Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 631: Death Game (Part 1)

 “Off-road, welcome to join.”

 “Shadow Mage, welcome to join.”

There is no grand ceremony for joining the "Twilight" organization. After all, the development of the "Twilight" organization in the Land of Rain is very bad. If the Fourth Hokage hadn't joined, I'm afraid Yahiko would have wanted to make the "Twilight" organization the same as "Akatsuki" It is impossible for organizations to contend with each other. After Cross Country joined the "Twilight" organization, Yahiko simply explained the internal situation of the organization to Cross Country.

 In general, the formation of the "Dusk" organization is divided into three parts.

 The first part, without a doubt, is the power that Yahiko had left in the "Akatsuki" organization. After knowing the news that Yahiko was not dead, these elites of the "Akatsuki" organization quietly hid in the "Akatsuki" organization. Because they were all people who followed Yahiko to conquer the world, Yahiko did not need to worry about the loyalty of these people.

 However, since "Dusk" is a new organization, most members are hidden in the "Akatsuki" organization, so there must be disadvantages.

If nothing else, let's just say that if Madara discovers that Yahiko's people are hidden in the "Akatsuki" organization, then the "Twilight" organization, which now has three strong men, Cross Country, Yahiko, and the Fourth Hokage, will be exposed early. ?

 The second part, which is also beyond doubt, belongs to the Konoha ninjas under the command of the Fourth Hokage.

Just like Yahiko recruited members of the original "Akatsuki" organization, don't think that there are no die-hard fans of the Fourth Hokage in Konoha Village. Not to mention that the Fourth Hokage has been the Hokage for so many years. In Konoha Village, there are Some loyal subordinates are also very normal. However, just like the embarrassing problem Yahiko faces, it is impossible for the ninjas of Konoha Village to defect at will. Their families and relatives are all in Konoha Village.

 So, these "Dusk" members are also hidden in Konoha Village.

However, thanks to these "Twilight" members hidden in Konoha Village, the Fourth Hokage was able to know so much information about the ninja world.

 It can be said that the "Twilight" members hidden in Konoha Village are an important environment in the Fourth Hokage's intelligence network.

 Part three, the members of "Twilight" are composed of some wandering ninjas, plus the ninja forces gathered by the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko over the years. This part of the force can be said to be the most useless. Even the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko are very powerful ninjas, but in general there is little hope of cultivating this part of the ninjas.

 Now you can see how difficult it is to establish a ninja village, right?

ˆSystematic training methods and a superior living environment are all essential conditions!

 Looking back at the "Twilight" organization, it can be said that it has nothing.

Therefore, when he knew the embarrassing situation that he and others were facing, Cross Country sighed deeply and asked: "Minato-sensei, Yahiko, if I guess correctly, the development of our organization is not very good in the Land of Rain." Okay, you should have the idea of ​​developing the organization in other countries, right? So, which country are you going to choose as your base? There is no doubt that the Country of Rain is the territory of the "Akatsuki" organization, so if we want to To establish a foothold in the country is equivalent to directly declaring war with the "Akatsuki" organization, which is very unwise. "

 “Now, I want to hear your opinion.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Yahiko blushed.


 Because as Cross Country said before, he chose the most unstable method, which was to prepare to continue developing in the Kingdom of Rain.

Yahiko’s idea is simple.

Since the "Akatsuki" organization can replace Demigod Hanzo and take over the Rain Ninja Village, why can't the "Dusk" organization use the same method?

Who knows, when the "Akatsuki" organization was secretly developing, Master Madara had already targeted the "Akatsuki" organization. Therefore, in the end, the "Akatsuki" organization was able to take over the Rain Ninja Village, and it did not rely on the power of Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan, but Madara's power that had been hidden in the ninja world for many years. In the original work of Naruto, it may be that Disguised as Madara's "blackened" Uchiha Obito's power.

Of course.

If Yahiko can convince Xiaonan to rebel and slowly turn his back to being a guest.

Na Yahiko’s strategy is also possible.

Unfortunately, Konan is not so easy to persuade. At least the "blackened" Nagato aims at Yahiko's dream and slowly works hard. If Yahiko wants to persuade Konan to deal with the "blackened" Nagato, he must first The solution is Nagato's "blackening", which is another endless cycle.

 Let’s talk about the Fourth Hokage, he is worthy of being the Hokage of Konoha Village.

He had long thought about the development of the "Twilight" organization, so Yahiko's face turned red, and he obviously didn't know what to say when it was a good time. The Fourth Hokage smiled slightly and said: "Off-road, I have thought about the problem you mentioned for a long time. Passed. So, when I asked you to go to the Kingdom of Water, I had the intention of going to the Kingdom of Water to explore it. "

“Now, I heard that your reputation in the Kingdom of Water is very good. Do you think it is possible for us to transfer our base and go to the Kingdom of Water to develop?”

 "In the future, if the "revolutionary army" in the Kingdom of Water is truly sovereign, if your little lover can really become the Water Shadow."

“Then there is another force behind us, the Mist Ninja Village in the ninja world!”

Little lover?

Who told you that Terumi Mei is my lover, Minato-sensei, don't talk nonsense, or I'll sue you for slander!

Hearing what the Fourth Hokage said, Cross Country was obviously helpless, because Yahiko was staring at Cross Country with strange eyes. It seemed to mean that Shadow Mage could actually hook up with Future Mizukage?

  As expected, he is a famous shadow mage in the ninja world!

However, it was just a moment of embarrassment. Cross-country returned to the topic, shook his head fiercely, and said: "Facing the issue of interests, it is impossible for the Mist Ninja Village to give in. Even if the Mizukage is my father in the future, there will be no It's possible. Teacher Minato, you used to be Hokage, so you should have thought about this issue. It's just that our "Twilight" organization is not developing very well, so you just selectively ignored it."

"Actually, when I talked about this issue just now, I had an idea in my mind. It is a small country. Although it does not have the same resources as the Rain Country, as long as it can develop, it will be able to develop in the future. No less than the current Water Country. However, that country is likely to be shrouded in darkness as well, so before I determine whether it can become our base, I plan to go and investigate it myself. "


As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko looked at each other and asked: "O-off, is that small country you are talking about? Have we heard of it?"

“Many people must have ignored that country because there is no Shinobu Village in that country.”

With a mysterious smile, Cross Country slowly announced the answer:

 “The name of that country is the Country of Waves!”

“As long as waterway transportation is developed, it will only take ten years at most. I am confident that they can be developed safely!”

"in particular"

 “When that country is protected by our “Twilight” organization!”

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