Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 632: Game of Death (Part 2)

 In the original Naruto novel, the Land of Waves is very famous.

 Because in the original Naruto novel, the protagonist Uzumaki Naruto's first outbreak happened in the Kingdom of Waves.

 However, in the ninja world that Cross Country and others know, what the **** is the Country of Waves?

 After thinking for a long time, the Fourth Hokage and Yahiko could not remember which country the Country of Waves was. Therefore, they deliberately sent someone to get the map and carefully understood the situation of the Country of Waves. The Fourth Hokage and Yahiko sighed deeply, and then Yahiko asked the cross-country road: "Off-road road, you said this is a The country? The land area seems to be as big as a Ninja Village!"

 “That’s right.”

He glanced at Yahiko helplessly, and said with a smile: "Yahiko, don't you think it's not enough? We just need a base. Even the "Akatsuki" organization can't say that it occupies the entire Kingdom of Rain, it only occupies the entire Rain Ninja. It’s just a village, so since our "Dusk" organization is not as strong as the "Akatsuki" organization, it is already a very good thing to occupy such a small country. "

"Furthermore, despite the fact that the Country of Waves is very poor now, as long as we can take over the Country of Waves and get some funds, the Country of Waves, which has developed water transportation, will develop sooner or later. Hmm"

"It would be better if we could build a bridge in the Country of Waves. Then we don't need to take care of the economy of the Country of Waves. We only need to collect taxes like the other ninja villages."

After Off-road finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage sighed again and said: "Off-road, your idea is good, but unfortunately we don't have any funds for the time being. How can we solve the funding problem?"

“If the Country of Waves really has construction value as I said.”

“Leave all the funds to me!”

 There is no doubt that Cross Country has not forgotten the plot in the original Naruto novel, let alone the businessman Cardo who has been trying to control the lifeline of the country of waves.

 In fact, Kado is very famous in the ninja world. He is a smuggling expert. Which ninja village he relies on is still a mystery. However, the power behind Cardo is the Mafia Gang, which is also very powerful. It's just that every ninja village is worried about the power behind Cardo, so they don't go to deal with Cardo, the fat sheep.

Just like during the original Naruto period, Cardo's ambitions were obviously inflated. He wanted to step away from the control of the Ninja Village behind him step by step, so he thought about establishing his own country in the Land of Saiha. Unfortunately, he lost the support of the ninja village, and the final result was a tragic death in the Land of Waves. At that time, let alone a strong person like Cross Country, it is estimated that even during the original Naruto period, Sakura, who performed very poorly in the plot of the Land of Waves, could have defeated several Kado by herself!

  followed by.

  The matter of taking over the country of Waves has been discussed for the time being. Yahiko has many things to deal with, so he leaves time for Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage to speak.

Originally looking at the cross country with a smile, the Fourth Hokage's first thought was to get together with the cross country, and take Kimimaro and Shiro and his daughter with him. Who would have thought that just when the Fourth Hokage was about to say the invitation, suddenly Cross Country's eyes were fixed on the Fourth Hokage and said: "Minato-sensei, how are you, Mrs. Kushina?"

 “Not bad!”

 The smile on his face was completely frozen, and his eyes were slightly hazy.

 The Fourth Hokage sighed faintly, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Cross Country, why do you think of Kushina?"


 “I now have a way to resurrect Kushina-sama!”


As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, the eyes of the Fourth Hokage obviously changed again.

Step forward and pinched the shoulder of the cross-country fiercely. The fourth Hokage asked excitedly: "Cross-country, are you telling the truth?"

"If it's fake, Minato-sensei, are you going to crush me to death?"

 “Sorry, sorry!”

The apology flashed away, and the Fourth Hokage scratched his head and said: "I was too excited just now, but off-road, what you just said was not a lie, right?"

 “There should be some confidence.”

Thinking about his own Yin Escape brand, he suddenly completed six stages of condensation.

Off-road smiled, and continued with the Fourth Hokage in front of him: "Minato-sensei, let's go, take me to see Kushina-san's condition!"


Without any hesitation, he took the cross-country to the place where Uzumaki Kushina's body was hidden.

Just as he imagined, the Fourth Hokage placed the body of Kushina Uzumaki in a secret place in Mt. Myouki. Because Mount Myoki is the safest place the Fourth Hokage can think of, the reason why he did not tell Jiraiya about the hiding place of Uzumaki Kushina's body shows that the Fourth Hokage never wanted to let anyone know about Uzumaki Kushina. Where is Shinai's body hidden?

 Now, Cross Country is the first person besides the Fourth Hokage to see the body of Kushina Uzumaki.

Lying in the coffin, Uzumaki Kushina was just like a living person, just lying in the coffin and falling asleep.

 When the Fourth Hokage stared at Uzumaki Kushina, there was obviously a somewhat sad look in his eyes. But not long after being sad, the Fourth Hokage saw Cross Country's hand slowly falling on Uzumaki Kushina's head. He found that Cross Country had his eyes closed. The Fourth Hokage knew that the moment he had been waiting for for a long time was finally coming. Coming.

 Sure enough!

Just when the Fourth Hokage was secretly thinking, Cross Country was suddenly using the power of his Yin Escape brand to rebuild the spiritual energy of Uzumaki Kushina!

“After devouring so many Yin Escape Brands, if I still can’t create a condensed Yin Escape Brand, then I’ve been practicing for so long in vain!”

 “Kushina-sama, I will rescue you now!”

"With you, the fourth combat force in the "Twilight" organization is equivalent to having it!"

"Give me."


Pengpai outputs the spiritual energy in his own Yin escape brand, and at the same time uses the "phaseless" ability of the Yin escape brand to imitate the spiritual energy breath of Uzumaki Kushina.

At this moment, Uzumaki Kushina should really be grateful that she handed over her Yin Escape Brand ability to Cross Country. Otherwise, let alone the sixth-stage condensed Yin Escape Brand of Cross Country, it is probably the nine-stage condensed Yin Escape Brand. It would be impossible for Cross Country to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki. After all, a person's spiritual energy has almost completely disappeared. It is absolutely impossible for him to be resurrected and compete with the God of Death just by relying on his knowledge of the secret arts of escape.

 The next second.

Just when Xue Xue shouted the word "condensation" in his heart while maintaining a steady output of the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand


  A condensed Yin Escape brand suddenly floated in Uzumaki Kushina's mind.

  However, when off-roading helped Kushina Uzumaki complete the condensation of the Yin Escape Brand, a faint bitter smile appeared on the corner of off-roading.

 “Did it fail?”

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