Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 608: long lost voice

 The first meeting between Shadow Mage and Future Mizukage happened completely by chance.

 Hunting back from the Mist Ninja Village in cross-country, I never thought that Terumi Mei would come back at the same time.

On the contrary, Terumi Mei, as if she knew she could meet Cross-country, saw Cross-country with Kaguya falling, Shiro, Minazuki and Purple waiting there silently, with a faint smile on her lips, looking like she was welcoming the Shadow Mage to join. .

  However, looking at Terumi Mei in front of him, Cross Country curled his lips.

 Terumi Mei in the original Naruto novel, as we all know, is a **** and charming lady, but in front of the cross-country, Terumi Mei has a flat chest, and except for a pair of slender, white legs, there is no bright spot in her body.

However, the white robe Terumi Mei is wearing makes her legs looming, which adds some charm.


 Better than nothing!

Therefore, when Kaguya and others hurried over to welcome Terumi Mei who returned from another secret base, Yuexiu stood silently beside Shiro and Minazuki Murasaki, looking for someone to settle Bai and Shuizuki first. No moon purple rest.

As for the reason why Shisui didn’t let Shisui take Shiro and Minazuki Murasaki back to Konoha Village during the cross-country trip.

It just feels like off-roading, Konoha Village has been very uneasy recently!

If possible, Cross Country would like to return to Konoha Village and pick up Uzumaki Naruto again.

Soon, Bai's mother and daughter moved into this secret base under the arrangement of Cross Country. Cross Country was also preparing to teach Bai how to master chakra and spiritual energy in the future, and to practice the secret art of ice escape in the future. , As for the Yang Escape secret technique, if Bai is talented, Cross Country will not hesitate to teach him.

There is no doubt that Shadow Mage's disciples must major in Yin Escape Secret Technique or Yang Escape Secret Technique.

It would be even better if someone could inherit the secret technique of cross-country galloping flow.

As for the secret technique of Shadow Escape, except for the members of the Nara clan, Off-road is actually not prepared to teach anyone.

 After all, Shadow Escape was born out of the secret art of the Nara clan. Cross-country is a member of the Nara clan, and some rules still need to be respected.

However, I originally thought that Terumi Mei would be very busy when she returned to this secret base. Who would have thought that just as Jiujiang arranged for the white mother and daughter, Terumi Mei's figure appeared in front of Jiujiang, and said with a smile: "Jiujiu Master Wen Ying's name, I saw it today, he is indeed the most powerful rising star in the ninja world, he is really amazing!"

 “You are the same, very strong.”

Kagura's inner eye was silently paying attention to Terumi Mei's situation, and found that Terumi Mei was a veritable shadow-level powerhouse. Cross Country said lightly: "What do you want from me? Just tell me directly. There is no need to beat around the bush. Do you want to know Kiri? I can tell you the situation in Ninja Village, and I can even tell you who Mizukage is, do you want to know?"

"In no mood!"

Unexpectedly, Terumi Mei categorically rejected the cross-country proposal.

After shaking his head, Terumi Mei's words of explanation made Yukio faintly admire Terumi Mei's wisdom.

"Having been able to secretly control Mizukage for so many years and single-handedly shape the "Blood Mist" era, I don't want to know who that scary guy is at all. Since I feel that guy is scary, my companions will probably be even more afraid of that guy. Therefore, for the sake of the light of Mist Ninja Village, we cannot know who that guy is, and I hope Shadow Mage can keep the secret well."

“When I finish off Mizukage, you can make your secret known to the public!”

"no problem."

Off-road nodded, feeling that Terumi Mei's choice was very wise, and then asked curiously: "The interior of Mist Ninja Village is empty, are you ready for war?"

“Yes, but I am not planning to attack the Mist Ninja Village directly, but to encroach on the land of the Kingdom of Water bit by bit.”

“This battle is destined to be a long one, Shadow Mage, can you accompany me to Daming Mansion in the Kingdom of Water?”

Hearing Terumi Mei’s suggestion, Yuexiu frowned slightly and asked, “Why are we going to Daming Mansion?”

 The so-called Daming Mansion, as the name suggests, is the place where the famous people of various countries live.

The Kingdom of Fire has a Daming Mansion, the Kingdom of Earth has a Daming Mansion, and the Kingdom of Water naturally has a Daming Mansion, but there are also ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village stationed there. Sneaking into them is no less difficult than starting a war with the Mist Ninja Village.

 After all, the Ninja Village is the fighting power of a country, and the power of the daimyo is actually higher than that of the "shadow".

In the original book of Naruto, the daimyo of the Land of Fire can order Tsunade-hime to do things. On the one hand, it is because Tsunade-hime's power is insufficient, and on the other hand, it proves that the daimyo's power is far beyond what ordinary ninjas can imagine.

Terumi Mei had long thought that Cross Country could ask this question, so she said with a smile: "Going to Daming Mansion, naturally I want to see if the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Water is alive. If I guessed correctly, the person who controls the water shadow The daimyo has been controlled for a long time. If we want to solve the trouble within the Mist Ninja Village, the daimyo mansion is the place we must go."

"What's more, our strategy is to maintain the name of justice and bring light to the Kingdom of Water little by little. As we encroach on the territory of the Kingdom of Water, the daimyo must choose to support us instead of going to support those who control the water shadow. Man, this is the only way we can maintain our name of justice.”

“So, Master Shadow, are you willing to follow me to Daming Mansion?”

 “It’s just the two of us!”

After Terumi Mei finished speaking, Yuexiu smiled and said, "It's okay to follow you to Daming Mansion, but you must first solve the current problem."

"If my perception is correct, your secret base has been exposed. At least a ninja force from the Mist Ninja Village is attacking. Judging from the quality of the ninjas in this secret base, if you want to eliminate the Mist Ninja The attack on the village is no problem. However, the exposure of the secret base will be your loss. "

 “Want some plans for the future?”

“If you have no idea, abandon this secret base and make your next secret base.”

 “I’m afraid it’s about to be exposed!”

Obviously, Mei Terumi had not sensed anything strange happening at this time. After listening to Off-Road's words, her face suddenly turned livid. In her heart, she was slightly shocked by Off-Road's perception ability. At the same time, she was glad that Off-Road could publish such information. .

However, just as Terumi was meditating, she was about to organize her ninjas to fight against the ninja force from the Mist Ninja Village.

 Suddenly, off-road, who was originally prepared to watch a show, actually planned to join the war.

Because just when Terumi Mei was about to organize his ninjas to compete with the ninja force from the Mist Ninja Village, the long-lost voice suddenly echoed in Cross Country's mind!

 After several years of development, the new secret technique of cross-country shadow escape has finally been successfully developed!


 “It’s so hard for me to wait!”

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