Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 630: Like-minded

 Uncle Master?

Sigh, this is the tragedy of becoming a disciple of the Fourth Hokage. No matter how senior you are, you can't grow up.

If in the future Uzumaki Naruto really becomes Jiraiya's disciple like in the original Hokage novel, then wouldn't Uzumaki Naruto have to be called Uncle Master?

Uzumaki Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage, is not Uzumaki Naruto's senior brother?

 Listening to Yahiko's words, he temporarily ignored the other party's invitation to join "Twilight". The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, obviously he was very dissatisfied with Yahiko's title. After that, Cross Country had to face a choice, that is, whether to join the "Twilight" organization where the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko were at the same time.

  is not the future.

 Out of the control of Konoha Village, it still needs to be under the control of an organization.

It was also because of this consideration that Cross Country's gaze slowly shifted from Yahiko to the Fourth Mizukage, and he said with a smile: "Minato-sensei, seniority in the ninja world seems to be calculated based on one's own way of interacting. ? Just like Orochimaru, I called him Orochimaru a long time ago, instead of using a more respectful title. So, should I not call Yahiko uncle after all? Before I met him.”


The Fourth Hokage knew what Cross Country cared about, so he smiled and replied: "Cross Country, it's fine that Yahiko and I are brothers. What's going to happen between you and Yahiko? That's a matter between you and Yahiko. Moreover, I see you haven’t mentioned whether to join “Dusk” yet, are you a little worried?”

"Well, let me explain to you what the "Twilight" organization does!"

 Speaking, the Fourth Hokage glanced deeply at Yahiko next to him, and immediately began to describe the main functions of the "Twilight" organization.

There is no doubt that the "Twilight" organization does not exist like the "Akatsuki" organization. It only takes in the S-class rebellious ninjas in each ninja village, or in other words, controls the S-class rebellious ninjas in each ninja village and becomes his subordinates. members, realizing certain ambitions bit by bit. The purpose of the "Twilight" organization is just to take in like-minded people.

Like the Fourth Hokage, Yahiko has something in common, so the Fourth Hokage can join the "Twilight" organization, instead of Yahiko using some means to control the Fourth Hokage and forcing him to join the "Twilight" organization.

 At this stage, the “Dusk” organization has three main tasks.

 The first one is to use the "Xiao" organization as an enemy, restrict the "Xiao" organization's development, and block the "Xiao" organization's ambitions!

You must know that whether it is the Fourth Hokage or Yahiko, they all vaguely knew the news that Madara was not dead from off-road. In addition, what happened to the "blackened" Uchiha Obito, the "blackened" Lin, and the darkened "Nagato", so in the exchange between the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko, we know the "Akatsuki" "The organization is an organization secretly controlled by Master Ban. In this case, Yahiko, who originally targeted the "Akatsuki" organization, naturally invited the Fourth Hokage to jointly solve Madara's conspiracy.

 Looking back at the Fourth Hokage.

Even if it wasn't for Obito and Rin's matters, he still needed to avenge Kushina Uzumaki.

In this case, knowing that Madara is behind the "Akatsuki" organization, and the person who caused Uzumaki Kushina's death may also be Madara, then the first goal of "Dusk" is to stop the ambitions of the "Akatsuki" organization , it is understandable to suppress Madara, the man behind the "Akatsuki" organization. It is also because of this that the "Akatsuki" organization is the first target of the "Dusk" organization.

 It's just a pity that the Fourth Hokage is a shadow-level powerhouse, and Yahiko is still not a true shadow-level powerhouse.

Therefore, it is basically impossible for them to defeat them in the Kingdom of Rain, the base area of ​​the "Akatsuki" organization. Therefore, the Fourth Hokage deliberately wrote a letter to ask Cross Country to come, in order to allow Cross Country to join the "Twilight" organization and fight against the gradually expanding "Akatsuki" organization in the Kingdom of Rain.

 Knowing the first purpose of the "Twilight" organization, Cross Country just nodded.

 Because, just to fight against the "Akatsuki" organization's goal, we still can't invite cross-country to join "Dusk".

 As for the second goal of the "Dusk" organization.

 Speaking of which, we must first talk about the similarities between the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko.

Both of them are peace lovers, and they are also people who care about the safety of the ninja world.

 Being able to come together shows that the personalities of the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko are very similar, so the second goal of the "Twilight" organization is to resolve the disputes in the ninja world.

 Let’s talk about the third goal of the "Twilight" organization, which is the only goal that the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko have differences with.

The Fourth Hokage thinks that the way to peace is very simple, that is, to make the "Twilight" organization stronger little by little, which can intimidate the ninja world, and use the general routine of Konoha Village to limit the combat power of each ninja village. On the contrary, Yahiko felt that if they were simply deterred by force, their ultimate goal would be basically the same as that of the Akatsuki organization.

 So, Yahiko's third goal is to be different from the Fourth Hokage, not just to develop a "Twilight" organization, but to develop a country!


Yahiko’s final thought is the only way to bring peace to the ninja world in Cross Country’s eyes!

 That is to create a unified country and eliminate war as much as possible!

 Speaking of this, the Fourth Hokage has finished talking about the purpose of "Twilight", and then they will look at the cross-country stance.

However, when the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko stared at Cross Country at the same time, Cross Country smiled slightly and still did not express his position directly. Then he changed the subject and said: "Minato-sensei, Yahiko, if you complete the peace of the ninja world, There are differences in our goals, so how are you going to solve them? In the same way, if I join the "Twilight" organization in the future, how should we resolve the conflicts between us? People, but if one day we part ways, won't it cause a split in "Twilight", or even make us turn against each other? "

 “So, that’s my last question.”

“Tell me how to solve problems when you encounter them.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yahiko smiled.

Immediately afterwards, without even thinking, Yahiko said calmly: "Kage Mage, Minato and I have thought about your problem a long time ago. The way we thought at that time was to vote. Do you think this is okay?"

 “For the time being, it’s okay!”

 Listening to Yahiko's answer, although Cross Country was not very satisfied, it was still difficult to maintain fairness in the vote among the three of them. However, since the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko have explained so much for Cross Country, and the purpose of the "Twilight" organization is also consistent with Cross Country's Ninja Way, anyway, we must first eliminate Madara and disintegrate Madara's power. .

 Subsequently, the smile on Xue Yu's face gradually became stronger.

When the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko were waiting for his reply again, Cross Country nodded vigorously and said:

“Minato-sensei, Yahiko, congratulations.”

 “Your “Twilight” organization is about to add another strong general!”

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