Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 610: Shark muscle shows its power

 There is no airtight wall in the ninja world.

 Obviously, the story of the cross-country annihilation of the Star Ninja Village has gradually spread in the ninja world.

It's just that only a few people can know such secret information, and the future Mizukage Terumi Mei is one of them.

Thinking that Cross Country could even wipe out a small ninja village, and even had a terrifying record of wiping out the elite troops of Kumo Ninja Village, Terumi Mei sighed deeply, looking at Cross Country who was alone facing the attack of the ninja troops of Kiri Ninja Village, A pair of bright eyes couldn't help but be filled with a bit of admiration.

 In the ninja world, not all strong men are suitable for group battles.

Like the existence that was able to crush the Sannin back then, the White Fang of Konoha in Konoha Village.

If it comes to assassination or duel, no one among the three ninjas can be Hatake Sakumo's opponent. Kakashi's father could be said to be the number one assassination master in the ninja world at that time, but if you put Hatake Sakumo in a ninja battle, the most he can do is assassinate the enemy's commander, using the method of capturing the thief first. Just end the battle.

 After all, when facing so many enemies, Hatake Sakumo wants to deal with the enemies in front of him one by one, and he will definitely not be able to keep up in terms of physical strength and chakra. Not all ninjas are fools, waiting for you to kill them. On the contrary, the Sannin, who is weaker than Hatake Sakumo, and combined with the giant psychic beast that he can channel, are simply a killer weapon in group battles.

 At this time, Terumi Mei obviously has certain attainments in single combat.

 But if we have to face so many ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village, especially the siege from so many elite Jōnin from the Mist Ninja Village

Do you understand the principle that more ants eat elephants?

However, Cross Country is faced with so many Mist Ninja Village ninjas coming to attack, but he is actually absolutely sure that he can deal with the Mist Ninja Village Ninjas in front of him. The easiest way is to directly cast the S-level Shadow Escape secret technique Shadow Realm Arrival when those Mist Ninja Village ninjas come to attack.

Off-road can confirm that only a few ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village can avoid the arrival of their own shadow world. When using Shadow Realm Advent, Cross Country can eliminate most of the ninjas in the Mist Ninja Village in minutes, just like the ninja troops that destroyed the Star Ninja Village in the first place, directly relieving Terumi Mei and others of the danger in front of them.

However, since Cross Country is experimenting with the art of shadow instant, he is not going to use it for the time being when the shadow world comes.

  followed by.

  Slowly hold the Samehada muscle captured from Kisame Kisaki, silently thinking that when trying out the Shadow Shun Jutsu, he could use it to see if the Samehada muscle fits his hand.

Immediately, I saw that the ninja troops from the Mist Ninja Village were already attacking. Countless ninjas from the Mist Ninja Village threw countless hidden weapons and blocked the sky in the first round of the confrontation.


 Suddenly, the secret technique of Shadow Escape is used!

Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country wrapped the shadow under his feet around his body, forming a defense of shadow armor.

Moreover, just when the armor of shadow defense was condensed, and off-road, his whole body was shrouded in pitch-black armor.


Kagura locked her eyes on the spiritual energy of a ninja from the Mist Ninja Village. The off-road figure suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared from the shadow of the Ninja from the Mist Ninja Village!

"Yes, Not Bad!"

"Although when the APP was developed, they didn't know that I was no longer able to use chakra. However, since the shadow instant technique is part of the shadow escape series of secret techniques, even if it only uses the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand, My Shadow Instant Technique can also be used successfully by using mental energy without consuming chakra."

"However, the Shadow Flash Jutsu contains the secrets of time and space after all. With the accelerated training function of the APP, I can instantly understand the mysteries of the Time and Space Ninjutsu. I guess if there is no APP, even the research on the Shadow Flash Technique After I get out, if I want to complete my cultivation, it will take at least a few years."

“Also, the secrets of time and space contained in the Shadow Flash Technique require a lot of mental energy to be completed simply by using mental energy.”

 “But after saying so much”

 “The art of shadow instant is really useful!”

 "The number one elite jounin in the Mist Ninja Village, die!"

Off-road leader secretly thought to himself, and Sameji slashed down directly!


It can be said that Samehada had just fallen, and when he touched the body of the elite jounin of the Mist Ninja Village, he was suppressed by the cross-country. It was a forced surrender to the cross-country Samehada. It was like being on a stimulant. He stretched out. His tongue was licking the body of the elite Jōnin of Mist Ninja Village. In an instant, the chakra was completely swallowed up by Samehada in his body. Even the chakra that the elite jounin of Mist Ninja Village relied on for survival disappeared. He must have been unable to avoid the cross-country attack.

 So, when cutting off Samehada, Cross Country easily harvested the life of the elite Jonin of Mist Ninja Village.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

 The first time he used Samehada, he found that Samehada was a very suitable weapon for him. He raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth and continued to secretly say:

"If you want to use the technique of Shadow Instant perfectly, it must be combined with a strong attack ability. Otherwise, the technique of Shadow Instant can only surprise the enemy at most. Without the combination of relatively strong attacks, the value of the technique of Shadow Instant will be lost. It has to be reduced a lot. Of course, now that I have Sameji, the situation becomes completely different.”

"You don't even need to cooperate with the Shadow Flash Technique. I have Samehada in my hands. It's very simple to deal with ninjas below the shadow level!"

 “That’s the case.”

 “Then there’s no need to experiment with the Shadow Instant Technique!”

“Samelet, I’ll let you have a good meal!”

 It’s like reading the eyes of the cross-country, and knowing that the cross-country wants it to have a full meal.

 Absorbing the chakra of an elite jounin, Samehada's blade was covered with a layer of fiery red chakra. Immediately, when Xuan Yue held Samekari tightly, he could feel the chakra that he had swallowed before coming back from Samekari's blade. Having regained control of chakra, even though the chakra cannot be stored in the meridians, there is still a feeling of fascination for going off-road.

Especially when more and more chakra is transferred from Samehada muscles, even the cross-country body is covered with a layer of blood.


 Mastering the chakra on his body, he accelerated off-road suddenly.

 The next second.

 A figure shrouded in blood suddenly rushed into the crowd of ninja troops in Mist Ninja Village and started killing like Shura!

 “Shadow Mage”

"too strong!"

On the other side, Terumi Mei showed a slightly shocked expression when she saw Yuuki holding Samehada.

 Because she knew that Samehada was not so easy to surrender.

 She even knows that it is not that simple to gain Shark muscle!

Moreover, if Terumi Mei was just shocked when she saw that Cross Country controlled Samehada, then Terumi Mei felt shocked when Cross Country fully utilized Samehada's power.

A pair of beautiful eyes, just staring at the figure of Cross Country in the ninja army of Mist Ninja Village.

 Just three minutes later.

Terumi Mei came back to her senses and saw with disbelief the ferocious attack of the Kiri Ninja Village ninja troops.

 There are just countless corpses scattered on the ground!

 “That’s it.”


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