blood Mist" period. It is basically impossible to change them and let them know what freedom is.

The "Blood Mist" policy in the Mist Ninja Village has been implemented for many years. Many Mist Ninjas are machines that only know how to obey orders. In the words of Zabuza in the original Naruto novel, they are tools.

 Thinking about getting rid of Madara, I am afraid that most of the ninjas in the Kiri Ninja Village are my enemies.

Off-road sighed deeply, and suddenly discovered that the Mist Ninja Village that Terumi Mei will rule in the future must be an extremely weakened Mist Ninja Village. He must use spiritual communication to communicate with Shisui and officially sneak into the Mist Ninja Village.

Who would have thought that just when Shisui was about to sneak into the Mist Ninja Village in Cross Country, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Cross Country.

Even though he had never seen the guy with a shark face in front of him, he could still recognize the person's identity at a glance due to his special appearance.

That person is surprisingly one of the members of the future "Akatsuki" organization and a supporter of the Mizukage, Inigaki Kisame!

“Hey, Mizukage-sama, there was nothing wrong in entrusting me with the patrol mission.”

"You must be the Shadow Mage of Konoha Village, right? The other one, wearing the clothes of the Uchiha clan, is the famous Shunshen Shisui in Konoha Village?"

Off-road can understand the identity of Inikisaki Kisame, why doesn't Inikisaki know the identity of Yuexiu and Shisui?

However, listening to Kisame Kisame's words, Yukoku didn't care that Kisame had discovered his and Shisui's identities. Instead, he stared at the large swordsman's muscles on Kisame's back.

Samehada is an off-road weapon full of memories!

The Loquat Juzo and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost back then caused a lot of trouble for off-roading.

At this time, I saw the giant sword shark again, and the cross-country trip inevitably reminded me of the pufferfish ghost in Watermelon Mountain. Therefore, staring at the familiar face of Kisame Kisame, Yukio's gaze slowly fell on the blade of Samekai the Great Sword, and asked in an indifferent voice: "If I guessed correctly, who is the Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost?" Died in your hands?"

“I really want to know the cause of death of the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.”

 “Because of that year.”

 “He has caused me a lot of trouble!”

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