Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 609: Shadow technique


 “The research and development was successful.”

"Player, do you want to practice the "new" latent shadow technique?"

After many years of development, using the R&D function of the APP, the "new" latent shadow technique for off-roading has finally been successfully developed.

I still remember that that was when Cross Country had just used the APP to develop the art of latent shadow. Combining the art of latent shadow with the effect of the arrival of the shadow world, Cross Country had impressively constructed its own domain, the domain of the shadow mage, and became the shadow mage. of prestige. Now, the "new" Hidden Shadow Technique, which combines the Hidden Shadow Technique and the Time and Space Ninjutsu, has finally been developed. There are so many Mist Ninjas in front of us, which serve as the whetstone for the "new" Hidden Shadow Technique.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, thinking that the power of the "new" latent shadow technique must be much beyond his imagination. He kept the smile on his face and silently communicated with the APP:


 "By the way, modify the practice progress of the "new" latent shadow technique, the target is 100%!"


"Player, the progress of practicing the "new" latent shadow technique is 100/100. Congratulations to the player for completing the practice of the "new" latent shadow technique."

  “Please tell me, players, if you want to name the “new” latent shadow technique.”

"Hold on."

Silently comprehending the "new" latent shadow technique in my mind, my cross-country thoughts were completely immersed in the effects of the "new" latent shadow technique. It was because of the shock that my mind went blank, and I could not prepare for the "new" latent shadow technique. The art of naming!

So, what is the effect of the "new" latent shadow technique?

 What kind of chemical reaction can there be when the combination of latent shadow technique and space-time ninjutsu is combined?


 It will be revealed soon!

 Still remember that the effect of the off-road latent shadow technique is to hide oneself in one's own shadow. However, there is a limit to the latent shadow technique of off-road, that is, off-road can only hide in its own shadow. Unless it uses its own shadow to connect the shadows of others, only off-road can hide in other people's shadows. Inside the shadow.

 In fact?

 In fact, off-roading is still hidden in its own shadow.

 But the effect of the "new" latent shadow technique is indeed a combination of the mystery of space-time ninjutsu!

Because the "new" latent shadow technique is to remember a person's spiritual energy aura cross-country, to be able to travel through time and space instantly and hide in the other person's shadow!

 You can show up and assassinate anytime and anywhere!

 You can travel unlimited distances anytime and anywhere!

What a terrifying occult effect is this?

 That's why Cross Country sighed silently, it was indeed the result of the secret technique of Shadow Escape and the Space-Time Ninjutsu!

With such a super S-level shadow escape technique, his combat power can be said to have increased several times!

Even the Third Hokage, a peak shadow-level powerhouse like the Six Paths Pain controlled by Nagato, can now challenge cross-country. Moreover, thinking about the loss I suffered at the hands of Madara that time, I really want Madara to see how powerful his "new" latent shadow technique is, and whether he can instantly kill him in one round of the confrontation. A BOSS-level figure like Mr. Ban!

  followed by.

Taking a deep breath, Cross Country was comprehending the mystery of the "new" latent shadow technique, and at the same time, he silently communicated to APP: "APP, I want to name the "new" latent shadow technique, and I will call it the shadow instant technique. Bar!"

“Also, I need to research new secret techniques. Please enable the research and development function.”

 After communication is completed, the R&D function is activated.

 At this time, browsing the new secrets of shadow escape that can be developed, it is undoubtedly very cautious to go off-road. Well, Cross Country hopes that the new secret technique of Shadow Escape can be developed as soon as possible, so that the effect of its use can be better. On the other hand, Cross Country is considering the means that it lacks, hoping to use the new secret technique of shadow escape to further enhance its own strength.

There is no doubt that ordinary shadow escape techniques, other than super S-level shadow escape techniques like Shadow Instant Technique, would not be able to meet the needs of off-roading. Because the shortcomings of the R&D function have been exposed, that is, as the power of off-roading increases, the R&D function has been developing new secret techniques for too long, and it can no longer keep up with the pace of off-roading.

After thinking about it for a long time, Off-Road discovered that the combination of Shadow Clone Technique + Control is a bit mysterious, and surprisingly, the combination of Shadow Clone Technique + Control was added to the R&D function. After completing the use of the APP, off-roading is to use Kagura's Heart Eye to sense Terumi Mei's spiritual energy.

 The next second.


 Use the technique of Shadow Instant!

Suddenly, Mei Terumi, who was discussing with Ao, Kaguya and others on how to deal with the incoming attack of the Mist Ninja ninja troops, suddenly saw the figure of Cross Country emerging from her shadow while her eyes widened. .

 “Shadow Mage, you”

Terumi Mei and others were surprised when they suddenly saw the cross-country figure emerging.

Especially when Cross Country used the Shadow Instant Technique, he didn't show any aura at all. Terumi Mei and others were even more amazed. The strength of Shadow Mage Xindao was indeed well-deserved, and he actually mastered such a terrifying assassination secret technique. .

Who doesn’t know that the cross-country shadow-snap technique has just been developed.

 Just combined with the wonder of APP, now off-roaders have perfectly mastered the art of shadow instant.

Then, seeing Terumi Mei and others worrying about the attack by the Mist Ninja Troops, Cross Country raised a faint smile on his lips, and said to Terumi Mei and others in front of him: "It's a blessing, not a curse, it's a curse. You can't hide. Now that Mizukage has decided to get rid of you, you must have a tough attitude. Needless to say, if you choose to escape, you want to resist Mizukage's rule. It’s just not possible.”

 “And me.”

“I have just mastered a new secret technique of mine, and I just want to test the effect of the new secret technique.”

“So, let me help you solve the first tough battle you are going to face.”

"You will have to rely on yourselves from now on, you know?"

 Listening to cross-country, I don’t know why, even Terumi Mei has the idea of ​​​​mainly focusing on cross-country.

what is that?

 In short, it is leadership quality!

 Moreover, when there was no reply to Terumi Mei and others, there was another "whoosh" sound.

With an explosion of body energy, the figure of Cross Country suddenly disappeared in front of Terumi Mei and others. When Terumi Mei and others realized that Cross Country had already entered the battlefield, the expression on the face of Mirai Mizukage and Terumi Mei was raised. Come with a faint smile!

 “Interesting, Shadow Mage is really an interesting person.”


“Let’s go and see how the Shadow Mage is preparing to solve the tough battle in front of us!”

 Speaking, Terumi Mei slowly walked towards the battlefield with Qing and others.

While heading to the battlefield, Mei Terumi narrowed her eyes, and what came to her mind was some information about cross-country!

“It is rumored that Shadow Mage destroyed a small ninja village, I don’t know”

 “Is it true?”

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